Source code for admit.util.peakfinder.PeakFinder

""" .. _peakfinder:

    PeakFinder --- Peak finding with derivatives.

    This module defines a peak finding utility using the derivative of
    the spectral line profile.

import numpy as np

[docs]class PeakFinder(object): """ PeakFinder searches for spectral peaks by taking the first derivative of the spectrum and looks for zero crossings. Noise spikes are eliminated by a noise cutoff, minimum separation of points, and minimum width of lines. Parameters ---------- spec : List or numpy array The spectrum to be analyzed. x : List or numpy array, optional The x co-ordinates for the spectrum. Default: None. kwarg : Dict Any additional arguments, see the Attributes list for a complete listing. Attributes ---------- spec : numpy array The spectrum to be analyzed. x : numpy array The x co-ordinates of the spectrum. thresh : float, optional The cutoff used to determine if a peak is above the noise. The absolute value of the spectrum is compared to this so that absorption lines are also detected. Default: 0.0. min_sep : int The minimum separation between peaks in channels. Default: 5. min_width : int The minimum width of a line to consider, in channels. Default: 5. """ thresh = 0.0 min_sep = 5 min_width = 5 def __init__(self, spec, x=None, **kwarg): if isinstance(spec, list): self.spec = np.array(abs(spec), dtype=float) else: self.spec = abs(spec.astype(float)) if x is None: self.x = np.arange(float(spec.shape[0])) else: if isinstance(x, list): self.x = np.array(x, dtype=float) else: self.x = x.astype(float) for k, v, in kwarg.iteritems(): # ingore any attributes we don't have if hasattr(self, k): if type(getattr(self, k)) != type(v): raise Exception("Cannot change the type of a variable in PeakUtils. %s is of type %s, not %s." % (k, type(getattr(self, k)), type(v))) setattr(self, k, v)
[docs] def wideenough(self, pk, mult=1): """ Method to determine whether a line is wide enough, based on the given parameters. Parameters ---------- pk : int The peak to examine (in channel units) mult : int A mulitpiler to use for the noise level cutoff Default: 1 Returns ------- True of the line meets the minimum width criteria in self.min_width, False otherwise """ for i in range(2 * self.min_width): if self.spec[min(max(0, pk - self.min_width + i), len(self.spec) - 2): max(1, min(pk + i, len(self.spec) - 1))].min() > mult * self.thresh: return True # check if there is a single low channel start = max(0, pk - self.min_width) end = min(len(self.spec) - self.min_width, pk + self.min_width) for i in range(start, end + 1): if np.sort(self.spec[i: i + self.min_width])[1] > mult * self.thresh : return True return False
[docs] def find(self): """ Method to locate peaks in an input spectrum Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Numpy array containing the located peaks """ self.min_width += int(self.min_width) % 2 hw = int(self.min_width / 2) minpeaks = [] maxpeaks = [] # determine which points are above the cutoff and set flags appropriately flag = np.ones(len(self.spec), dtype=bool) flag[abs(self.spec) < self.thresh] = False #print self.spec #print flag,"\n" dx = np.diff(self.spec).tolist() # get the initial peaks for i in range(1,len(dx) - 1): if flag[i]: if self.spec[i] <= -1 * self.thresh: if dx[i] < 0.0 < dx[i + 1]: minpeaks.append(i + 1) elif dx[i] > 0.0 > dx[i - 1]: minpeaks.append(i) elif self.spec[i] >= self.thresh: if dx[i] < 0.0 < dx[i - 1]: maxpeaks.append(i) elif dx[i] > 0.0 > dx[i + 1]: maxpeaks.append(i + 1) # refine # 1. remove "false" peaks # 2. remove peaks that are too close together, favor the one with highest flux # do gaussian fit to get proper peak for i in range(len(maxpeaks) - 1, -1, -1): pk = maxpeaks[i] if self.spec[max(0, pk - hw):min(pk + hw, len(self.spec) - 1)].argmax() != hw \ or not self.wideenough(pk): del maxpeaks[i] for i in range(len(minpeaks) - 1, -1, -1): pk = minpeaks[i] if self.spec[max(0, pk - hw):min(pk + hw, len(self.spec) - 1)].argmax() != hw: del minpeaks[i] for i in range(len(maxpeaks) - 1): if abs(maxpeaks[i] - maxpeaks[i + 1]) < self.min_sep: if self.spec[maxpeaks[i]] > self.spec[maxpeaks[i + 1]]: maxpeaks[i + 1] = -10 else: maxpeaks[i] = -10 maxpeaks[:] = [x for x in maxpeaks if x >= 0] for i in range(len(minpeaks) - 1): if abs(maxpeaks[i] - maxpeaks[i + 1]) < self.min_sep: minpeaks[minpeaks.index(self.spec.index(min(self.spec[minpeaks[i]], self.spec[minpeaks[i + 1]])))] = 0 minpeaks[:] = [x for x in minpeaks if x >= 0] peaks = [] # now eliminate any peaks that do not have at least a cutoff's worth of dip between them remove = set() for i in range(len(maxpeaks) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(maxpeaks)): mn = min(self.spec[maxpeaks[i]:maxpeaks[j] + 1]) if max(self.spec[maxpeaks[i]], self.spec[maxpeaks[j]]) - mn < self.thresh: if self.spec[maxpeaks[i]] < self.spec[maxpeaks[j]]: remove.add(maxpeaks[i]) else: remove.add(maxpeaks[j]) for r in remove: maxpeaks.remove(r) remove = set() for i in range(len(minpeaks) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(minpeaks)): mx = max(self.spec[minpeaks[i]:minpeaks[j] + 1]) if abs(min(self.spec[minpeaks[i]], self.spec[minpeaks[j]]) - mn) < self.thresh: if self.spec[maxpeaks[i]] > self.spec[maxpeaks[j]]: remove.add(maxpeaks[i]) else: remove.add(maxpeaks[j]) for r in remove: minpeaks.remove(r) for i in maxpeaks + minpeaks: peaks.append(self.x[i]) return np.array(peaks).astype(float)