Source code for admit.util.continuumsubtraction.spectral.algorithms.SplineFit
""" .. _splinecontinuum:
SplineFit --- Continuum subtraction using a spline fit.
Module for doing spline fitting to the continuum of a 1D spectrum.
import numpy as np
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
print "WARNING: No scipy; SplineFit fitter cannot function."
[docs]class SplineFit(object):
""" Class which calculates the continuum of a 1D spectrum by
fitting a spline to the continuum channels. The algorithm
can be controlled by arguments to the run() method.
x : numpy array
An array containing the x coordinates.
y : masked array
A masked array containing the y coordinates with any
strong emission masked.
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
[docs] def run(self,**keyval):
""" Method to calculate the continuum from the given masked spectrum.
If search=True is given as an argument then the algorithm will
iterate through the different order splines to find the best fit,
based on noise level.
keyval : dictionary
Dictionary containing the keyword value pair arguments
numpy array containing the best fit continuum
Arguments for the run method:
- search : bool, whether or not to search for the best fit. Default: False
- bbox : array_like, 2-sequence specifying the boundary of the approximation
interval. If None (default), ``bbox=[x[0], x[-1]]``.
- k : int 1 < k <= 5, the degree of spline smoothing to use, Defualt: 3
- s : float or None
Positive smoothing factor used to choose the number of knots. Number
of knots will be increased until the smoothing condition is satisfied::
sum((w[i] * (y[i]-spl(x[i])))**2, axis=0) <= s
If None (default), ``s = len(w)`` which should be a good value if
``1/w[i]`` is an estimate of the standard deviation of ``y[i]``.
If 0, spline will interpolate through all data points.
- ext : int or str
Controls the extrapolation mode for elements
not in the interval defined by the knot sequence.
* if ext=0 or 'extrapolate', return the extrapolated value.
* if ext=1 or 'zeros', return 0
* if ext=2 or 'raise', raise a ValueError
* if ext=3 of 'const', return the boundary value.
The default value is 0.
- check_finite : bool
Whether to check that the input arrays contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination or non-sensical results) if the inputs
do contain infinities or NaNs.
Default is False.
# set up the data elements
args = {"x": self.x,
"y" :,
# reverse the weights since a masked array uses True for good values
# and UnivariateSpline needs a number. The reversal translates the
# True values to False, which are then interpreted as 0.0
"w" : -self.y.mask}
# get the given arguments
search = False
noise = None
if "search" in keyval:
search = keyval["search"]
if "noise" in keyval:
noise = keyval["noise"]
if "chisq" in keyval:
maxchisq = keyval["chisq"]
for arg in ["bbox","k","s","ext","check_finite"]:
if arg in keyval:
args[arg] = keyval[arg]
# if searching for the best fit
# limited to 3rd order as 4th and 5th order could fit weak wide lines
if search:
chisq = {1:1000.,
# iterate over each possible order
for k in chisq:
args["k"] = k
spl = UnivariateSpline(**args)
fit = spl(self.x)
chisq[k] = stats.reducedchisquared(self.y, fit, k + 1, noise)
# find the best fit, if chisq values are close (<20%), then prefer the lowest order
mv = 1000.
order = 0
for k in chisq:
if chisq[k] < mv and (mv - chisq[k]) / mv > 0.2:
mv = chisq[k]
order = k
# if we have a really poor fit then just give up
if mv > maxchisq:
logging.warning("No good fit for continuum found")
return None
args["k"] = order"Using fit of order %i with chi^2 of %f" % (order, mv))
# do the final fit
spl = UnivariateSpline(**args)
fit = spl(self.x)
# do the fit with the given parameters
spl = UnivariateSpline(**args)
fit = spl(self.x)
return fit