""" .. _segmentfinder:
SegmentFinder --- Top-level spectral emission segment finder.
This module defines base segment finder for ADMIT. It calls the requested segment finder.
# system imports
import math
import copy
# ADMIT imports
from admit.util import utils
[docs]class SegmentFinder(object):
""" This class is used to find segments of emission in spectra. It calls the requested
segment finder and can iterate over the inputs to find both wider weaker segments as
well as stronger narrower ones. The iteration is done by conserving the product of
numsigma * minchan. The first run keeps both values as they were input, subsequent
runs decrease the minchan by 1 and increase numsigma so that the product is conserved.
This is repeated as long as minchan > 1. The results of the iterations are merged together
and a single list of channel ranges is returned.
spectrum : array like
The input spectrum from which the segments are detected.
freq : array like
The frequency axis of the spectrum, must have the same length as
method : str
The segment finding method to use (e.g. "ADMIT", "ASAP").
minchan : int
The minimum number of channels that a segment must span.
maxgap : int
The maximum number of channels below the cutoff, to allow in the middle
of a segment. Gaps larger than this will start a new segment.
numsigma : float
The minimum number of sigma a channel must be in order to consider it part
of a segment.
iterate : bool
If True then iterate over the minchan and numsigma to detect stronger, but
narrower lines.
Default: False.
spectrum : array like
The input spectrum from which the segments are detected.
freq : array like
The frequency axis of the spectrum, must have the same length as
method : str
The segment finding method to use (e.g. "ADMIT", "ASAP").
minchan : int
The minimum number of channels that a segment must span.
maxgap : int
The maximum number of channels below the cutoff, to allow in the middle
of a segment. Gaps larger than this will start a new segment.
numsigma : float
The minimum number of sigma a channel must be in order to consider it part
of a segment.
iterate : bool
If True then iterate over the minchan and numsigma to detect stronger, but
narrower lines.
area : float
The area (numsigma * minchan) which is conserved while iterating.
def __init__(self, spectrum, freq, method, minchan, maxgap, numsigma, iterate=False,
noise=None, nomean=False):
self.spectrum = spectrum
self.freq = freq
self.method = method
self.minchan = minchan
self.numsigma = numsigma
self.maxgap = maxgap
self.iterate = iterate
self.noise = noise
self.nomean = nomean
self.area = self.numsigma * float(self.minchan)
[docs] def find(self):
""" Method to find segments in the input spectrum, using the given method.
If iterate is set to True then the segment finder is called multiple
times, each run decreasing the minchan by one and increasing numsigma
(while conserving the product of the two), until minchan = 1, then the
cycle is stopped (single channel spikes, no matter how strong, will
not be detected).
Four items: list of the segment start and end points, the cutoff, the noise
of the spectrum, and the mean of the spectrum.
results = [] # list to hold the results of each iteration
cutoff = [] # list to hold the cutoff from each iteration
noise = [] # list to hold the noise from each iteration
mean = [] # list to hold the mean from each iteration
# keep iterating as long as minchan is greater than 1
while (self.minchan > 1 and self.iterate) or (self.minchan > 0 and not self.iterate):
# find the segments with the current parameters
sfinder = utils.getClass("util.segmentfinder",
self.method + "SegmentFinder",
{"name": "Line_ID.%i.asap" % 100,
"spec": self.spectrum,
"pmin": self.numsigma,
"minchan": self.minchan,
"maxgap": self.maxgap,
"freq": self.freq,
"noise": self.noise,
"nomean": self.nomean})
min_nchan=self.minchan, box_size=0.1,
average_limit=1, noise_box="box")
# find the segments
seg, cut, noi, mn = sfinder.find()
del sfinder
# append the results
if not self.iterate:
# if not iterating then just return the results
return seg, cut, noi, mn
# decrease minchan and recompute numsigma (conserving the area)
self.minchan -= 1
self.numsigma = self.area / float(self.minchan)
# put the first results on top
# get the first results as they will be the widest
segments = results.pop()
# for each of the remaining runs merge the results
for tempsegs in results:
for seg in tempsegs:
found = False
for m in range(len(segments)):
# fully contained segment
if seg[0] >= segments[m][0] and seg[1] <= segments[m][1]:
found = True
# partial overlap of segments, then merge them
if (seg[0] > segments[m][0] and seg[0] < segments[m][1]
and (seg[1] > segments[m][1] or seg[1] < segments[m][0]))\
or (seg[1] > segments[m][0] and seg[1] < segments[m][1]
and (seg[0] > segments[m][1] or seg[0] < segments[m][0])):
seg = utils.merge(segments[m], seg)
segments[m] = copy.deepcopy(seg)
found = True
if not found:
# just add it if there is no overlap
segments.append([min(seg[0], seg[1]), max(seg[0], seg[1])])
# find the run with the lowest noise
indx = noise.index(min(noise))
# return the results
return segments, cutoff[indx], noise[indx], mean[indx]