""" .. _SpectralLineSearch:
**SpectralLineSearch** --- Interface to spectral line searching.
This module defines the SpectralLineSearch class.
# system imports
import urllib2
import random
# admit imports
from admit.util import Splatalogue
from admit.util import logging
from admit.util import utils
from admit.util import LineData
[docs]class SpectralLineSearch(object):
""" Class to act an as interface to the spectral line searching tools.
It can search both the slsearch catalog and, if online, the
splatalogue database.
online : bool
Whether to use the online splatalogue database. If no internet
connection is detected, then it will fall back on slsearch.
Default: True.
tier1freq : list
A list of tier1 frequency coverage, to eliminate any matches
that fall in the range of a tier1 line.
sls_kw : dict
Dictionary to hold the keyword/value pairs for slsearch.
sp_kw : dict
Dictionary to hold the keyword/value paris for splatalogue.
def __init__(self, online=True, tier1freq=[]):
self.online = online and self.check_online
self.tier1freq = tier1freq
self.sls_kw = {}
self.sp_kw = {"exclude" : [],
"line_lists" : [],
"line_strengths" : [],
"energy_levels" : [],
"top20" : []}
[docs] def setkeywords(self, minfreq, maxfreq, rrlevelstr, **kwargs):
""" Method to set the keywords for the search(es)
minfreq : float
The starting frequency of the search, in GHz.
maxfreq : float
The ending frequency of the search, in GHz.
rrlevelstr : str
A string representation of what recombination lines
to allow in the results
kwargs : dict
Dictionary of keyword/value pairs for search options.
Possibilities are (no default values for most):
**tablename** : str
Output table name for slsearch.
**outfile** : str
Output file name for slsearch.
**rrlonly** : bool
Only return recombination lines.
**verbose** : bool
Be verbose in slsearch.
**logfile** : str
Send slsearch results to the given log file.
**append** : bool
Append to the slsearch log file.
**no_atmospheric** : bool
If True will exclude atmospheric lines from the results.
Default: False
**no_potential** : bool
If True will exclude potential species from the results.
Default: False
**no_probable** : bool
If True will exclude probable species from the results.
Default: False
**exclude** : list
Alternate method of excluding types, can contain any of
"atmospheric", "potential", or "probable"
**include_only_nrao** or **only_NRAO_recommended** : bool
If True only NRAO recommended transitions will be returned.
Default: False
**displayLovas** : bool
If True include results from the Lovas Line List.
Default: False
**displaySLAIM** : bool
If True include results from the SLAIM molecular database.
Default: False
**displayJPL** : bool
If True include results from the JPL database.
Default: False
**displayCDMS** : bool
If True include results from the Cologne database.
Default: False
**displayToyaMA** : bool
If True include results from the ToyaMA database.
Default: False
**displayOSU** : bool
If True include results from the Ohio State database.
Default: False
**displayLisa** : bool
If True include results from the the 13 methyl formate database.
Default: False
**displayRFI** : bool
If True include RFI lines
Default: False
**line_lists** : list
Alternate method to specify which database to search. Can contain any
of the following:
"Lovas", "SLAIM", "JPL", "CDMS", "ToyaMA", "OSU", "Lisa", "RFI"
**ls1** : bool
If True then return the JPL line strength.
Default: False
**ls2** : bool
If True then return the Smu^2 line strength.
Default: False
**ls3** : bool
If True then return the S line strength.
Default: False
**ls4** : bool
If True then return the Eistein A.
Default: False
**ls5** : bool
If True then return the Lovas line strength.
Default: False
**line_strengths** : list
Alternate way of specifying the line strength(s) to return.
Can be any of the following: "ls1", "ls2", "ls3", "ls4", "ls5"
**el1** : bool
If True then return the lower state energy in cm^-1.
Default: False
**el2** : bool
If True then return the lower state energy in K.
Default: False
**el3** : bool
If True then return the upper state energy in cm^-1.
Default: False
**el4** : bool
If True then return the upper state energy in K.
Default: False
**energy_levels** : list
Alternate way of specifying the energy levels to return. Can contain
any of the following: "el1", "el2", "el3", "el4"
**fel** : bool
If True exclude results where the frequency uncertainty
is more than 50 MHz.
Default: False
**noHFS** : bool
If True then do not return hyperfine split lines, only the
main component.
Default: False
**displayHFS** : bool
If True then return the hyperfine strengths of split lines.
Default: False
**show_unres_qn** : bool
If True then return the unresolved quantum numbers.
