Source code for admit.util.utils

""" **utils** --- Generic (CASA-independent) utilities module.

    This module contains utility functions that do NOT rely on CASA.
import shutil
import os
import time
import tempfile
import fnmatch
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import importlib
import math
import subprocess
from admit.util.Segments import Segments 

from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
import admit.version as version

# Sphinx crashes on scipy even when listed in autodoc_mock_imports.
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    import scipy
    print "WARNING: No scipy; some utilities will not function."

ndarray = np.array(0)
# speed of light in km/s
c = 299792.458

ostype = None

# atomic weights (just an integer) for calculations in line finding
wts = {"He" : 4,
       "Li" : 6,
       "Be" : 9,
       "Ne" : 20,
       "Na" : 23,
       "Mg" : 24,
       "Al" : 27,
       "Si" : 28,
       "Cl" : 35,
       "Ar" : 40,
       "Ca" : 40,
       "Sc" : 45,
       "Ti" : 48,
       "Cr" : 52,
       "Mn" : 55,
       "Fe" : 56,
       "Co" : 59,
       "Ni" : 59,
       "Cu" : 63,
       "Zn" : 65,
       "H"  : 1,
       "D"  : 2,
       "B"  : 11,
       "C"  : 12,
       "N"  : 14,
       "O"  : 16,
       "F"  : 19,
       "P"  : 31,
       "S"  : 32,
       "K"  : 39,
       "V"  : 51

# A common location for the linelist column headers and units.
# This is used by LineList_BDP and LineSegment_BDP, which we do not
# want to get out of sync!  LineSegment_BDP may in the future
# add columns, but it will always have at least these.

linelist_columns =  [
    "frequency", "uid", "formula", "name", "transition", 
    "velocity", "El", "Eu", "linestrength", "peakintensity", 
    "peakoffset", "fwhm", "startchan", "endchan", "peakrms", 
    "blend", "force"

linelist_units = [
    "GHz", "", "", "", "", 
    "km/s", "K", "K", "D^2", "Jy/beam", 
    "km/s", "km/s", "", "", "", 

_admit_root = None

[docs]def admit_root(path = None): """ Return the root directory of the ADMIT environment Typically in ADMIT/etc there are files needed by certain functions and other TBD locations. For now we are using getenv(), but in deployment this may not be the case. Parameters ---------- path : string Optional path appended to the ADMIT root Returns ------- String containing the absolute address of the admit root directory, with the optional path appended """ global _admit_root if _admit_root != None: return _admit_root # try the old style developer environment first _admit_root = os.getenv("ADMIT") if _admit_root == None: # try the dumb generic way; is that safe to reference from __file__ ??? _admit_root = version.__file__.rsplit('/',2)[0] if _admit_root[0] != '/': logging.warning("ADMIT_ROOT is a relative address") # @tdodo shouldn't that be a fatal error # print "_ADMIT_ROOT=",_admit_root if path == None: return _admit_root return _admit_root + '/' + path
[docs]def admit_dir(file, out=None): """ create the admit directory name from a filename This filename can be a FITS file (usually with a .fits extension or a directory, which would be assumed to be a CASA image or a MIRIAD image. If out is set and non-blank, this (+.admit) will be the output name, overriding file It can be an absolute or relative address x.fits -> x.admit x.fits.gz -> x.admit x.admit -> x.admit (+warning) x -> x.admit """ if out != None and len(out)>0: return out loc = file.rfind('.') ext = '.admit' if loc < 0: return file + ext else: if file[loc:] == ext: print "Warning: assuming a re-run on existing ",file return file if file[loc:] == '.gz': loc = file[:loc].rfind('.') if loc < 0: print "Warning: ill format short filename ",file return file return file[:loc] + ext
[docs]def assert_files(files): """Assert that files exist, if not, throw an exception Parameters ---------- files : list Files to be checked Returns ------- None """ for f in files: if len(f) == 0: continue if not os.path.exists(f): raise Exception,"File %s does not exist" % f
#@TODO why do we have a wrapper for a one-line python library call? # because the default is to fail if there are errors, we want to supress # these, hence the convenience wrapper that automatically adds the # error supression
[docs]def rmdir(dir): """ Remove a directory. Calls shutil.rmtree and errors are supressed Parameters ---------- dir : str Directory to be deleted Returns ------- None """ shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=True)
[docs]def rm(file): """ Remove a file Parameters ---------- file : str File to be deleted Returns ------- None """ try: os.remove(file) # if the file doesn't exist don't worry about it except OSError: pass
