""" **casautil** --- CASA-dependent utilities module.
This module contains utility functions that rely on CASA.
# Non-CASA utility functions must be put in util.py!!
import os
import numpy
import numpy.ma as ma
import casa
import taskinit
print "WARNING: No CASA; casautil can't function"
# imview was left out of the casa namespace in CASA5
from imview import imview as casa_imview
import PlotControl
[docs]def iscasa(file):
"""is a file a casa image
# @todo caution: this also catches a MIRIAD file.... or check for 'file/header' and/or 'file/table.info'
return os.path.isdir(file)
[docs]def implot(rasterfile, figname, contourfile=None, plottype=PlotControl.PNG,
plotmode=PlotControl.BATCH, colorwedge=False, zoom=1):
"""Wrapper for CASA's imview, that will also create thumbnails.
rasterfile : str
Fully-qualified image file to use as raster map. Optional if
contourfile is given.
figname : str
Fully-qualified output file name.
contourflie : str
Fully-qualified image file to use as contour map. Contours
will be overlaid on rasterfile if both are given. Optional if
rasterfile is given.
plottype : int
Plotting format, one of util.PlotControl plot type (e.g., PlotControl.PNG). Default: PlotControl.PNG
plotmode : int
Plot mode, one of util.PlotControl plot mode (e.g., PlotControl.INTERACTIVE). Default: PlotControl.BATCH
colorwedge : boolean
True - show color wedge, False - don't show color wedge
zoom : int
Image zoom ratio.
# axes dictionary is ignored by imview!
#can't support this until imview out= is fixed! (see below)
if plotmode == PlotControl.NOPLOT: return
if contourfile==None and rasterfile==None:
raise Exception, "You must provide rasterfile and/or contourfile"
if not PlotControl.isSupportedType(plottype):
raise Exception, "Unrecognized plot type %d. See util.PlotControl" % plottype
if plottype == PlotControl.SVG or plottype == PlotControl.GIF:
raise Exception, "CASA viewer does not support SVG and GIF format :-("
if plottype == PlotControl.JPG:
raise Exception, "CASA viewer claims to support JPG but doens't :-("
if plottype != PlotControl.PNG:
raise Exception, "Thumbnails not supported (by matplotlib) for types other than PNG"
DEFAULT_SCALING = -1 # scaling power cycles.
# Grmph. axes dictionary ignored in imview.
# axes={'y':ylab, 'x':xlab}
contour = {}
if contourfile: contour={'file':contourfile}
raster = {}
if rasterfile:
raster={'file' : rasterfile,
'colorwedge' : colorwedge,
'scaling' : DEFAULT_SCALING}
# Grmph. Giving an 'out' dictionary to imview causes SEVERE error.
#out={'file' : figname,
# 'format' : PlotControl.mkext(plottype,False),
# 'scale' : 2.0,
# 'dpi' : 1.0,
# 'orient' : orientation}
#dpi/scale - DPI used for PS/EPS, scale for others. Perhaps
# we will enable these options later
# These are completely ignored, but imview throws an exception
# axes is not provided!
axes = {'x':'x','y':'y','z':'z'}
# work around this axis labeling problem?
ia = taskinit.iatool()
h = ia.summary()
#print "PJT: implot axisnames:",h['axisnames'][0],h['axisnames'][1]
if h['axisnames'][1]=='Frequency':
axes['y'] = 'Frequency'
# this complained about 'dimensions of axes must be strings (x is not)'
# axes = { 'x' : h['axisnames'][0], 'y' : h['axisnames'][1] , 'z' : 'z' }
casa_imview(raster=raster, contour=contour, out=figname, axes=axes,
#of = PlotControl.mkext(plottype,dot=False)
#casa.viewer(outfile=outfile, infile=imagename, gui=False, plottype=of)
if plotmode == PlotControl.INTERACTIVE or plotmode==PlotControl.SHOW_AT_END:
casa_imview(raster=raster, contour=contour,axes=axes)
# Moment_AT, and now CubeSum_AT too
[docs]def getdata(imgname, chans=[], zeromask=False):
"""Return all good data from a CASA image as a masked numpy array.
The tb.open() access method, although faster, didn't seem to carry
the mask (or at least in an easy way). ma.masked_invalid(data)
still returned all pixels ok.
