Source code for admit.util.ImPlot
#!/usr/bin/env casarun
""" .. _ImPlot-api:
**ImPlot** --- Simple image plotter.
This module defines the ImPlot class.
from AbstractPlot import AbstractPlot
import os
import PlotControl
import casautil
[docs]class ImPlot(AbstractPlot):
Basic ADMIT image plotter that uses casa calls to create figures.
- uses CASA imview
- plot modes and plot types as in util.PlotControl
- keeps track of figure number
- make thumbnails if requested
See Also
def __init__(self,pmode=None,ptype=None,figno=None,abspath=""):
# @todo figno given here really must be figno-1 since every
# method increments it. probably should start static at 1 and
# increment AFTER plt is made.
[docs] def plotter(self, figname, rasterfile=None, contourfile=None,
colorwedge=False, thumbnail=True, zoom=1):
"""Image plotter
figname : str
Root of output file name. An extension matching the plot
type will be appended. For instance, for, figname='fig'
and plottype=PlotControl.PNG, the output file is 'fig.png'
rasterfile : str
Image file to use as raster map. Optional if contourfile is given.
contourfile : str
Image file to use as contour map. Contours will be overlaid on
rasterfile if both are given. Optional if rasterfile is given.
colorwedge : boolean
True - show color wedge, False - don't show color wedge
thumbnail : boolean
If True, create a thumbnail when creating an output figure.
Thumbnails will have '_thumb' appended for file root.
For instance, if the output file is 'fig.png', the thumbnail
will be 'fig_thumb.png'. Note: only PNG format is currently
supported (matplotlib restriction, Exception raised otherwise).
zoom : int
Image zoom ratio.
self.__class__.figno = self.__class__.figno + 1
if self._abspath != "":
figname = self._abspath + figname
if rasterfile: rasterfile = self._abspath + rasterfile
if contourfile: contourfile = self._abspath + contourfile
figname = figname + PlotControl.mkext(self._plot_type,True)
self._figurefiles[self.__class__.figno] = figname
if self._plot_mode != PlotControl.NOPLOT:
#print "%s figno=%d figname=%s rasterfile=%s" % (self.__class__.__name__,self.__class__.figno,figname,rasterfile)
if thumbnail: self.makeThumbnail(self.__class__.figno)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os.path
import sys
import PlotControl
abspath = os.getenv("ADMIT")+os.sep+"data"
# nb interactive won't show with casarun because --nogui!
# use casapy -c
a1 = ImPlot(pmode=PlotControl.INTERACTIVE,ptype=PlotControl.PNG,figno=10,abspath=abspath)
if os.path.exists(a1._abspath+rasterfile):
print "## Exception: Could not find file: %s" % a1._abspath+rasterfile