[docs]def remove(item): """ Remove a file or directory. The method determines if it is a file or directory and removes it appropriately. Parameters ---------- item : str Item to be deleted Returns ------- None """ # if it is a file if(os.path.isfile(item)): rm(item) # if it is a directory elif(os.path.isdir(item)): rmdir(item)
[docs]def rename(item1, item2): """ Rename a file or directory, but ensuring the destination is removed first Parameters ---------- item1 : string Source file/directory name item2 : string Destination file/directory name Returns ------- None """ # make sure the destination does not exist remove(item2) # rename the item shutil.move(item1, item2)
[docs]def getClass(typ, name, init=None): """ Get an instance of an ADMIT class Parameters ---------- typ : str package name, e.g. 'at' or 'bdp', 'admit.' wil be prepended to this. name : str The name of the class to retrieve, must have proper capitalization init : dict Initialization parameters. Default: None Returns ------- An instance of the requested class """ # prepend admit to the name path = "admit." + typ # import the module module = importlib.import_module(path) # Normally, "import admit" has brought the class names # up to the top level... #print "##getClass(%s,%s) got module %s" % (typ,name,module) if hasattr(module,name): if init is None: return getattr(module, name)() # ...However, when running dtdGenerator, new files # are created and imported, but not yet promoted to the top # level, so we must check the original "unpromoted" class path. else: path = "admit." + typ + "." + name #print "##trying getClass(%s)" module = importlib.import_module(path) if init is None: # get the class with default parameters return getattr(module, name)() # if init != None in both cases # get the class with the given parameters return getattr(module, name)(**init)
[docs]def add_new_bdp(): """ Method to add a new BDP to the ADMIT infrastructure. Alternatively, the command line tool dtdGenerator can be used. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ # import and run the dtdGenerator, it takes care of everything import admit.xmlio.dtdGenerator as dtd dtd.generate()
[docs]def add_new_at(): """ Method to add a new AT to the ADMIT infrastructure. Alternatively, the command line tool dtdGenerator can be used. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ # import and run the dtdGenerator, it takes care of everything import admit.xmlio.dtdGenerator as dtd dtd.generate()
[docs]def find_files(directory, pattern): """ Find files with a given pattern down a directory tree. This is a generator function. Parameters ---------- directory : str Root directory to start search pattern : str Pattern to match Returns -------- list of file names Examples -------- find_files(\'/tmp/a\', \'\*.fits\') See Also -------- Admit.find_files() which works exclusively within the current admit tree """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for basename in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): filename = os.path.join(root, basename) yield filename
[docs]def tmp_file(prefix, tmpdir='/tmp'): """ Create a temporary file in /tmp. Parameters ---------- prefix : str starting name of the filename in <tmpdir>/<pattern> tmpdir Returns ------- Unique filename """ fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=prefix,dir=tmpdir,delete='false') name = fd.close() return name
[docs]def on_error_retry(exception, callback, timeout=2, timedelta=.1): """ A generic method for doing retries with timeout. Parameters ---------- exception : Exception An Exception class to handle exceptions from the callback. callback : function The callback method to invoke timeout : float timeout in seconds before giving up. default: 2 timedelta : float number of seconds to sleep before retries. default: 0.1 Examples -------- >>> for retry in on_error_retry(SomeSpecificException, do_stuff): >>> retry() @todo: a better reference should be given, per our discussion in mid Sepetember stolen from stackoverflow. """ end_time = time.time() + timeout while True: try: yield callback break except exception: if time.time() > end_time: raise elif timedelta > 0: time.sleep(timedelta)
[docs]def freqtovel(freq, delta): """ Method to convert between offset frequency and offset velocity Parameters ---------- freq : float The base frequency delta : float The change in frequency Returns ------- The offset velocity (in km/s) corresponding to the frequency shift. """ global c return c * (delta / freq)
[docs]def veltofreq(vel, freq): """ Method to convert between offset velocity and offset frequency Parameters ---------- vel : float The offset velocity freq : float The base frequency Returns ------- The offset frequency corresponding to the velocity shift. """ global c return freq * (vel / c)