NOTE: since this routine grabs all data in a single numpy
array, this routine should only be used for 2D images
or small 3D cubes, things with little impact on memory
imagename : str
The (absolute) CASA image filename
data in a masked numpy array
ia = taskinit.iatool()
if len(chans) == 0:
d = ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,0],trc=[-1,-1,-1,0],getmask=False).squeeze()
m = ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,0],trc=[-1,-1,-1,0],getmask=True).squeeze()
d = ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,chans[0],0],trc=[-1,-1,chans[1],0],getmask=False).squeeze()
m = ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,chans[0],0],trc=[-1,-1,chans[1],0],getmask=True).squeeze()
# note CASA and MA have their mask logic reversed
# casa: true means a good point
# ma: true means a masked/bad point
if zeromask:
shape = d.shape
ndim = len(d.shape)
if ndim == 2:
(x,y) = ma.where(~m)
d[x,y] = 0.0
elif ndim == 3:
(x,y,z) = ma.where(~m)
d[x,y,z] = 0.0
raise Exception,"getdata: cannot handle data of dimension %d" % ndim
dm = ma.masked_array(d,mask=~m)
return dm
# CubeSum - see getdata2()
[docs]def getdata1(imgname):
"""Return all good data from a CASA image as a compressed 1D numpy array.
The tb.open() access method, although faster, didn't seem to carry
the mask (or at least in an easy way). ma.masked_invalid(data)
still returned all pixels ok.
NOTE: since this routine grabs all data in a single numpy
array, this routine should only be used for 2D images
or small 3D cubes.
imagename : str
The (absolute) CASA image filename
data in a 1D numpy array
ia = taskinit.iatool()
d = ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,0],trc=[-1,-1,0,0],getmask=False)
m = ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,0],trc=[-1,-1,0,0],getmask=True)
# note CASA and MA have their mask logic reversed
# casa: true means a good point
# ma: true means a masked/bad point
dm = ma.masked_array(d,mask=~m)
return dm.compressed()
# PVCorr
[docs]def getdata_raw(imgname):
"""Return data as a 2D numpy array
For more detailed access to cubes, don't use this method,
as it will use all the memory. instead use ia.open()
and getslice/putslice() to cycle through the cube.
Note we're not getting the mask this way.... see Moment_AT for
a version that return a numpy.ma array with masking
See putdata(imgname,data) for the reverse operation, but you
will need to create a clone of the image to ensure the header.
imagename : str
The (absolute) CASA image filename
data in a 2D numpy array
tb = taskinit.tbtool()
nx = shp[0]
ny = shp[1]
d = data.reshape(nx,ny)
return d
[docs]def putdata_raw(imgname, data, clone=None):
"""Store (overwrite) data in an existing CASA image.
See getdata_raw(imgname) for the reverse operation.
imagename : str
The (absolute) CASA image filename. It should exist
already, unless **clone** was given.
data : 2D numpy array or a list of 2D numpy arrays
The data...
clone : str, optional
An optional filename from which to clone the image
for output. It needs to be an absolute filename.
ia = taskinit.iatool()
if clone != None:
# @todo this seems circumvent to have to borrow the odd dimensions (nx,ny,1,1,1) shape was seen
if type(data) == type([]):
# @todo since this needs to extend the axes, the single plane clone and replace data doesn't work here
raise Exception,"Not Implemented Yet"
bigim = ia.imageconcat(outfile=imgname, infiles=infiles, axis=2, relax=T, tempclose=F, overwrite=T)
tb = taskinit.tbtool()
d = tb.getcol('map')
pdata = ma.getdata(data).reshape(d.shape)
[docs]def mapdim(imgname, dim=None):
"""Return the dimensionality of the map, or if dim is given.
Returns True if the dimensionality matches this value, or
False if not.
Warning: opens and closes the map via ia.open()
imagename : str (a filename)
dim : integer (or None)
ia = taskinit.iatool()
s = ia.summary()
shape = s['shape']
rdim = -1
for d in range(len(shape)):
if shape[d] == 0 or shape[d] == 1:
rdim = d
if rdim < 0:
rdim = len(shape)
#print "MAPDIM",imgname,shape,rdim
if dim == None:
return rdim
if dim == rdim:
return True
return False
[docs]def parse_robust(robust):
"""parse a compound robust=['algorithm',optional_parameters...]
Within ADMIT we use robust=[]
Within CASA we use a varargs type algorithm=,fence=,...
robust : list of robust parameters, method specific. See e.g. casa::imstat
A dictionary ready for \*\*args inclusion in a CASA command.
If none found, returns an empty dictionary.
rkey = {}
nr = len(robust)
if nr==0:
return rkey
a = robust[0] # algorithm:
if a[:2]=='cl': # classic
rkey['algorithm'] = 'classic'
if nr>1:
rkey['clmethod'] = robust[1]
elif a[:2]=='ch': # chauvenet
rkey['algorithm'] = 'chauvenet'
if nr>1:
rkey['zscore'] = robust[1]
if nr>2:
rkey['maxiter'] = robust[2]
elif a[:1]=='f': # fit-half
rkey['algorithm'] = 'fit-half'
if nr>1:
rkey['center'] = robust[1]
if nr>2:
rkey['lside'] = robust[2]
elif a[:1]=='h': # hinges-fences
rkey['algorithm'] = 'hinges-fences'
if nr>1:
rkey['fence'] = robust[1]
raise Exception("Unknown algorithm in robust=%s" % robust)
print "ROBUST:",rkey
return rkey