Examples of various rst directives¶
import parser
b = parser.Parser("myfile.xml")
def my_function():
"just a test"
print 8/2
end example.
Include a python file:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 | #! /usr/bin/env casarun
# admit4.py : example flow to read in an ascii spectrum and run it through LineSegments and LineID
# The spectrum needs freq (in GHz) in col1 and intensity (arbitrary units) in col5.
# Usage: $ADMIT/admit/test/admit4.py [options] spectrum.tab
# this will create a spectrum.admit directory with all the BDP's and associated data products inside.
# Note that the current ADMIT will create files like testCubeSpectrum.tab, testCubeStats.tab and
# testPVCorr.tab inside the .admit directory for you to run them through admit4.py
# A typical run with 100 channels takes about 10" (fair amount of casa overhead,
# even though none is used here; cpu in the 3 tasks is only little over 4")
# time $ADMIT/admit/test/admit4.py --alias x testCubeSpectrum.tab > testCubeSpectrum.tab.log
# 7.584u 2.345s 0:10.15 97.7% 0+0k 0+2584io 0pf+0w
# TIMING : Dtime: CubeSpectrum END [ 0.294537 0.4536109]
# TIMING : Dtime: LineSegment END [ 2.14727 2.17343116]
# TIMING : Dtime: LineID END [ 2.105823 2.14143705]
# Options:
# -a alias (doesn't actually work)
# -r apar_file
# -o output_dir
# -s stop_label
# @todo make it also understand bdp's
# =================================================================================================================
# python system modules
import sys, os, math
import argparse as ap
import admit
version = '30-mar-2016'
# ===>>> set some parameters for this run <<<=================================================================
# !!! do not change these defaults, these are meant to be our desired defaults !!!
# !!! in an ideal universe. Instead, use the commented section below to enable !!!
# !!! them, or add your favorites to some new value to experiment with. !!!
file = '' # the default FITS input name to be ingested (basename is used for apar file)
alias = '' # -a --alias : use a short alias instead of the possibly long basename?
apar = '' # -r --apar: add this apar as well (file.apar is also checked for)
out = '' # -o --out: alternative output admit name (instead of file.admit)
stop = '' # -s --stop: early labeled bailout ('ingest', ...)
plot = 't' #
vlsr = 0.0 # either set it below, or make get_vlsr() to work (else vlsr=0 will be used)
plotmode = admit.PlotControl.BATCH # NOPLOT, BATCH, INTERACTIVE, SHOW_AT_END
plottype = admit.PlotControl.PNG # PNG, JPG, etc.
loglevel = 10 # 10=DEBUG, 15=TIMING 20=INFO 30=WARNING 40=ERROR 50=FATAL
doClean = True
lineUID = False # if True, this would run LineID(identifylines=False) [old relic]
linepar = () # if set, (numsigma,minchan,maxgap)
llsmooth = [] # smooothing for LineSegment and LineID
iterate = True #
csub = None # or 0,1,2,....
