Source code for admit.util.peakfinder.FindPeaksCWT
""" .. _findpeaks:
FindPeaksCWT --- Peak finding with continuous wavelet transforms.
This module defines a wrapper class for the scipy.signal.find_peaks_cwt
import types
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import find_peaks_cwt
print "WARNING: No scipy; FindPeaksCWT utility cannot function."
[docs]class FindPeaksCWT(object):
""" FindPeaksCWT
spec : List or numpy array
The spectrum to be analyzed.
x : List or numpy array, optional
The x co-ordinates for the spectrum.
Default = None.
kwarg : Dict
Any additional arguments, see the Attributes list for a complete
spec : numpy array
The spectrum to be analyzed.
x : numpy array
The x co-ordinates of the spectrum.
widths : sequence
1-D array of widths to use for calculating the CWT matrix. In general, this range should
cover the expected width of peaks of interest.
wavelet : callable, optional
Should take a single variable and return a 1-D array to convolve with vector. Should be
normalized to unit area.
Default: None (ricker wavelet).
max_distances : ndarray, optional
At each row, a ridge line is only connected if the relative max at row[n] is within
max_distances[n] from the relative max at row[n+1].
Default: widths/4.
gap_thresh : float, optional
If a relative maximum is not found within max_distances, there will be a gap. A ridge
line is discontinued if there are more than gap_thresh points without connecting a new
relative maximum.
Default: 5.
min_length : int, optional
Minimum length a ridge line needs to be acceptable.
Default: cwt.shape[0] / 4, ie 1/4-th the number of widths.
min_snr : float, optional
Minimum SNR ratio. Default 1. The signal is the value of the cwt matrix at the shortest
length scale (cwt[0, loc]), the noise is the noise_perc-th percentile of datapoints
contained within a window of `window_size` around cwt[0, loc].
Default: 3.
noise_perc : float, optional
When calculating the noise floor, percentile of data points examined below which to
consider noise. Calculated using stats.scoreatpercentile.
Default: 10.
widths = np.array([5,10,15,20,25,30])
wavelet = None
max_distances = None
gap_thresh = 5.
min_length = None
min_snr = 3.
noise_perc = 10.
def __init__(self,spec,x=None,**kwargs):
if type(spec) == types.ListType:
self.spec = np.array(spec,dtype=float)
self.spec = spec.astype(float)
if x == None:
self.x = np.arange(float(spec.shape[0]))
if type(x) == types.ListType:
self.spec = np.array(x,dtype=float)
self.x = x.astype(float)
for k,v, in kwargs.iteritems():
# ingore any attributes we don't have
if hasattr(self,k):
[docs] def find(self):
""" Method to find any peaks in the spectrum. A baseline will be subtracted first if requested.
numpy array of floats
containing the locations of the peaks
# since some of the argument default values are calculated on the fly the full list needs to be built
arglist = ["widths","wavelet","max_distances","gap_thresh","min_length","min_snr","noise_perc"]
args = {}
for arg in arglist:
if getattr(self,arg) != None:
args[arg] = getattr(self,arg)
return find_peaks_cwt(self.spec, **args)