[docs]def undoppler(sky, vel): """ Method to convert from sky frequency to source rest frequency Parameters ---------- sky : float, list, or numpy array The sky frequency vel : float The source vlsr in km/s Returns ------- The input value converted to rest frequency, in the same form that the input was given. If the the absolute value of the input velocity is less than 1E-8 km/s (0.01 cm/s), it is assumed to be zero and 'sky' is returned. """ if abs(vel) < 1E-8: return sky global c # if it is a float or numpy array we can just do the math if isinstance(sky, float) or isinstance(sky, np.ndarray): return sky / (1.0 - (vel / c)) # if it is a list then it has to be done entry by entry elif isinstance(sky, list): for f in range(len(sky)): sky[f] = undoppler(sky[f], vel) return sky else: raise Exception("Invalid type given for input data to undopper, must be of type float, list, or numpy array, %s was given." % (str(type(sky))))
[docs]def ztovrad(z): """ Convert (optical) z to the linear radio convention recession velocity """ global c return c * z / (1.0+z)
[docs]def interpolatespectrum(spec, left=0.0, right=0.0): """ Method to interpolate over bad points in a spectrum. Bad points generally come from masked pixels in an image. On read in these show up as exactly 0.0 or +/-inf, or nan in the spectrum. Edge channels that are bad are just converted to 0.0. Parameters ---------- spec : numpy array The input spectrum to process left : float The value to assign bad edge channels to on the left side of the spectrum. Defualt: 0.0 right : float The value to assign bad edge channels to on the right side of the spectrum. Defualt: 0.0 Returns ------- A numpy array with the same length as the input with nan values converted to iterpolated values between good points, and bad edge values. """ # set all 0.0 values to NaN's spec[spec == 0.0] = np.nan # find out which ones are not NaN's not_nan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(spec)) indices = np.arange(len(spec)) # do the interpolation, ignoring all those that are NaN's return np.interp(indices, indices[not_nan], spec[not_nan], left=left, right=right)
[docs]def iscloseinE(v1, v2): """ Method to determine if two spectral lines are very close in energy Parameters ---------- v1 : float Energy of first transition. v2 : float Energy of second transition Returns ------- True/False whether or not the energies are very close """ return (abs(v2 - v1) < 1.0) and (abs(((v2 + 0.0001) / (v1 + 0.0001)) - 1) < 0.01)
# deprecate this one in favor of 'equal'
[docs]def issameinfreq(f1, f2, relerror=0.000001): return equal(f1,f2,relerror)
[docs]def equal(f1, f2, relerror=0.000001): """ Determine if two numbers are identical within a relative margin Parameters ---------- f1 : float first number f2 : float second number relerror : float The relative error to allow between the two numbers Returns ------- True if the two numbers are near enough identical, False otherwise """ if f1 == f2: return True if f2 != 0.0: df = abs((f1 - f2) / f2) elif f1 != 0.0: df = abs((f1 - f2) / f1) else: # f1==f2==0.0 should have been caught before print f1,f2 raise Exception,"Can never happen.... really" if df <= relerror: return True return False
[docs]def rreplace(s, old, new, occurrence=1): """ Replace portion of a string (from the right side). Handy utility to change a filename extension, e.g. rreplace('a/b/c.fits', 'fits', 'im') -> 'a/b/' Parameters ---------- s : str The string to process old : str The substring to replace new : str Whet to replace the 'old' substring with occurrence : int The number of occurrences to replace Default: 1 """ li = s.rsplit(old, occurrence) return new.join(li)
[docs]def getplain(formula): """ Method to make a chemical formula more readable for embedding in filenames Examples: CH3COOHv=0 -> CH3COOH g-CH3CH2OH -> CH3CH2OH (CH3)2COv=0 -> (CH3)2CO cis-CH2OHCHOv= -> CH2OHCHO g'Ga-(CH2OH)2 -> (CH2OH)2 Parameters ---------- formula : str The chemical formula to process Returns ------- String of the more readable formula """ pos = formula.find("-") if pos != -1: if not(-1 < formula.find("C") < pos or -1 < formula.find("N") < pos \ or -1 < formula.find("O") < pos or -1 < formula.find("H") < pos): formula = formula[pos + 1:] pos = formula.find("v") if pos != -1: formula = formula[:pos] pos = formula.find("&Sigma") if pos != -1: return formula[:pos] formula = formula.replace(";","") return formula.replace("&","-")
