Source — Astronomical source metadata.

This module defines the Source class for SOURCE entries in BDPs.

class admit.util.Source.Source(**keyval)[source]

Class for holding information on a specific source.


keyval : dict

Dictionary of keyword:value pairs.


name (str) Name/Label of the source. Default: “”.
ra (string) Right Ascension, in CASA hms notation.
dec (string) Declination, in CASA hms notation.
flux (float) Total flux of source, in Jy.
peak (float) Peak value at the center, in Jy/beam.
major (float) Major axis of the fitted gaussian. This will include the beam.
minor (float) Minor axis of the fitted gaussian. This will include the beam.
pa (float) Position angle of the beam, east from north, in degrees.


getkey(key) Method to get a data member by name
isequal(source) Experimental method to compare 2 sources
setkey([name, value]) set keys, two styles are possible:

Experimental method to compare 2 sources


source : Source

The source to compare this one to.


Boolean whether or not the two classes contain the same data.