""" .. _XML-writer-api:
XmlWriter --- Converts in-memory ADMIT objects to XML format.
This module defines the main XML writer class for ADMIT.
# system imports
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
import numpy as np
import copy
import textwrap
# ADMIT imports
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.util import UtilBase
[docs]class XmlWriter(object):
""" XML Writer class.
Class for writing out xml instances of both ATs and BDPs.
clss : various
The class to be written out in XML.
order : list
The order items are written in.
btype : dict
Dictionary of the data type for each item.
root : elementtree node
The root node to attach to.
keys : list
A list of the keywords for an AT.
Default: None.
def __init__(self, clss, order, btype, root, keys=None):
self.writexml(clss, order, btype, root, keys)
[docs] def write(self, attr, item, btype, root, typ):
""" Method to write out an individual item to XML
attr : various
The value of the item to write out
item : str
The name of the item to write out
btype : dict
Dictionary of the data types for each item
root : elementtree
The root node to attach to
typ : str
String containing the type of class being written out. Used only
for error messages
# if it is a table, line, or image they have their own routines
# else treat each data type appropriately
if isinstance(attr, UtilBase):
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
if attr._type.upper() == bt.MULTIIMAGE:
field.set("type", bt.MULTIIMAGE)
for k, v in attr.mimages.iteritems():
self.write(v, bt.IMG, btype, field, v._type)
field.set("type", attr._type.upper())
for item in attr._order:
attrib = getattr(attr, item)
self.write(attrib, item, btype, field, attr._type)
elif isinstance(attr, bool):
if btype[item] != bt.BOOL:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "BOOL", btype[item]))
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
field.set("type", bt.BOOL)
if attr:
field.text = "1"
field.text = "0"
elif isinstance(attr, float):
if btype[item] != bt.FLOAT:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "FLOAT", btype[item]))
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
field.set("type", bt.FLOAT)
field.text = repr(attr)
elif isinstance(attr, dict):
if btype[item] != bt.DICT:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "DICT", btype[item]))
nd = []
st = []
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
for k, v in attr.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
attr[k] = np.ndarray.tolist(v)
elif isinstance(v, set):
attr[k] = list(v)
field.set("type", bt.DICT)
field.set("ndarray", str(nd))
field.set("set", str(st))
temptext = str(attr)
tt = ""
tlist = textwrap.wrap(temptext, width=10000)
for l in tlist:
tt += l + "\n"
field.text = tt
elif isinstance(attr, int):
if btype[item] != bt.INT:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "INT", btype[item]))
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
field.set("type", bt.INT)
field.text = str(attr)
elif isinstance(attr, list):
if btype[item] != bt.LIST:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "LIST", btype[item]))
nd = []
st = []
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
for i in range(0, len(attr)):
if isinstance(attr[i], np.ndarray):
attr[i] = np.ndarray.tolist(attr[i])
elif isinstance(attr[i], set):
attr[k] = list(attr[i])
field.set("type", bt.LIST)
field.set("ndarray", str(nd))
field.set("set", str(st))
temptext = str(attr)
tt = ""
tlist = textwrap.wrap(temptext, width=10000)
for l in tlist:
tt += l + "\n"
field.text = tt
elif isinstance(attr, long):
if btype[item] != bt.LONG:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "LONG", btype[item]))
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
field.set("type", bt.LONG)
field.text = str(attr)
elif isinstance(attr, str):
if btype[item] != bt.STRING:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "STRING", btype[item]))
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
field.set("type", bt.STRING)
temptext = attr
tt = ""
tlist = textwrap.wrap(temptext, width=10000)
for l in tlist:
tt += l + "\n"
field.text = tt
elif isinstance(attr, tuple):
if btype[item] != bt.TUPLE:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "TUPLE", btype[item]))
nd = []
st = []
temp = []
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
for i in range(0, len(attr)):
if isinstance(attr[i], np.ndarray):
elif isinstance(attr[i], set):
field.set("ndarray", str(nd))
field.set("set", str(st))
field.set("type", bt.TUPLE)
temptext = str(attr)
tt = ""
tlist = textwrap.wrap(temptext, width=10000)
for l in tlist:
tt += l + "\n"
field.text = tt
elif isinstance(attr, np.ndarray):
if btype[item] != bt.NDARRAY:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "NDARRAY", btype[item]))
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
attr = np.ndarray.tolist(attr)
field.set("type", bt.NDARRAY)
temptext = str(attr)
tt = ""
tlist = textwrap.wrap(temptext, width=10000)
for l in tlist:
tt += l + "\n"
field.text = tt
elif isinstance(attr, set):
if btype[item] != bt.SET:
raise Exception("Improper type for data member %s in %s, it is a %s, but must be a %s" % (item, typ, "SET", btype[item]))
attr = list(attr)
nd = []
st = []
field = et.SubElement(root, item)
for i in range(0, len(attr)):
if isinstance(attr[i], np.ndarray):
attr[i] = np.ndarray.tolist(attr[i])
elif isinstance(attr[i], set):
attr[k] = list(attr[i])
field.set("type", bt.SET)
field.set("ndarray", str(nd))
field.set("set", str(st))
temptext = str(attr)
tt = ""
tlist = textwrap.wrap(temptext, width=10000)
for l in tlist:
tt += l + "\n"
field.text = tt
raise Exception("Unknown type %s encountered for %s" % (type(item), item))
[docs] def writexml(self, clss, order, btype, root, keys):
""" Method to loop through all data members in the dtd and write them to XML
clss : various
The class to be written out in XML
order : list
The order items are written in
btype : dict
Dictionary of the data type for each item
root : elementtree node
The root node to attach to
keys : list
A list of the keywrods for an AT
for item in order:
if item == "_keys":
attr = getattr(clss, item)
self.write(attr, item, btype, root, clss._type)
if keys is not None:
keyroot = et.SubElement(root, "_keys")
keyroot.set("type", bt.DICT)
tkeys = getattr(clss, "_keys")
for item in keys:
attr = tkeys[item]
self.write(attr, item, btype, keyroot, clss._type)