[docs]def format_chem(form): """ Method to format a chemical formula for display, specifically adding subscripts and superscripts Parameters ---------- formula : str The chemical formula, usually obtained from splatalogue Returns ------- string containing the formatted formula """ # the isotopes and their formatted form (latex-like) isotopes = {"13C": "$^{13}$C", "12C": "C", "16O": "O", "17O": "$^{17}$O", "18O": "$^{18}$O", "14N": "N", "15N": "$^{15}$N", "6Li": "$^6$Li", "7Li": "$^7$Li", "28Si": "Si", "29Si": "$^{29}$Si", "30Si": "$^{30}$Si", "32S": "S", "33S": "$^{33}$S", "34S": "$^{34}$S", "46Ti": "$^{46}$Ti", "47Ti": "$^{47}$Ti", "48Ti": "Ti", "49Ti": "$^{49}$Ti", "50Ti": "$^{50}$Ti", "54Fe": "$^{54}$Fe", "56Fe": "Fe", "57Fe": "$^{57}$Fe", "58Fe": "$^{58}$Fe", "24Mg": "Mg", "25Mg": "$^{25}$Mg", "26Mg": "$^{26}$Mg" } # look for any ')' and append any subscripts to it for i in range(len(form) - 1, -1): if form[i] == ")": factor = form[i + 1] form = form[:i] + "$_%s$" % (factor) + form[i + 1:] # look for isomers and format them # start with the back and loop over, that way we should catch all for k, v in isotopes.iteritems(): form = form.replace(k, v) # there should be only single digit numbers now, multipliers for atoms inf = False for i in range(len(form) - 1, -1, -1): if form[i] == "$": if inf: inf = False else: inf = True if str.isdigit(form[i]) and not inf: pos = i form = form[:pos] + "$_%s$" % (form[i]) + form[pos + 1:] form = form.replace(";","") return form.replace("&","-")
[docs]def isotopecount(formula): """ Method to count the number of isotopes in a molecule Parameters ---------- formula : str The chemical formula to analyze Returns ------- An integer of the number of less common isotopes found """ # less common isotopes isotopes = ["D", # heavy H "13C", "17O", "18O", "15N", "6Li", "7Li", "29Si", "30Si", "33S", "34S", "46Ti", "47Ti", "49Ti", "50Ti", "54Fe", "57Fe", "58Fe", "25Mg", "26Mg"] # get rid of extra stuff form = formula.replace(" ", "") form = form.replace("{", "") form = form.replace("}", "") form = form.replace("^", "") form = form.replace("_", "") form = form.replace("(TopModel)", "") pos = form.find("-") if pos != -1: if not(-1 < form.find("C") < pos or -1 < form.find("N") < pos \ or -1 < form.find("O") < pos or -1 < form.find("H") < pos): form = form[pos + 1:] pos = form.find("v") if pos != -1: form = form[:pos] # look for any "(" and ")" and add any additional atoms as needed pos = form.find("(") while pos != -1: epos = form.find(")") substr = form[pos + 1:epos] factor = form[epos + 1] if factor.isdigit(): factor = form[epos + 1: epos + 3] if not factor.isdigit(): factor = form[epos + 1] else: pos = form.find("(", pos + 1) continue factor = int(factor) - 1 newstr = substr * factor form = form.replace("(", "", 1) form = form.replace(")%i" % (factor + 1), "", 1) form += newstr pos = form.find("(") # now look for any less common isotopes count = 0 for i in isotopes: count += form.count(i) return count
[docs]def getmass(formula): """ Method to calculate the rough mass of a molecule Parameters ---------- formula : str The chemical formula, usually obtained from splatalogue Returns ------- int of the rough mass """ mass = 0 isotopes = {"13C": 13, "12C": 12, "16O": 16, "17O": 17, "18O": 18, "14N": 14, "15N": 15, "6Li": 6, "7Li": 7, "28Si": 28, "29Si": 29, "30Si": 30, "32S": 32, "33S": 33, "34S": 34, "46Ti": 46, "47Ti": 47, "48Ti": 48, "49Ti": 49, "50Ti": 50, "54Fe": 54, "56Fe": 56, "57Fe": 57, "58Fe": 58, "24Mg": 24, "25Mg": 25, "26Mg": 26 } # get rid of extraneous characters form = formula.replace(" ", "") form = form.replace("{", "") form = form.replace("}", "") form = form.replace("^", "") form = form.replace("_", "") form = form.replace("(TopModel)", "") global wts pos = form.find("-") if pos != -1: if not(-1 < form.find("C") < pos or -1 < form.find("N") < pos \ or -1 < form.find("O") < pos or -1 < form.find("H") < pos): form = form[pos + 1:] pos = form.find("v") if pos != -1: form = form[:pos] # look for any "(" and ")" and add any additional atoms as needed pos = form.find("(") while pos != -1: epos = form.find(")") substr = form[pos + 1:epos] factor = form[epos + 1] if factor.isdigit(): factor = form[epos + 1: epos + 3] if not factor.isdigit(): factor = form[epos + 1] else: pos = form.find("(", pos + 1) continue factor = int(factor) - 1 newstr = substr * factor form = form.replace("(", "", 1) form = form.replace(")%i" % (factor + 1), "", 1) form += newstr pos = form.find("(") # look for isomers and remove them # start with the back and loop over, that way we should catch all while True: loc = -1 key = None for k, v in isotopes.iteritems(): l = form.rfind(k) if l > loc: loc = l key = k if loc < 0: break form = rreplace(form, key, "", 1) mass += isotopes[key] # there should be only single digit numbers now, multipliers for atoms for i in range(len(form)): pos = -1 if str.isdigit(form[i]): pos = i factor = int(form[i]) if form[i - 1].islower(): substr = form[i - 2:i] else: substr = form[i - 1] form.replace(form[i], "", 1) form += substr * (factor - 1) for k, v in wts.iteritems(): count = form.count(k) mass += count * v form = form.replace(k, "") return mass