online = False
tier1width = 0.0 #
reflist = 'etc/co_lines.list' # pick one from $ADMIT/etc
#-------------------- command line parsing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @todo cannot overload casa, it parses first (e.g. -c)
sys.argv = admit.utils.casa_argv(sys.argv)
parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description='Process a single FITS continuum and optional PB correction')
parser.add_argument('-a','--alias' ,nargs=1, help='Alias')
parser.add_argument('-o','--out' ,nargs=1, help='Optional output admit directory basename, instead derived from file')
parser.add_argument('-r','--apar' ,nargs=1, help='ADMIT parameter file (in addition to "file.apar"')
parser.add_argument('-s','--stop' ,nargs=1, help='early bailout label')
parser.add_argument('file' ,nargs=1, help='FITSMap (or CASA image, or MIRIAD image)')
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + version)
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
if args['file'] != None: file = args['file'][0]
if args['alias'] != None: alias = args['alias'][0]
if args['apar'] != None: apar = args['apar'][0]
if args['out'] != None: out = args['out'][0]
if args['stop'] != None: stop = args['stop'][0]
admit.utils.assert_files([file]) # this will halt the script if something doesn't exist
#if plot == "f":
# plotmode=admit.PlotControl.NONE
#------------------------------------------------------- start of script -----------------------------------------------
# announce version
print 'ADMIT4: Version ',version
# do the work in a proper ".admit" directory
adir = admit.utils.admit_dir(file,out)
# dirty method, it really should check if adir is an admit directory
if doClean and adir != file:
print "Removing previous results from ",adir
os.system('rm -rf %s' % adir)
# parse apar file(s) first, overwriting local apar variables
for ap1 in ['admit4.apar', file+".apar", apar]: # loop over 3 possible apar files, set parameters
if ap1 != "" and os.path.isfile(ap1):
print "Found parameter file ",ap1
a = admit.Project(adir,name='Testing ADMIT4 style pipeline - version %s' % version,create=create,loglevel=loglevel)
if a.new:
print "Starting a new ADMIT using ",file
cmd = 'cp -a %s %s' % (sys.argv[0],adir)
for ap in ['admit4.apar', file+".apar", apar]: # loop over 3 possible apar files
if ap != "" and os.path.isfile(ap):
print "Found parameter file ",ap
os.system('cp %s %s' % (ap,adir))
print "All done, we just read an existing admit.xml and it should do nothing"
print "Use admit0.py to re-run inside of your admit directory"
sys.exit(0) # doesn't work in IPython!
# Default ADMIT plotting environment
# GenerateSpectrum
# here we use a little backdoor in GenerateSpectrum_AT that reads in
# a spectrum
gs1 = a.addtask(admit.GenerateSpectrum_AT(file=file,seed=-1,alias=alias))
gstab1 = (gs1,0)
if stop == 'generate': a.exit(1)
# LineSegment
ls1 = a.addtask(admit.LineSegment_AT(),[gstab1])
if len(linepar) > 0:
a[ls1].setkey('minchan', linepar[1])
a[ls1].setkey('maxgap', linepar[2])
lstab1 = (ls1,0)
if stop == 'segment': a.exit(1)
# LineID
ll1 = a.addtask(admit.LineID_AT(),[gstab1])
if len(linepar) > 0:
a[ll1].setkey('minchan', linepar[1])
a[ll1].setkey('maxgap', linepar[2])
if lineUID:
lltab1 = (ll1,0)
# finish off !
end include

A figure

Figure 1: The connection in this diagram connects two ATs, a1 and a2, inside a single project p0. The output BDP of a1 is an input BDP of a2, i.e., b1≡b2. A given output BDP may be the input to an arbitrary number of ATs, but can be the output one and only one AT. For virtual projects, the first and fourth indices in the tuple, i1 and i2, would differ.
Notes, See Also, Todo¶
This is a note box. I have found that you have to end the note with a ”..” comment indicator on the following line or the note absorbed everything below it at the same indent level.
Normal text here.
Design Style AT1¶
A description of purpose of this AT.
Use Case
At least one example use case that demonstrates how this AT fits in a typical flow.
Input BDPs
Description of input BDP(s), but note that the detailed contents of the BDPs are described elsewhere.
- SomeName1_BDP - bla bla
- SomeName2_BDP - bla bla
Input Keywords
Description of required and optional keywords.
- key1 - bla bla
- key2 - bla bla
Output BDPs
Description of output BDP(s), and their optional output graphics. The naming convention of output BDP(s) is also useful to add here, as they are normally automated (some AT’s allow you to set them explicitly).
- SomeName1_BDP - bla bla
- SomeName2_BPD - bla bla
The procedure the AT uses to achieve its goals.
CASA Tasks Used
What CASA tasks (or tools) it uses.
- task1 - bla bla
- task2 - bla bla
- tool3 - bla bla
Design Style AT2¶
Some description.
Use Case
Some use case
Input BDPs
- SomeName1 - bla bla
- SomeName2 - bla bla
Input Keywords
- key1 - bla bla
- key2 - bla bla
Output BDPs
- SomeName1 - bla bla
- SomeName1 - bla bla
The procedure
CASA Tasks Used
- task1 - bla bla
- task2 - bla bla
User Guide Examples¶
And here we will add some user guide examples.
See also
This is a see-also box.
This is a to-do box. (why is it not in a box??)