Source code for admit.xmlio.Parser

""" .. _Parser-api:

    Parser --- Converts an ADMIT project on disk to in-memory objects.

    This module is for parsing the input xml files, both admit.xml and the
    general bdp xml files.


# system imports
from xml import sax
import copy
import os

# ADMIT imports
from admit.xmlio.AdmitParser import AdmitParser
from admit.xmlio.ErrorHandler import ErrorHandler
from admit.xmlio.BDPReader import BDPReader
from admit.AT import AT
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
from admit.util import utils

[docs]class Parser(object): """ Main XML parsing class. This class parses the main xml file (usually admit.xml) and reads in all AT and ADMIT data. It then searches for all BDP's in the working directory and subdirectories. These BDP files are then parsed and added to their parent ATs. Parameters ---------- base : ADMIT Instance of the base ADMIT class to add everything to. No Default. baseDir : str The root directory of the admit tree. Default: "" (current dirctory). xmlFile : str The root admit xml file to parse. Default: "". Attributes ---------- xmlFile : str String for the xml file to parse. parser : SAX parser The parser to use. admit : ADMIT The instance of the ADMIT class to add everything to. baseDir : str The root directory for working. tasks : List A list of all AT's found. userData : dict Dictionary for user data. summaryData : dict Summary data. flowmanager : FlowManager Temporary FM for reading in the data. projmanager: dict Project ID to base directory map. """ def __init__(self, base, baseDir="", xmlFile=""): self.xmlFile = xmlFile self.parser = sax.make_parser() # initialize the parser self.admit = base self.baseDir = baseDir self.tasks = None self.userData = None self.summaryData = None self.flowmanager = None self.projmanager = None
[docs] def getTasks(self): """ Return the list of AT's that have been read in Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- List List of the AT's from the xml file """ return self.tasks
[docs] def getflowmanager(self): """ Return the local copy of the FlowManager Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- FlowManager Copy of the local FlowManager that was read in from XML. """ return self.flowmanager
[docs] def getSummary(self): """ Return the local copy of the summaryData Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- summaryData Copy of the local summaryData that was read in from XML. """ return self.summaryData
[docs] def addBDPtoAT(self, bdp): """ Method to add a BDP to an AT. The AT is not specified, but the _taskid attribute of the BDP is used to identify the necessary AT. Parameters ---------- bdp : BDP Any valid BDP, to be added to an existing AT. Returns ------- None """ found = False cp = copy.deepcopy(bdp) # find the AT we need for at in self.tasks: # see if the ID's match if at._taskid == bdp._taskid: found = True # set the base directory of the BDP cp.baseDir(at.baseDir()) # add it to the correct slot at._bdp_out[at._bdp_out_map.index(cp._uid)] = cp break if not found:"##### Found orphaned BDP with type %s in file %s" % \ (bdp._type, bdp.xmlFile))
[docs] def parse(self, doParse=True): """ Method that controls the parsing flow. First reads in the root xml file and then any BDP files that were found. Parameters ---------- doParse : Boolean Whether or not to actually parse the XML Default: True Returns ------- None """ if self.xmlFile is not None: # set up the parser, error handler,a nd content handler contentHandler = AdmitParser(self.baseDir, self.baseDir + self.xmlFile) contentHandler.setadmit(self.admit) errorHandler = ErrorHandler() self.parser.setContentHandler(contentHandler) self.parser.setErrorHandler(errorHandler) if doParse: # parse admit.xml self.parser.parse(open(self.baseDir + self.xmlFile)) # get all of the bits and assemble the admit class content self.tasks = contentHandler.getAT() self.flowmanager = contentHandler.getflowmanager() self.projmanager = contentHandler.projmanager self.summaryData = contentHandler.summaryData files = utils.getFiles(self.baseDir) for fl in files: # search for all BDP's and load them BDPreader = BDPReader(fl) # return the generated BDP class self.addBDPtoAT( for at in self.tasks: if not at.getProject(): at.baseDir(self.baseDir) at.checkfiles()