[docs]def isexotic(species): """ Method to determine if a molecule contains an "exotic" atom. In this case an exotic atom is one that is uncommon, but possible to be detected in the right environment. Parameters ---------- species : str The chemical formula for the molecule Returns ------- True if the molecule contains an "exotic" element, False otherwise. """ exotics = ["Al", "Cl", "Mg", "Mn", "F", "Li", "Na", "K", "Ti"] for i in exotics: if i in species: return True return False
[docs]def gaussian1D(x, intensity, center, fwhm): """ Method for generating a 1D gaussian, primarily by the line fitting routine Parameters ---------- x : array like list of points to generate the gaussian for intensity : float intensity of the gaussian, arbitrary units center : float The center position (peak) of the gaussian in the same units as x fwhm : float FWHM of the gaussian in the same units as x. Recall FMWHM = 2*sqrt(2*ln(2)) sigma ~ 2.355 sigma for a gaussian with variance sigma. Returns ------- a list of intensities for the gaussian, one for each entry in x """ val = intensity * scipy.exp(-((x - center) ** 2) / (2 * ((fwhm / (2 * scipy.sqrt(2 * scipy.log(2)))) ** 2))) return val
[docs]def fitgauss1D(x, y, par=None, width=-1.0): """ Method for fitting a 1D gaussian to a spectral line Parameters ---------- x: array like The x co-ordinates of the spectrum, note the center of the spectral line should be near 0.0 if possible y: array like The y co-ordinates (intensity) of the spectrum par: array like The initial guesses for the fit parameters, the fitter works best if the center parameter is near 0.0 3 parameters: PeakY, CenterX, FWHM. width: float If positive, this is the assumed width (or step) in the x array, which is needed if only 1 point is given. Otherwise ignored. Returns ------- A tuple containing the best fit parameters (as a list) and the covariance of the parameters (also as a list) """ if len(x) == 3:"Gaussian fit attempted with only three points, look at the covariance for goodness of fit.") # if there are too few points to fit then just conserve the are of the channels to calculate the # parameters if len(x) < 3:"Gaussian fit attempted with fewer than three points (%d). Using conservation of area method to determine parameters." % len(x)) params = fitgauss1Dm(x,y,dx=width) covar = [1000.] * len(params) else: try: params, covar = curve_fit(gaussian1D, x, y, p0=par) # if the covariance cannot be determined, just return the initial values except RuntimeError, e: if "Optimal" in str(e): params = par covar = [0] * len(par) # otherwise re-raise the exception else: raise # return the results return params, covar
[docs]def fitgauss1Dm(xdat, ydat, usePeak = False, dx = -1.0): """ gaussfit helper function this will get a reasonable gauss even if you only have 2 points assumes evenly spaced data in xdat, so it can extract a width. It can be used like fitgauss1D(), but uses the first three moments of the distribution to "match" that of a gauss. area preserving if you wish. If you set usePeak, it will pick the highest value in your data. Warning: if you must fit negative profiles, be sure to rescale before you come into this routine. """ if len(xdat) == 1: # special case, it will need dx if dx < 0.0: logging.critical("Cannot determine gaussian of delta function if width not given") raise return (ydat[0], xdat[0], dx) sum0 = sum1 = sum2 = peak = 0.0 # the mean is given as the weighted mean of x for x,y in zip(xdat,ydat): if y>peak: peak = y sum0 = sum0 + y sum1 = sum1 + y*x xmean = sum1/sum0 # re-center the data for a moment-2 calculation # @todo pos/neg xdat0 = xdat - xmean for x,y in zip(xdat0,ydat): sum2 = sum2 + y*x*x sigma = math.sqrt(abs(sum2/sum0)) # equate the area under the histogram with the area under a gauss # to get the peak of the "matched" gauss dx = abs(xdat[1]-xdat[0]) # @todo use optional "dx=None" ? if not usePeak: # pick the area preserving one, vs. the "real" peak # The area preserving one seems to be about 18% higher # but with a tight correllation peak = (sum0 * dx) / math.sqrt(2*sigma*math.pi) fwhm = 2.35482 * sigma return (peak, xmean, fwhm)
