Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# run admit recipes in $ADMIT/admit/scripts directory. 

#import admit.scripts as recipes ## Really???
   **recipe** --- Executes a pre-defined ADMIT recipe (script).

   This module implements a uniform interface for executing pre-defined ADMIT

import os
import fnmatch
import importlib
import admit.util

[docs]def recipe(*args,**kwargs): """Function to run an ADMIT recipe. The parameters are passed without any keywords. The first parameter must be the name of the recipe and subsequent parameters the arguments of that recipe in order. Parameters ---------- recipe_name: str The name of the recipe args The rest of the keyword-less arguments kwargs Any keywords this recipe understand Notes ---------- Example: admit.recipe("LineMoment","test0.fits") admit.recipe("LineMoment","test0.fits",minchan=10) """ scriptsdir = admit.util.utils.admit_root() + os.sep + "admit" + os.sep + "scripts" mod = "admit.scripts." print args print kwargs try: therecipe = importlib.import_module(mod+args[0]) print therecipe except: print "Recipe %s not found. Available recipes are:" % args[0] flist = [] pattern = '*.py' for filename in os.listdir(scriptsdir): if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern) and filename != '' and filename !='': flist.append(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) for name in flist: print " %s" % name return if hasattr(therecipe,'KEYS'): therecipe.KEYS.update(kwargs) therecipe._run(args)
if __name__ == "__main__": recipe("Line_Moment","test0.fits") recipe("XXX","junk","hey",1,"forest")