Source code for admit.util.segmentfinder.ADMITSegmentFinder

""" .. _admitsegment:

    ADMITSegmentFinder --- Finds segments of emission within a spectrum.

    This module defines the class for spectral line segment detection.
# system imports
import math
import numpy as np
import as ma

# ADMIT imports
from admit.util import stats
from admit.util import utils
from admit.util import Segments
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging

[docs]class ADMITSegmentFinder(object): """Define segments of 'line' emission where segments from data appear to be above a threshold. This routine comes out of ASTUTE, some parameters below are hardcoded. Parameters ---------- freq : float array Frequencies, GHz. spec : float array The y component of the spectrum (arbitrary units, could be linear, could be log). f : float Robustness parameter [1.5]. pmin : float Signal above cuttoff, rmean+pmin*rstd. minchan : int Minimum number of channels needed for a line. maxgap : int Allowed channels with signal below cutoff [0]. nomean : bool Remove the mean from any noise and cutoff calculations. This is useful if PVCorr based spectra are being processed to get a correct noise level. Default: False. Returns ------- 4-tuple channel_segments[], cutoff, noise, mean """ ### ### @todo symmetrize the attributes with the vals[]list ? -> spec and nsigma not set ### def __init__(self, **keyval): self.peak = None ## self.f = 1.5 ## standard robust self.hanning = False # @todo not in vals[] self.bottom = True ## self.abs = False ## self.loglevel = 20 # @todo why it's own loglevel? do we still need this self.pvc = False ## self.freq = [] ## # self.spec = [] ## self.maxgap = 0 ## 0 the default ? self.minchan = 3 ## self.pmin = 0.0 ## 0.0 the default ? self.nomean = False ## this is the csub parameter in e.g. LineID, another beautiful double negative here self.noise = None ## # self.nsigma ## is this pmin? shouldn't nsigma be gone from the vals[] list? self.vals = ["freq", "spec", "pmin", "peak", "f", "nsigma",\ "minchan", "maxgap", "abs", "pvc", "bottom", "nomean",\ "noise"] self.set_options(**keyval)
[docs] def line_segments(self, spec, cutoff): """ Method to find segments that where lines are located [ [start1,end1], [start2,end2], ....] This function assumes you've subtracted a possible continuum (see the nomean parameter), and applied the absolute value, because this routine only segments above the cutoff. Need some explanation on the use of abs here. Parameters ---------- spec : numpy array (with a mask) The spectrum to analyze cutoff : float The cutoff to use (line segments must be higher than this value) Returns ------- List of segment start and end channels, e.g. [[10,20],[30,40]] """ def index(w, start, value): """ Method to find the index of a specific value, starting at a specified index w : list The list to search for the value start : int Index to start searching at value : The value to search for Returns ------- Int containing the matching index, or -1 if not found. """ #@todo # how about something cleaner: # try: # return w[start:].index(value)+start # except ValueError: # return -1 n = len(w) i = start while i < n: if w[i] == value: return i i = i + 1 return -1 def setval(w, start, end, value): """ Method to set a range of indices to a specific value Parameters ---------- w : list The list to modify start : int The index to start at end : int The index to end at value : varies The value to insert into to specified indicies Returns ------- None """ for i in range(start, end): w[i] = value # -- start of line_segment -- #print "PJT line_segment: ",spec.min(),spec.max(),cutoff,self.minchan,self.maxgap,self.abs s = [] # accumulate segments n = len(spec) w = range(n) # @todo use masking operations, so no loops are needed. this now should work though. if True: # here's the old one w1 = [-1] * n for i in range(n): if not self.abs and abs(spec[i]) < cutoff: w1[i] = 0 elif self.abs and spec[i] < cutoff: w1[i] = 0 else: if spec.mask[i]: w1[i] = 0 else: w1[i] = 1 #print "PJTW1:",w1 if False: # here's the new one w2 = [-1] * n if self.abs: for i in range(n): if spec.mask[i]: w2[i] = 0 continue if abs(spec[i]) < cutoff: w2[i] = 0 else: w2[i] = 1 else: for i in range(n): if spec.mask[i]: w2[i] = 0 continue if spec[i] < cutoff: w2[i] = 0 else: w2[i] = 1 sum0 = abs(np.array(w2)-np.array(w1)).sum() #print "PJTW2:",w2,sum0 # pick your method (w1 = original, w2 = peter's ) w = w1 # i0 = 0 while i0 >= 0: i1 = index(w, i0, 1) if i1 < 0: break t = index(w, i1 + 1, 1) if t - i1 > 1: i0 = i1 + 1 continue i2 = index(w, i1, 0) if i2 < 0: break i3 = index(w, i2, 1) if i3 < 0: il = i2 - i1 if il >= self.minchan: s.append([i1, i2 - 1]) break i4 = index(w, i3, 0) if i4 < 0: i4 = n - 1 # ig = i3 - i2 if (ig <= self.maxgap and i4 - i3 > self.minchan) or ig <= 1: # fill the gap, it's small setval(w, i2, i3, 1) i0 = i1 continue else: il = i2 - i1 if il >= self.minchan: s.append([i1, i2 - 1]) i0 = i2 continue return s
