""" .. _Image-api:
**Image** --- Image data base.
This module defines the Image class for IMAGE entries in BDPs as well as
the imagedescriptor container class.
# system imports
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
import utils
import ast
import os
# ADMIT imports
import bdp_types as bt
from UtilBase import UtilBase
[docs]class Image(UtilBase):
""" Defines the basic Image structure used in ADMIT.
The class can store multiple types of the same image (e.g. png, jpg,
CASA), however no check is made that they are the same image, this
must be ensured by the AT using the class. A thumbnail, caption, and
auxiliary file (for e.g. a histogram) are also included.
keyvals : dictionary of new values for the keywords, optional.
These keyword value pairs can be fed in form the command line
instantiation of the class.
images : dictionary
Dictionary containing the image data, one entry per format type.
thumbnail : string
File name of the thumbnail image.
thumbnailtype : string
The format of the thumbnail, see bt for a list of available
auxiliary : string
The name of the auxiliary file.
auxtype : string
The format of the auxiliary file, see bt for a list of
available formats.
description : string
A description or caption for the image.
def __init__(self, **keyval):
self.images = {} # dictionary of images {Format:filename}
self.thumbnail = "" # thumbnail of image
self.thumbnailtype = "" # format of thumbnail
self.auxiliary = "" # auxiliary file (typically a histogram)
self.auxtype = "" # format of auxiliary file
self.description = "" # image description/caption
self.name = ""
UtilBase.__init__(self, **keyval)
def __str__(self):
retstr = bt.format.BOLD + bt.color.GREEN + "Image :" + bt.format.END + os.linesep
for i, j in self.__dict__.iteritems():
retstr = retstr + bt.format.BOLD + i + ": " + bt.format.END + str(j) + os.linesep
return retstr
[docs] def serialize(self):
"""Create a string representation of the Image that can
be converted to native Python structures with ast.literal_eval
or back to a Table with deserialize().
Intended for the summary but can be used wherever.
A string representation of the Image that can be converted back
to a Image with deserialize().
return str(self.__dict__)
[docs] def deserialize(self,serial):
"""Create an Image from serialized data created by serialize().
serial : The string representation of an Image in the format from
# Do not convert directly to self.__dict__ because
# the Image structure may change between versions, e.g.
# an attribute may be added or deleted.
# So we can only safely convert attributes which are valid
# for this Image instance.
x = ast.literal_eval(serial)
for i in self.__dict__:
if i in x:
self.__dict__[i] = x[i]
[docs] def setkey(self, name="", value=""):
set keys, two styles are possible:
1. name = {key:val} e.g. **setkey({"a":1})**
2. name = "key", value = val e.g. **setkey("a", 1)**
This method checks the type of the keyword value, as it must
remain the same. Also new keywords cannot be added.
name : dictionary or string
Dictionary of keyword value pais to set or a string with the
name of a single key
value : any
The value to change the keyword to
if isinstance(name, dict):
for k, v in name.iteritems():
if k == "images" and isinstance(v, dict):
for k1, v1 in v.iteritems():
if k1 == bt.THUMB or k1 == bt.AUX:
raise Exception("Thumnails and auxiliary files cannot be added as part of the images item, they must be added under the thumbnail or auxiliary item.")
if hasattr(self, k):
if type(v) == type(getattr(self, k)):
setattr(self, k, v)
raise Exception("Cannot change data type for %s, expected %s but got %s" % (k, str(type(getattr(self, k))), str(type(v))))
raise Exception("Invalid key given to Image class: %s" % (k))
elif not name == "":
if name == "images" and isinstance(value, dict):
for k, v in value.iteritems():
if k == bt.THUMB or k == bt.AUX:
raise Exception("Thumnails and auxiliary files cannot be added as part of the images item, they must be added under the thumbnail or auxiliary item.")
if hasattr(self, name):
if type(getattr(self, name)) == type(value):
setattr(self, name, value)
raise Exception("Cannot change data type for %s, expected %s but got %s"
% (name, str(type(getattr(self, name))), str(type(value))))
raise Exception("Invalid key given to Image class: %s" % (name))
raise Exception("Invalid name parameter given, it must be a string or a dictionary of keys:values.")