Default: False
**show_upper_degeneracy** : bool
If True then return the uper state degeneracy.
Default: False
**show_molecule_tag** : bool
If True then return the molecule tag.
Default: False
**show_lovas_labref** : bool
If True then return the Lovas lab reference.
Default: False
**show_lovas_obsref** : bool
If True then return the Lovas observational reference.
Default: False
**show_orderedfreq_only** : bool
If True then
Default: False
**show_nrao_recommended** : bool
If True then return the NRAO recommended frequency.
**top20** : list
Include the results from the given top20 lists. Possibilities are:
'comet', 'planet', 'ism_hotcore', 'ism_darkcloud', 'ism_diffusecloud'
**comet** : bool
If True then return results most likely found in comets.
**planet** : bool
If True then return results most likely found in planetary atmospheres.
**ism_hotcore** : bool
If True then return results most liekly found in hot cores.
**ism_darkcloud** : bool
If True then return results most likely found in dark clouds.
**ism_diffusecloud** : bool
If True then return results most likely found in diffuse clouds.
**band** : str
Which band to use for frequency range, will override any specified
frequency range.
**species** : str
Limit the results to the given molecule
**reconly** or **only_NRAO_recommended** : bool
Only return results with recommended NROA rest frequencies. This option
can remove duplicate records arising from the multiple databases inside
slsearch and splatalogue.
Default: False
**chemnames** or **chemical_name** : str
Limit the results to the given molecule.
**qns** or **transition** : str
Limit the results to the specified quantum numbers.
**energy_type** : str
Energy units for both the el and eu keywords. Possibilities are
'K' for Kelvin, and 'cm' for inverse cm.
**el** : list or float
If a list then the range of lower state energies to search between,
else it is treated as a lower limit. Note splatalogue only supports
a lower limit, so upper limit is ignored, but passed to slsearch.
**eu** : list or float
If a list then the range of upper state energies to search between,
else it is treated as a lower limit. Note splatalogue only supports
a lower limit, so upper limit is ignored, but passed to slsearch.
**smu2** : list or float
If a list then the range of line strengths to search between, in D^2,
else it is treated as a lower limit. Note splatalogue only supports
a lower limit, so upper limit is ignored, but passed to slsearch.
**loga** : list or float
If a list then the range of line strengths to search between, in log
of the Einstein A,
else it is treated as a lower limit. Note splatalogue only supports
a lower limit, so upper limit is ignored, but passed to slsearch.
**intensity** : list or float
If a list then the range of line strengths to search between, in JPL
intensity units,
else it is treated as a lower limit. Note splatalogue only supports
a lower limit, so upper limit is ignored, but passed to slsearch.
# set the mandatory, common keys
# frequency limits
self.sls_kw["freqrange"] = [minfreq, maxfreq]
self.sp_kw["min_frequency"] = minfreq
self.sp_kw["max_frequency"] = maxfreq
# whether to return recombination lines
if rrlevelstr == "OFF":
self.sls_kw["rrlinclude"] = False
self.sls_kw["rrlinclude"] = True
#self.sp_kw["displayRecomb"] = "displayRecomb"
# set keys that are specific to slsearch
# output table name
if "tablename" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["tablename"] = kwargs["tablename"]
# output file name
if "outfile" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["outfile"] = kwargs["outfile"]
# only return recombination lines
if "rrlonly" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["rrlonly"] = kwargs["rrlonly"]
# be verbose in the search
if "verbose" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["verbose"] = kwargs["verbose"]
# send results to the given log file
if "logfile" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["logfile"] = kwargs["logfile"]
# append to the log file
if "append" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["append"] = kwargs["append"]