[docs]def setkey(obj, key, val): """ Method to set the key of an arbitrary class. The class must have an attribute named 'keys'. The existence and data type of the given key are checked and if it does not exist, or changes data type then an exception is raised. Parameters ---------- obj : class instance The class whose key is being set key : str The name of the item to change val : varies The value to change key to Returns ------- None """ try: a = obj.keys[key] except: raise if type(obj.keys[key]) != type(val): raise Exception("Cannot change the type of a keyword. %s is a %s, not a %s" % (key, str(type(obj.keys[key])), str(type(val)))) obj.keys[key] = val
# # needed for some casarun style scripts, #
[docs]def casa_argv(argv): """ Processes casarun arguments into C-style argv list. Modifies the argv from a casarun script to a classic argv list such that the returned argv[0] is the casarun scriptname. Parameters ---------- argv : list of str Argument list. Returns ------- sargv Script name plus optional arguments Notes ----- Does not depend on CASA being present. """ if False: lines = os.popen("casarun -c","r").readlines() n = int(lines[len(lines)-1].strip()) else: n = argv.index('-c') + 1 return argv[n:]
# For some variations on this theme, e.g. time.time vs. time.clock, see # #
[docs]class Dtime(object): """ Class to help measuring the wall clock time between tagged events Typical usage: dt = Dtime() ... dt.tag('a') ... dt.tag('b') """ def __init__(self, label=".", report=True): self.start = self.time() self.init = self.start self.label = label = report self.dtimes = [] dt = self.init - self.init if logging.timing("%s ADMIT " % self.label + str(self.start)) logging.timing("%s BEGIN " % self.label + str(dt))
[docs] def reset(self, report=True): self.start = self.time() = report self.dtimes = []
[docs] def tag(self, mytag): t0 = self.start t1 = self.time() dt = t1 - t0 # get memory usage (Virtual and Resident) info mem = self.get_mem() if mem.size != 0 : dt = np.append(dt, mem) self.dtimes.append((mytag, dt)) self.start = t1 if logging.timing("%s " % self.label + mytag + " " + str(dt)) return dt
[docs] def show(self): if for r in self.dtimes: logging.timing("%s " % self.label + str(r[0]) + " " + str(r[1])) return self.dtimes
[docs] def end(self): t0 = self.init t1 = self.time() dt = t1 - t0 if logging.timing("%s END " % self.label + str(dt)) return dt
[docs] def time(self): """ pick the actual OS routine that returns some kind of timer time.time : wall clock time (include I/O and multitasking overhead) time.clock : cpu clock time """ return np.array([time.clock(), time.time()])
[docs] def get_mem(self): """ Read memory usage info from /proc/pid/status Return Virtual and Resident memory size in MBytes. """ global ostype if ostype == None: ostype = os.uname()[0].lower()"OSTYPE: %s" % ostype) scale = {'MB': 1024.0} lines = [] try: if ostype == 'linux': proc_status = '/proc/%d/status' % os.getpid() # linux only # open pseudo file /proc/<pid>/status t = open(proc_status) # get value from line e.g. 'VmRSS: 9999 kB\n' for it in t.readlines(): if 'VmSize' in it or 'VmRSS' in it : lines.append(it) t.close() else: proc = subprocess.Popen(['ps','-o', 'rss', '-o', 'vsz', '-o','pid', '-p',str(os.getpid())],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc_output = proc.communicate()[0].split('\n') proc_output_memory = proc_output[1] proc_output_memory = proc_output_memory.split() phys_mem = int(proc_output_memory[0])/1204 # to MB virtual_mem = int(proc_output_memory[1])/1024 except (IOError, OSError): if logging.timing(self.label + " Error: cannot read memory usage information.") return np.array([]) # parse the two lines mem = {} if(ostype != 'darwin'): for line in lines: words = line.strip().split() #print words[0], '===', words[1], '===', words[2] # get rid of the tailing ':' key = words[0][:-1] # convert from KB to MB scaled = float(words[1]) / scale['MB'] mem[key] = scaled else: mem['VmSize'] = virtual_mem mem['VmRSS'] = phys_mem return np.array([mem['VmSize'], mem['VmRSS']])
[docs]def get_references(filename): """ Read a *references* file , which contain two columns, one with frequencies (or any float), one with line (references), a string. They are returned as a dictionary { freq:line, ... } to be used for plotting references in e.g. APlot.makespec() Lines starting with the usual comment symbol '#' are skipped Blank lines are skipped Duplicate entries are skipped Used by e.g. LineID_AT and passed to APlot.makespec() It is recommended that the filename is relative to $ADMIT, e.g. "etc/", as for an absolute filename reference the ADMIT product is not formally portable. """ ref = {} if filename == "": return ref if filename[0] == os.sep: lines = open(filename,"r").readlines() else: lines = open(admit_root()+os.sep+filename,"r").readlines() for line in lines: if line[0] == '#': continue w = line.strip().split() if len(w) > 1: f = float(w[0]) if ref.has_key(f): print "Warning: duplicate key at reference ",f continue ref[f] = w[1] return ref
