Source code for admit.xmlio.BDPReader
""" .. _BDPReader-api:
BDPReader --- Converts BDP in XML format to in-memory BDP object.
This module defines the BDPReader class.
#system imports
from xml import sax
import os
# ADMIT imports
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
import admit.util.utils as utils
from admit.xmlio.AdmitParser import AdmitParser
from admit.xmlio.ErrorHandler import ErrorHandler
[docs]class BDPReader(object):
""" Class to read in a bdp file (xml style) and convert it to a BDP object in memory. Only the
name of the bdp file (including any relative or absolute path) needs to be specified. The
given file will be passed to the AdmitParser where it will be parsed. The resulting data
will be inserted into a BDP object of the appropriate type (type is determined by the
contents of the bdp file). The BDP object is the returned.
file : str
File name (including any relative or absolute path) of the bdp file to be parsed and
converted to a BDP object.
Default : None.
File name (including any relative or absolute path) of the bdp file to be parsed and
converted to a BDP object.
def __init__(self, file=None):
self.file = file
[docs] def read(self, file=None):
""" Method to convert a bdp file to a BDP object. Only the file name (including relative
or absolute path) needs to be given. The file is then parsed and the data inserted into
the appropriate BDP object. The type of BDP is determined from the data in the bdp file
itself. The resulting BDP object is returned.
file : str
File name (including any relative or absolute path) of the bdp file to be parsed and
converted to a BDP object.
Default : None
BDP object of appropriate type based on the given input file.
# error check the input
if self.file is None:
if file is not None:
self.file = file
raise Exception("File name must be specified.")
# see if a path was also given with the file name, if not the used the current working
# directory
sloc = self.file.rfind("/")
if sloc == -1:
basedir = os.getcwd()
else :
basedir = self.file[:sloc]
# instanstiate a parser
BDPparser = sax.make_parser()
BDPContentHandler = AdmitParser(basedir, self.file)
# set the handlers
# parse the file, craeting the appropriate BDP object
# return the BDP object
return BDPContentHandler.getBDP()