# set keys that are specific to splatalogue
# exclude atmospheric lines
if "no_atmospheric" in kwargs:
# exclude potential species
if "no_potential" in kwargs:
# exclude probable species
if "no_probable" in kwargs:
# allow a different way of excluding types
if "exclude" in kwargs:
for e in kwargs["exclude"]:
#if "known" in kwargs:
# self._kw["known"] = kwargs["known"]
# include only the NRAO recommended transitions
# can eliminate duplicates from splatalogue
if "include_only_nrao" in kwargs or "only_NRAO_recommended" in kwargs:
self.sp_kw["only_NRAO_recommended"] = "only_NRAO_recommended"
# display results from the different lists
if "displayLovas" in kwargs or "Lovas" in kwargs:
if "displaySLAIM" in kwargs or "SLAIM" in kwargs:
if "displayJPL" in kwargs or "JPL" in kwargs:
if "displayCDMS" in kwargs or "CDMS" in kwargs:
if "displayToyaMA" in kwargs or "ToyaMA" in kwargs:
if "displayOSU" in kwargs or "OSU" in kwargs:
if "displayLisa" in kwargs or "Lisa" in kwargs:
if "displayRFI" in kwargs or "RFI" in kwargs:
# alternate method of setting the line lists
if "line_lists" in kwargs:
for l in kwargs["line_lists"]:
# set which line strengths to return
for ls in ["ls1", "ls2", "ls3", "ls4", "ls5"]:
if ls in kwargs:
# alternate method
if "line_strengths" in kwargs:
for ls in kwargs["line_strengths"]:
# set which energy labels to return
for el in ["el1", "el2", "el3", "el4"]:
if el in kwargs:
# alternate method
if "energy_levels" in kwargs:
for el in kwargs["energy_levels"]:
# exclude transitions with high uncertainty
if "fel" in kwargs:
self.sp_kw["fel"] = kwargs["fel"]
# set other keywords
for kw in ["noHFS", "displayHFS", "show_unres_qn", "show_upper_degeneracy"
"show_molecule_tag", "show_lovas_labref", "show_lovas_obsref",
"show_orderedfreq_only", "show_nrao_recommended"]:
if kw in kwargs:
self.sp_kw[kw] = kwargs[kw]
# select a top20 list
if "top20" in kwargs:
for tp in kwargs["top20"]:
# altername method
for tp in ['comet', 'planet', 'top20', 'ism_hotcore', 'ism_darkcloud', 'ism_diffusecloud']:
if tp in kwargs:
self.sp_kw[tp] = kwargs[tp]
# set which band to use
if "band" in kwargs:
self.sp_kw["band"] = kwargs["band"]
# set common keys
# select a specific species
if "species" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["species"] = kwargs["species"]
self.sp_kw["sid[]"] = kwargs["species"]
# select if only recombination lines should be returned
if "reconly" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["reconly"] = kwargs["reconly"]
self.sp_kw["only_NRAO_recommended"] = kwargs["reconly"]
elif "only_NRAO_recommended" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["reconly"] = kwargs["only_NRAO_recommended"]
self.sp_kw["only_NRAO_recommended"] = kwargs["only_NRAO_recommended"]
# select a specific chemical name
if "chemnames" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["chemnames"] = kwargs["chemnames"]
self.sp_kw[""] = kwargs["chemnames"]
# select specific quantum numbers
if "qns" in kwargs:
self.sls_kw["qns"] = kwargs["qns"]
self.sp_kw["transition"] = kwargs["qns"]
# set limits on the lower energy
if "el" in kwargs:
mult = 1.0
if "energy_type" in kwargs and "K" not in kwargs["energy_type"].upper():
mult = 1.42879
if not isinstance(kwargs["el"], (list, tuple, set, float, int)):
raise Exception("Improper format for 'el'")
elif isinstance(kwargs["el"], (list, tuple, set)):
if len(kwargs["el"]) == 1:
el = [kwargs["el"][0] * mult, 100000]
el = [kwargs["el"][0] * mult, kwargs["el"][1] * mult]
el = [kwargs["el"] * mult, 100000]
self.sls_kw["el"] = el
self.sp_kw["energy_min"] = el[0]
self.sp_kw["energy_max"] = el[1]
self.sp_kw["energy_type"] = "el_k"
# set limits on the upper energy
elif "eu" in kwargs:
mult = 1.0
if "energy_type" in kwargs and "K" not in kwargs["energy_type"].upper():
mult = 1.42879
if not isinstance(kwargs["eu"], (list, tuple, set, float, int)):
raise Exception("Improper format for 'eu'")
elif isinstance(kwargs["eu"], (list, tuple, set)):
if len(kwargs["eu"]) == 1:
eu = [kwargs["eu"][0] * mult, 100000]
eu = [kwargs["eu"][0] * mult, kwargs["eu"][1] * mult]
eu = [kwargs["eu"] * mult, 100000]
self.sls_kw["eu"] = eu
self.sp_kw["energy_min"] = eu[0]