[docs]def merge(a, b): """Merge two overlapping segments together. Segments are given as a two item list of the end points. **There is no actually check that the input segments overlap or are continguous.** Parameters ---------- a : two item list One of the segments to merge b : two item list The second segment to merge Returns ------- list A list of the merged segment end points """ # There is no check that the input segments overlap or are continguous. # make sure the segment indices are [min, max] a = [min(a[0], a[1]), max(a[0], a[1])] b = [min(b[0], b[1]), max(b[0], b[1])] # merge them together return [min(a[0], b[0]), max(a[1], b[1])]
[docs]def getBDP(file): """ Convenience method to convert a bdp file into a BDP object. It calls the BDPReader class to do the work. Parameters ---------- file : str File name (including any relative or absolute path) of the bdp file to be parsed and converted to a BDP object. Returns ------- BDP object of appropriate type based on the given input file. """ # only need to import the class for this method, so do it here rather than at the top of the # module import admit.xmlio.BDPReader as bdpr reader = bdpr.BDPReader(file) return
[docs]def specingest(chan=None, freq=None, velocity=None, spec=None, file=None, separator=None, restfreq=None, vlsr=None): """ Convenience method to convert input data (either files or arrays) into a CubeSpectrum_BDP. If files are used then then the columns containing the frequency and the intensity must be given (channel numbers are optional). Any number of files can be given, but all spectra must have the same length as they are assumed to come from the same data source. Blank lines and lines starting with a comment '#' will be skipped, additionally any line with too few columns will be skipped. If arrays are used an input then both the frequency and intensity must be specified (the channel numbers are optional). Both lists and numpy arrays are accepted as inputs. Multidimmensional arrays are supported with the following parameters: + A single frequency list can be given to cover all input spectra, otherwise the shape of the frequency array must match that of the spectra + A single channel list can be given to cover all input spectra, otherwise the shape of the channel array must match that of the spectra + All spectra must have the same length If a channel array is not specified then one will be constructed with the following parameters: + The channel numbers will start at 0 (casa convention) + The first entry in the spectrum will be considered the first channel, regardless of whether the frequency array increases or decreases. Additionally, if there is velocity axis, but no frequency axis, a frequency axis can be constructed by specifying a rest frequency (restfreq), and vlsr. The convert method will return a single CubeSpectrum_BDP instance holding all input spectra along with an image of each. Parameters ---------- chan : array or int An array holding the channel numbers for the data, multidimmensional arrays are supported. If an integer is specified then it is the number of the column in the file which contains the channel numbers, column numbers are 1 based. Default: None freq : array An array holding the frequencies for the data, multidimmensional arrays are supported. If an integer is specified then it is the number of the column in the file which contains the frequencies, column numbers are 1 based. Default: None velocity : array An array holding the velocity for the data, multidimmensional arrays are supported. If an integer is specified then it is the number of the column in the file which contains the velcoties, column numbers are 1 based. If this parameter is specified then restfreq and vlsr must also be specified. Default: None spec : array An array holding the intesities of the data, multidimmensional arrays are supported. If an integer is specified then it is the number of the column in the file which contains the intensities, column numbers are 1 based. Default: None file : list or str A single file name or a list of file names to be read in for spectra. Default: None separator : str The column separator for reading in the data files. Default: None (any whitespace) restfreq : float The rest frequency to use to convert the spectra from velocity to frequency units. The rest frequency is in GHz. Default: None (no conversion done) vlsr : float The reference velocity for converting a velocity axis to frequency. The units are km/s. If this is not set then it is assumed that the vlsr is 0.0. Default: None Returns ------- CubeSpectrum_BDP instance containing all of the inpur spectra. """ # only need to import the class for this method, so do it here rather than at the top of the # module import admit.util.SpectrumIngest as si a = si.SpectrumIngest() return a.convert(chan, freq, velocity, spec, file, separator, restfreq, vlsr)