[docs] def addimage(self, image):
""" Method to add an image to the class
image : List/ImageDescriptor
Can be either a list of imagedescriptors or just an individual
imagedescriptor. If the image type already exists in the class
then it is replaced and the original removed. Any images
labeled DATA will be added to the dictionary (overwriting any
previous instances of the format)
if isinstance(image, list):
for t in image:
if(not t.format in bt.image_types):
raise Exception("%s is not a valid image type, accepted types are: %s"
% (t, str(bt.image_types)))
if(not isinstance(t, imagedescriptor)) :
raise Exception("Input image is not of imagedescriptor type or an imagedescriptor list")
elif(not isinstance(image, imagedescriptor)):
raise Exception("Input image is not of imagedescriptor type or an imagedescriptor list")
if(not image.type in bt.image_types + bt.imagedescriptor_types):
raise Exception("%s is not a valid image type, accepted types are: %s"
% (image.type, str(bt.image_types + bt.imagedescriptor_types)))
[docs] def addfile(self, image):
""" Method to add a file to the class, it should not be called directly,
instead addimage should be called
image : ImageDescriptor
An imagedescriptor of the image to be added. Removes any file
that is being replaced
if(image.type == bt.DATA) :
if(image.format in self.images):
self.images[image.format] = image.file
elif(image.type == bt.THUMB):
if(self.thumbnail is not None):
self.thumbnail = image.file
self.thumbnailtype = image.format
elif(image.type == bt.AUX):
if(self.auxiliary is not None):
self.auxiliary = image.file
self.auxtype = image.format
[docs] def getimage(self, type):
""" Method which returns the requested image from the class as an
type : string
Can be any of the following: bt.AUX to retrieve the
auxiliary file, bt.THUMB to retrieve the thumbnail,
or a file format (e.g. bt.FITS) to retrieve the
requested format of the main image. If the requested image
does not exist then None is returned.
An imagedescriptor of the requested image or None if the image
does not exist in the class.
if(type == bt.AUX):
if(self.auxiliary != ""):
return imagedescriptor(self.auxiliary, self.auxtype, bt.AUX)
return None
if(type == bt.THUMB):
if(self.thumbnail != ""):
return imagedescriptor(self.thumbnail, self.thumbnailtype, bt.THUMB)
return None
if(type in self.images):
return imagedescriptor(self.images[type], type, bt.DATA)
print "NOT FOUND"
return None
return None
[docs] def getimagefile(self, imtype):
""" Method to get the name of a file for the given image type
imtype : str
Can be any of the following: bt.AUX to retrieve the
auxiliary file, bt.THUMB to retrieve the thumbnail,
or a file format (e.g. bt.FITS) to retrieve the
requested format of the main image. If the requested image
does not exist then None is returned.
String containing the image name, or None if the image does not
temp = self.getimage(imtype)
if temp is None:
return None
return temp.file
[docs] def removeimage(self, typ, basedir="", delete=True):
""" Method to remove a specific image from the class, including from
disk if requested.
type : string
The type of the image to be removed. Can be any of the
following: bt.AUX to remove the auxiliary file,
bt.THUMB to remove the thumbnail, or a file format
(e.g. bt.FITS) to remove the requested format from
the main image dictionary.
delete : Boolean
Whether to delete the actual image from disk (default is True)
# go through each image component and delete the file and instance
if(typ == bt.THUMB):
utils.remove(basedir + os.sep + self.thumbnail)
self.thumbnail = ""
self.thumbnailtype = ""
elif(typ == bt.AUX):
utils.remove(basedir + os.sep+ self.auxiliary)
self.auxiliary = ""
self.auxtype = ""
elif(typ in bt.image_types and typ in self.images):
utils.remove(basedir + os.sep + self.images[typ])
elif(typ in self.images.values()):
k = None
for key, val in self.images.iteritems():
if(typ == val):
k = key
if(delete) :
utils.remove(basedir + os.sep + k)
self.images.pop(k, None)
[docs] def delete(self, basedir="", delfile=True):
""" Method to delete everything
delfile : Boolean
Whether or not do delete the underlying files
(default is True)
for f, v in self.images.iteritems():
self.removeimage(f, basedir, delfile)
self.images = {}
if(self.thumbnail != ""):
self.removeimage(bt.THUMB, basedir, delfile)
if(self.auxiliary != ""):
self.removeimage(bt.AUX, basedir, delfile)
[docs] def getthumbnail(self):
""" Method to get the thumbnail image file name
The file name of the thumbnail image, relative to the encasing
return self.getimage(bt.THUMB)
[docs] def getaux(self):
""" Method to get the auxiliary file name
The name of the auxiliry file, relative to the encasing BDP
return self.getimage(bt.AUX)
def __eq__(self, img):
""" Method to determine if two images are equivalent
img : Image
The image to compare to this one
Whether or not the two image classes are equivalent
Useful for testing purposes, still experimental
for i in self.__dict__:
if cmp(getattr(self, i), getattr(img, i)) != 0:
return False
except Exception, e:
return False
return True
[docs]class imagedescriptor(object):
""" A lightweight class for transporting an image, its format and type.
This class has three and only three data members, and no added methods.
The members are file for the image file name on disk, format for the
image format (e.g. bt.FITS), and type (one of bt.THUMB,
bt.AUX, or bt.DATA) specifying what type of image this
file : string
The name of the file containing the image
No default
format : string
The format the image is in (see bt for a list of formats)
No default
type : string
The data type this image is filling in the class auxiliary,
thumbnail or data (where most images go). Use: bt.AUX, bt.THUMB, or
Default : bt.DATA)
Same as parameters.
__slots__ = ["file", "format", "type"]
def __init__(self, file, format, type=bt.DATA) :
if(not type in bt.imagedescriptor_types) :
raise Exception("type %s is not a valid value. Valid values are %s"
% (type, str(bt.imagedescriptor_types)))
if(not format in bt.image_types):
raise Exception("Format %s is not an acceptable format type" % (format))
self.file = file
self.format = format
self.type = type