self.sp_kw["energy_max"] = eu[1]
self.sp_kw["energy_type"] = "eu_k"
# set limits on the line strength
if "smu2" in kwargs:
if not isinstance(kwargs["smu2"], (list, tuple, set, float, int)):
raise Exception("Improper format for 'smu2'")
elif isinstance(kwargs["smu2"], (list, tuple, set)):
if len(kwargs["smu2"]) == 1:
smu = [kwargs["smu2"][0], 100000]
smu = [kwargs["smu2"][0], kwargs["smu2"][1]]
smu = [kwargs["smu2"], 100000]
self.sls_kw["smu2"] = smu
self.sp_kw["intensity_lower_limit"] = smu[0]
self.sp_kw["intensity_type"] = "sijmu2"
# set limits on the Einstein A
elif "loga" in kwargs:
if not isinstance(kwargs["loga"], (list, tuple, set, float, int)):
raise Exception("Improper format for 'loga'")
elif isinstance(kwargs["loga"], (list, tuple, set)):
if len(kwargs["loga"]) == 1:
loga = [kwargs["loga"][0], 100000]
loga = [kwargs["loga"][0], kwargs["loga"][1]]
loga = [kwargs["loga"], 100000]
self.sls_kw["loga"] = loga
self.sp_kw["intensity_lower_limit"] = loga[0]
self.sp_kw["intensity_type"] = "aij"
# set limits on the JPL intensity
elif "intensity" in kwargs:
if not isinstance(kwargs["intensity"], (list, tuple, set, float, int)):
raise Exception("Improper format for 'intensity'")
elif isinstance(kwargs["intensity"], (list, tuple, set)):
if len(kwargs["intensity"]) == 1:
intensity = [kwargs["intensity"][0], 100000]
intensity = [kwargs["intensity"][0], kwargs["intensity"][1]]
intensity = [kwargs["intensity"], 100000]
self.sls_kw["intensity"] = intensity
self.sp_kw["intensity_type"] = "cdms_jpl"
self.sp_kw["intensity_lower_limit"] = intensity[0]
[docs] def checktier1overlap(self, freq):
""" Method to check for an overlap with tier1 lines.
freq : float
The frequency to check if it is within an existing tier1
frequency range
Boolean, True if freq is within a tier1 range, False otherwise
for f in self.tier1freq:
if f[0] < freq < f[1]:
return True
return False
[docs] def check_online(self):
""" Method to check whether we are online or not. Just does a simple http
request to www.cv.nrao.edu, the host of splatalogue
Boolean saying whether we are online (True) or not (False)
response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.cv.nrao.edu', timeout=10)
return True
except urllib2.URLError:
logging.error("Cannot reach splatalogue server, please check your internet connection.")
raise Exception("Cannot reach splatalogue server, please check your internet connection.")
[docs] def search(self, minfreq, maxfreq, rrlevelstr, allowExotics=False, **kwargs):
""" Method to do the search and return the results. Regardless of the search
method used the results will have the same format and units.
minfreq : float
The starting frequency for the search, in GHz.
maxfreq : float
The ending frequency for the search, in GHz.
rrlevelstr : str
A string representation of the depth of recombination lines to return
allowExotics : bool
Whether or not to allow exotic atoms in the results (e.g. Ti).
Default: False
kwargs : dict
Dictionary containing any keyword/value pairs for the search. Possibilities are:
# set keyword args
self.setkeywords(minfreq, maxfreq, rrlevelstr, **kwargs)
if self.online:
return self.splatalogue(minfreq, maxfreq, rrlevelstr, allowExotics)
except Exception:
logging.info("Error raised in splatalogue call, trying slsearch")
return self.slsearch(rrlevelstr, allowExotics)
[docs] def slsearch(self, rrlevelstr, allowExotics):
""" Method to search through the slsearch database. Search options must already
have been set. Returns a formatted list of transitions, each item in the list
is another list containing the following:
#. Chemical formula
#. Name
#. Rest frequency
#. Unique identifier
#. Lower state energy in K
#. Upper state energy in K
#. Linestrength in D^2
#. Mass of molecule (rough)
#. Transition quantum numbers
#. Cleanly formatted chemical formula for display purposes
#. Number of non-standard isotopes in the molecule
rrlevelstr : str
String representation of how deep to search for recombination lines. Possibilities
+ `off` no recombination lines are allowed in the results.
+ `shallow` only H and He, alpha and beta lines are allowed in the results.