[docs]def parseversion(version): """ Method to parse a version string from an AT or a BDP to turn it into ints so it can be easily compared. Parameters ---------- version : str The string to parse Returns ------- Tuple containing the major, minor, and sub version numbers (all ints) """ # split the string into the components parse = version.split(".") # if all three components are present if len(parse) == 3: major = int(parse[0]) minor = int(parse[1]) sub = int(parse[2]) # if only two are present elif len(parse) == 2: major = int(parse[0]) minor = int(parse[1]) sub = 0 # if only one is present elif len(parse) == 1: major = int(parse[0]) minor = 0 sub = 0 else: raise Exception("Improperly formatted version string, it must conatin 1, 2, or 3 ints.") return (major, minor, sub)
[docs]def compareversions(version1, version2): """ Method to compare two version numbers or strings. The comparison is first done on the major version number, if they are the same then the minor version numbers are compared, if these are the same then the sub version numbers are compared. Returns 1 if version1 > version2, 0 if version1 == version2, and -1 if version1 < version2. Parameters ---------- version1 : str or tuple The first version to compare. If it is a string then it is converted to a tuple of ints before comparison. version2 : str or tuple The first version to compare. If it is a string then it is converted to a tuple of ints before comparison. Returns ------- Int, 1 if version1 > version2, 0 if version1 == version2, and -1 if version1 < version2. """ # check the type and convert if needed from a string to tuple if isinstance(version1, str): v1 = parseversion(version1) elif isinstance(version1, tuple): if len(version1) == 3: v1 = version1 elif len(version1) == 2: v1 = (version1[0], version1[1], 0) elif len(version1) == 1: v1 = (version1[0], 0, 0) else: raise Exception("Version must have 1, 2, or 3 elements.") else: raise Exception("Improper format for the version number, it must be a tuple or a string") # check the type and convert if needed from a string to tuple if isinstance(version2, str): v2 = parseversion(version2) elif isinstance(version2, tuple): if len(version2) == 3: v2 = version2 elif len(version2) == 2: v2 = (version2[0], version2[1], 0) elif len(version2) == 1: v2 = (version2[0], 0, 0) else: raise Exception("Version must have 1, 2, or 3 elements.") else: raise Exception("Improper format for the version number, it must be a tuple or a string") if v1[0] > v2[0]: return 1 if v1[0] < v2[0]: return -1 if v1[1] > v2[1]: return 1 if v1[1] < v2[1]: return -1 if v1[2] > v2[2]: return 1 if v1[2] < v2[2]: return -1 return 0
[docs]def getFiles(basedir): """ Generates a list of all BDP files that are in the baseDir and any subdirectories Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- List List of BDP files that need to be read in from disk """ files = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir): for f in filenames: if f.endswith(".bdp"): files.append(os.path.join(root, f)) return files
[docs]def getButton(buttonid,onclick,label): """Generates HTML for a button that will call a javascript method with the id as its argument. The button class will be *livedisplay* (see admit.css) so it only is visible in pages viewed with http. Parameters ---------- buttonid: str String for the button *id* tag onclick: str Name of the javascript method to be called via the *onclick* tag label: str Label for button that will be displayed to user Returns ------- str HTML button element """ return '<button class="livedisplay btn btn-primary" id="%s" onclick="%s(">%s</button>' % (buttonid, onclick, label)
[docs]def mergesegments(segs,nchan): """ Method to merge all input segments into a single list. Any overlaping segments are merged into one that encompases all the channels. Parameters ---------- segs : list list of Segments tuples in channel space nchan: int number of channels in parent spectrum Returns ------- merged list of segments """ segments = Segments(nchan=nchan) for seg in segs: # Segment + operator is overloaded to # allow RHS to be a list of tuples or # single tuple if type(seg) == list: for s in seg: segments += s else: segments += seg segments.merge() return segments.getsegments()