[docs] def set_options(self, **keyval): """ Set the options for the line finding algorithm. Parameters ---------- freq : float array Frequencies, GHz. spec : float array The y component of the spectrum (arbitrary units, could be linear, could be log) f : float Robustness parameter [1.5] pmin : float Signal above cuttoff, rmean+pmin*rstd minchan : int Minimum number of channels needed for a line maxgap : int Allowed channels with signal below cutoff [0] """ for v in self.vals: try: setattr(self, v, keyval[v]) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def find(self): """ Method that does the segment finding Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Tuple containing a list of the segments, the cutoff used, the noise level, and a mean baseline. """ if self.abs: self.spec = abs(self.spec) temp = np.zeros(len(self.spec)) #self.see = ma.masked_array(temp, mask=self.spec.mask) # parameters (some now from the function argument) logging.debug("MIN/MAX " + str(self.spec.min()) + " / " +\ str(self.spec.max())) n = len(self.spec) # data and freq assumed to be same size if self.hanning: h = np.hanning(5) / 2 # normalize the convolution array h = np.array([0.25, 0.5, 0.25]) data2 = np.convolve(self.spec, h, 'same') else: data2 = self.spec if len(data2) != len(self.freq): raise Exception("ulines: data2 and freq not same array") # do the work dr = stats.robust(data2, self.f) noise = dr.std() logging.debug("ROBUST: (mean/median/noise) " + \ str(dr.mean()) + " / " + str(ma.median(dr)) + " / " + str(noise)) #print "\n\nD2",data2,"\n" data3 = ma.masked_invalid(data2) #print "\n\nD3\n",data3,"\n" ddiff = data3[1:n] - data3[0:n-1] logging.debug("DIFF: (mean/stdev) " + str(ddiff.mean()) +\ " / " + str(ddiff.std())) #print "\n\n",ddiff,"\n",self.f,"\n" ddr = stats.robust(ddiff, self.f) logging.debug("RDIFF: (mean/median/stdev) " + \ str(ddr.mean()) + " / " + str(ma.median(ddr)) + " / " + \ str(ddr.std())) if self.bottom: # first remind the classic dmean1 = dr.mean() dstd1 = dr.std() logging.debug("CLASSIC MEAN/SIGMA: " + str(dmean1) + \ " / " + str(dstd1)) # see if we can find a better one? # k should really depend on nchan, (like an nsigma), 2-3 should be ok for most. k = 2.5 dmin = dr.min() dmax = dr.min() + 2 * k * ddr.std() / 1.414214 logging.debug("DMIN/DMAX: " + str(dmin) + " / " + \ str(dmax)) dm = ma.masked_outside(dr, dmin, dmax) dmean = max(0.0, dm.mean()) # ensure that the mean is positive or 0.0 dstd = dm.std() if self.noise is not None: cutoff = self.pmin * self.noise elif self.nomean: cutoff = self.pmin * dstd else: cutoff = dmean + self.pmin * dstd logging.debug("BETTER MEAN/SIGMA: " + str(dmean) + \ " / " + str(dstd)) else: # classic simple, but fails when robust didn't kill off (enough of) the signal # sigma will be too high, cutoff too high and you could have no lines if there # is one strong lines dmean = dr.mean() dstd = dr.std() if self.noise is not None: cutoff = self.pmin * self.noise elif self.nomean: cutoff = self.pmin * dstd else: cutoff = dmean + self.pmin * dstd logging.debug("CLASSIC MEAN/SIGMA: " + str(dmean) + \ " / " + str(dstd)) logging.debug("SEGMENTS: f=%g pmin=%g maxgap=%d minchan=%d" % \ (self.f, self.pmin, self.maxgap, self.minchan)) #print "\nDATA\n\n",data2,"\n\n" segments = self.line_segments(data2, cutoff) #print "SEGMENTS",segments nlines = len(segments) logging.debug("Found %d segments above cutoff %f" % \ (nlines, cutoff)) segp = [] rmax = data2.max() + 0.1 # + 0.05*(data2.max()-data2.min()) segp.append([self.freq[0], self.freq[n - 1], cutoff, cutoff]) segp.append([self.freq[0], self.freq[n - 1], dmean, dmean]) for (l, s) in zip(range(nlines), segments): ch0 = s[0] ch1 = s[1] sum0 = sum(data2[ch0:ch1+1]) sum1 = sum(self.freq[ch0:ch1+1] * data2[ch0:ch1+1]) sum2 = sum(self.freq[ch0:ch1+1] * self.freq[ch0:ch1+1] * data2[ch0:ch1+1]) lmean = sum1 / sum0 # this fails for weaker lines, so wrapped it in a abs lsigma = math.sqrt(abs(sum2 / sum0 - lmean * lmean)) lmax = max(data2[ch0:ch1+1]) if self.peak != None: lpeak = 1000*max(self.peak[ch0:ch1+1]) else: lpeak = max(self.spec[ch0:ch1+1]) # @todo if we ever allow minchan=1 lsigma would be 0.0.... should we adopt channel width? lfwhm = 2.355 * lsigma / lmean * utils.c logging.debug( "Line in %2d channels %4d - %4d @ %.4f GHz +/- %.4f GHz log(S/N) = %.2f FWHM %5.1f km/s %.2f" % \ (ch1 - ch0 + 1, ch0, ch1, lmean, lsigma, lmax, lfwhm, lpeak)) segp.append([self.freq[ch0], self.freq[ch1], rmax, rmax]) segp.append([lmean, lmean, rmax - 0.1, rmax + 0.05]) return Segments.Segments(segments, nchan=len(self.spec)), cutoff, dstd, dmean