+ `deep` any recombination line is allowed in the results.
allowExotics : bool
Whether or not to allow exotic atoms in the molecules (e.g Ti)
A list of LineData objects, with each containing the data for a single transition.
from slsearch import slsearch
import taskinit
logging.info("WARNING: No CASA, slsearch is not available, no line identificaiton possible.")
if "outfile" not in self.sls_kw:
# @todo should really use tempfile, or $$; this is an accident in waiting
# also, in the same namespace if a seed is the same, the accident is guarenteed; see genspec.py)
flname = "/tmp/slsearch.%i" % (int(random.random() * 1000))
self.sls_kw["outfile"] = flname
# do the search
#print self.sls_kw
#print flname
# open the table and get the contents
tb = taskinit.tbtool()
numrows = tb.nrows()
possible = []
# convert the results to a list
for row in range(numrows):
species = tb.getcell("SPECIES", row)
name = tb.getcell("CHEMICAL_NAME", row)
freq = float(tb.getcell("FREQUENCY", row))
qn = tb.getcell("QUANTUM_NUMBERS", row)
linestr = float(tb.getcell("SMU2", row))
el = float(tb.getcell("EL", row))
eu = float(tb.getcell("EU", row))
# only add it to the output list if it does not contain an exotic atom,
# or if exotics are allowed
if not utils.isexotic(species or allowExotics):
if (not "RECOMBINATION" in name.upper() \
or ("RECOMBINATION" in name.upper()
and (rrlevelstr == "DEEP" or ("H" in species \
and ("alpha" in species or "beta" in species))))) \
and not self.checktier1overlap(freq):
possible.append(LineData(formula=species, name=name, frequency=freq,
uid=utils.getplain(species) + "_%.5f" % freq,
energies=[el, eu], linestrength=linestr, mass=utils.getmass(species),
transition=qn, plain=utils.getplain(species),
# remove the temporary table
return possible
[docs] def splatalogue(self, minfreq, maxfreq, rrlevelstr, allowExotics):
""" Method to search through the slsearch database. Search options must already
have been set. Returns a formatted list of transitions, each item in the list
is another list containing the following:
#. Chemical formula
#. Name
#. Rest frequency
#. Unique identifier
#. Lower state energy in K
#. Upper state energy in K
#. Linestrength in D^2
#. Mass of molecule (rough)
#. Transition quantum numbers
#. Cleanly formatted chemical formula for display purposes
#. Number of non-standard isotopes in the molecule
rrlevelstr : str
String representation of how deep to search for recombination lines. Possibilities
+ `off` no recombination lines are allowed in the results.
+ `shallow` only H and He, alpha and beta lines are allowed in the results.
+ `deep` any recombination line is allowed in the results.
allowExotics : bool
Whether or not to allow exotic atoms in the molecules (e.g Ti)
A list of LineData objects, with each containing the data for a single transition.
possible = []
# initialize the interface class
sp = Splatalogue.Splatalogue(**self.sp_kw)
# do the search
results = sp.query_lines(minfreq, maxfreq)
# get the results
lines = results.readlines()
# the top row is the column headings as one long string
# split the string into its individual components
header = lines[0].split(":")
# the indexes of the data are not guaranteed, so search for each needed one
# by its known name, if splatalogue changes the column headings this will
# break
sidx = header.index("Species")
cidx = header.index("Chemical Name")
fidx = header.index("Freq-GHz")
bfidx = header.index("Meas Freq-GHz")
qidx = header.index("Resolved QNs")
stidx = header.index("S<sub>ij</sub>μ<sup>2</sup> (D<sup>2</sup>)")
elidx = header.index("E_L (K)")
euidx = header.index("E_U (K)")
# remove the header row so the rest can be iterated over
del lines[0]
# make sure all of the indexes are found
if min(sidx, cidx, fidx, qidx, stidx, elidx, euidx, bfidx) < 0:
raise Exception("Missing data") # need a better message
# iterate over all the results
for line in lines:
# sploit into columns
row = line.split(":")
# see which frequency we have, prefering the 'Freq-GHz' column
if not row[fidx]:
freq = float(row[bfidx])
freq = float(row[fidx])
# process the result, dropping if needed
if not utils.isexotic(row[sidx] or allowExotics):
if (not "RECOMBINATION" in row[cidx].upper() \
or ("RECOMBINATION" in row[cidx].upper()
and (rrlevelstr == "DEEP" or ("H" in row[sidx] \
and ("alpha" in row[sidx] or "beta" in row[sidx]))))) \
and not self.checktier1overlap(row[fidx]):
possible.append(LineData(formula=row[sidx], name=row[cidx], frequency=freq,
uid=utils.getplain(row[sidx]) + "_%.5f" % freq,
energies=[float(row[elidx]), float(row[euidx])], linestrength=float(row[stidx]), mass=utils.getmass(row[sidx]),
transition=row[qidx], plain=utils.getplain(row[sidx]),
return possible