Source code for admit.util.UtilBase

    .. _UTIL-base-api:

    **UtilBase** --- Base for all ADMIT utilities.

    This module defines the UtilBase class.

import bdp_types as bt
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et

[docs]class UtilBase(object): """ Defines the utility base class. All utility classes (e.g. Table, Line, etc) must inherit from this class. The class has the basic infrastructure for printing the class contents and setting variables. Utility classes do not have to have a write method as it is dynamically done by the xml writer. Parameters ---------- keyval : dict Dictionary containing the keyword value pairs of all arguments. Attributes ---------- _type : str String containing the type of the class. _order : list List containing the order to write out the data in, generated on initialization. """ def __init__(self, **keyval): self._type = self.__class__.__name__ self._order = [] self.setkey(keyval) for i in self.__dict__: if i == "_type" or i == "_order": continue self._order.append(i) def __str__(self): print bt.format.BOLD + bt.color.GREEN + " " + self._type + ":" + bt.format.END for i, j in self.__dict__.iteritems(): print bt.format.BOLD + i + ": " + bt.format.END + str(j) return ""
[docs] def getkey(self, key): """ Method to get a data member by name Parameters ---------- key : str The name of the data member to return Returns ------- various, the contents of the requested item """ if hasattr(self, key): return getattr(self, key) raise Exception("Class %s has no member named %s" % (self.__class__, key))
[docs] def setkey(self, name="", value=""): """ set keys, two styles are possible: 1. name = {key:val} e.g. **setkey({"a":1})** 2. name = "key", value = val e.g. **setkey("a", 1)** This method checks the type of the keyword value, as it must remain the same. Also new keywords cannot be added. Parameters ---------- name : dictionary or string Dictionary of keyword value pais to set or a string with the name of a single key value : any The value to change the keyword to Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(name, dict): for k, v in name.iteritems(): if hasattr(self, k): if type(v) == type(getattr(self, k)): setattr(self, k, v) else: raise Exception("Cannot change data type for %s, expected %s but got %s" % (k, str(type(getattr(self, k))), str(type(v)))) else: raise Exception("Invalid key given to %s class: %s" % (self._type, k)) elif not name == "": if hasattr(self, name): if type(getattr(self, name)) == type(value): setattr(self, name, value) else: raise Exception("Cannot change data type for %s, expected %s but got %s" % (name, str(type(getattr(self, name))), str(type(value)))) else: raise Exception("Invalid key given to %s class: %s" % (self._type, name)) else: raise Exception("Invalid name parameter given, it must be a string or a dictionary of keys:values.")