""" .. _spectralcontinsub:
ContinuumSubtraction --- Subtracts the continuum from a spectrum.
This module defines the class for continuum subtraction from spectra.
from admit.util import utils, stats
import math
import numpy as np
import logging
from admit.util.segmentfinder import SegmentFinder
[docs]class ContinuumSubtraction(object):
""" Perform continuum subtraction on a spectrum. There are several
algorithms to choose from, using the algorithm keyword. This
class defines a consistent API for spectral continuum subtraction
in ADMIT. Any continuum subtraction method can be added provided
it is a class with the following:
- init signature of (self, x, y), where x is the x axis as a numpy
and y is the spectrum as a masked array
- run method with the signature (self, \*\*keyval), where keyval
is a dictionary which contains all the arguments for the method
as key value pairs, the run method should have the ability to
ignore keywords that it does not know about.
- the run method should return the continuum as a numpy array
None (all parameters are passed to the run method)
def __init__(self):
[docs] def run(self, id, spec, freq, segmentfinder, segargs, algorithm, **keyval):
""" Calculate the continuum using the given parameters. The method is as
locate regions of spectral emission
mask out these regions
pass the masked spectra to the given algorithm
id : int
Task id of the AT calling this method
spec : numpy array
The spectrum from which the continuum is determined
freq : numpy array
The frequency axis of the spectrum
segmentfinder : str
The segment finder to use (i.e. ADMIT, ASAP, etc.)
segargs : dict
Dictionary containing the arguments for the segmentfinder
algorithm : str
The continuum finding algorithm to use (i.e. SplineFit, SVD_Vander, etc.)
keyval : dict
Dictionary containing the arguments for the continuum finding algorithm
cspec = np.zeros(len(spec))
# auto add spectral info to segment finder args.
if not "spec" in segargs:
segargs["spec"] = spec
if not "freq" in segargs:
segargs["freq"] = freq
segments = None
for i in [0, 1]:
spectrum = spec.copy() - cspec
# first get the segments of potential line emission
sfargs = {}
# double the minimum intensity, we just want to remove the strongest peaks
# set other arguments for the segment finder
sfargs["pmin"] = 2.0
sfargs["name"] = "Line_ID.csub.%i.asap" % (id)
sfargs["spec"] = spectrum
sfargs["freq"] = freq
if i == 0:
sfargs["abs"] = True
sfinder = SegmentFinder.SegmentFinder(spectrum, freq,
segmentfinder, 5.0,
3.0, 2.0, True)
segs, statcutoff, noise, mean = sfinder.find()
sf = utils.getClass("util.segmentfinder",
segmentfinder + "SegmentFinder",
# min_nchan=sfargs["minchan"], box_size=0.1,
# average_limit=1, noise_box="box")
# find the lines
#segs, statcutoff, noise, mean = sfinder.find()
if segs == segments:
# no need to continue, we found the best fit
return cspec
keyval["noise"] = noise
# now set the identified regions to 0.0
for ch in segs:
for i in range(ch[0],ch[1] + 1):
spectrum[i] = 0.0
# mask all values that are 0.0, effectively masking all line data
# this should leave only continuum
if len(segs) == 0:
mspec = np.ma.array(spectrum,mask=False,copy=True,shrink=False)
mspec = np.ma.masked_values(spectrum,0.0,atol=1e-10,copy=True,shrink=False)
tempc = np.array([noise] * len(mspec))
keyval["chisq"] = stats.reducedchisquared(mspec, tempc, 1, noise)
# calculate the continuum
cs = utils.getClass("util.continuumsubtraction.spectral.algorithms",
algorithm, {"y" : mspec, "x" : np.arange(len(mspec))})
continuum = cs.run(**keyval)
if continuum is not None:
cspec += continuum
logging.warning("Setting continuum to a constant value of: " + str(noise))
return tempc
return cspec