""" .. _SFind2D-at-api:
**SFind2D_AT** --- Finds sources in a 2D map.
This module defines the SFind2D_AT class.
from admit.AT import AT
from admit.Summary import SummaryEntry
from admit.util import APlot
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.bdp.SourceList_BDP import SourceList_BDP
import admit.util.casautil as casautil
import admit.util.Image as Image
import admit.util.Line as Line
import admit.util.ImPlot as ImPlot
from admit.bdp.Image_BDP import Image_BDP
from admit.bdp.CubeStats_BDP import CubeStats_BDP
import admit.util.utils as utils
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from copy import deepcopy
import types
import casa
import taskinit
print "WARNING: No CASA; SFind2D task cannot function."
[docs]class SFind2D_AT(AT):
Find sources in a 2-D map -- Sources are found based on peak flux density
(Jy/beam) and fitted with a Gaussian to determine source parameters. The
AT uses the CASA findsources task. The key words allow the cutoff level
for source discovery to be limited either by N times the RMS noise or by
a dynamic range. The latter is important when a strong source in the image
increases noise local to that source. SFind2d_AT can be used on continuum
maps, moment maps, or other 2-D images. It is likely to give poor fits
for sources that extend over many beams.
**sigma**: float
The noise level to be used for calculating the cutoff value.
Negative value: the RMS is obtained from the CubeStats_BDP, if provided;
otherwise it is calculated via call to imstat using the region parameter.
Positive value: override **CubeStats**, the user provided value is utilized.
Default: -1.0.
**numsigma**: float
The lower cutoff level for source finder in terms of **sigma**.
Default: 6.0.
**robust**: list
A compound list keyword describing how robust statistics is used. By default
all data are used, with CASA's "medabsdevmed" (MAD) statistic as the robust noise
estimator. For normal (gaussian) noise, RMS = 1.4826 * MAD.
For more flexible noise statistics see **CASA::imstat** for a detailed background,
but the current valid algorithms and their optional additional arguments are:
Used only if **sigma** is negative and there is no CubeStats_BDP given.
**snmax**: float
Maximum dynamic range between strongest source in map and **sigma** computed or provided.
Used to calculate a new **sigma** if the previously computed **sigma** implies a larger
dynamic range [(map max)/"sigma"] than requested here.
Negative -- use the (nsgima * sigma) value for limiting flux density
Default: 35
snmax= 35.0
Limits search to 1/35th brightness of max source in map -- good default
for pipeline ALMA images which have not been selfcaled.
**nmax**: int
Maximum sources that will be searched for in the map.
Default: 30
**region**: string
Region to search for sources. Format is CASA region specification.
Default: entire image.
region='circle[[19h58m52.7s,+40d42m06.04s ],30.0arcsec]'
**zoom**: int
Image zoom ratio applied to the source map plot. This does not
affect the base (CASA) image itself. Default: 1.
**Input BDPs**
**SpwCube_BDP**: count: 1
Input 2-D map, typically from `Moment_AT <Moment_AT.html>`_.
Needs to be a noise-flat map. `Ingest_AT <Ingest_AT.html>`_
has the option for creating a noise-flat map from a primary beam
corrected map and a primary beam.
**CubeStats_BDP**: count: 1 (optional)
Output from `CubeStats_AT <CubeStats_AT.html>`_ executed on the
input image cube. Optional, see description of **sigma** keyword.
**Output BDPs**
**SourceList_BDP**: count: 1
An image and table with source information, ordered by peak flux
density. Can be input to `CubeStats_AT <CubeStats_AT.html>`_
to produce spectra at each source position.
keyval : dictionary, optional
_version : string
def __init__(self, **keyval):
keys = {"numsigma" : 6.0, # default to 5 sigma
"sigma" : -1.0, # default to grab sigma from CubeStats BDP
"region" : "", # default to entire map
"robust" : ['hin',1.5], # default to classic MAD
"snmax" : 35.0, # default to limit dynamic range to 100
"nmax" : 30, # default to limit max number of sources to 30
"zoom" : 1, # default map plot zoom ratio
self._version = "1.1.1"
self.set_bdp_out([(SourceList_BDP, 1)])
[docs] def summary(self):
"""Returns the summary dictionary from the AT, for merging
into the ADMIT Summary object.
SFind2D_AT adds the following to ADMIT summary:
.. table::
:class: borderless
| Key | type | Description |
| sources | table | table of source parameters |
Dictionary of SummaryEntry
if hasattr(self,"_summary"):
return self._summary
return {}
[docs] def run(self):
""" The run method creates the BDP
dt = utils.Dtime("SFind2D") # tagging time
self._summary = {}
# get key words that user input
nsigma = self.getkey("numsigma")
sigma = self.getkey("sigma")
region = self.getkey("region")
robust = self.getkey("robust")
snmax = self.getkey("snmax")
nmax = self.getkey("nmax")
ds9 = True # writes a "ds9.reg" file
mpl = True # aplot.map1() plot
dynlog = 20.0 # above this value of dyn range finder chart is log I-scaled
bpatch = True # patch units to Jy/beam for ia.findsources()
# get the input casa image from bdp[0]
bdpin = self._bdp_in[0]
infile = bdpin.getimagefile(bt.CASA)
if mpl:
data = np.flipud(np.rot90(casautil.getdata(self.dir(infile)).data))
# check if there is a 2nd image (which will be a PB)
for i in range(len(self._bdp_in)):
print 'BDP',i,type(self._bdp_in[i])
if self._bdp_in[2] != None:
bdpin_pb = self._bdp_in[1]
bdpin_cst = self._bdp_in[2]
print "Need to process PB"
bdpin_pb = None
bdpin_cst = self._bdp_in[1]
print "No PB given"
# get the output bdp basename
slbase = self.mkext(infile,'sl')
# make sure it's a 2D map
if not casautil.mapdim(self.dir(infile),2):
raise Exception,"Input map dimension not 2: %s" % infile
# arguments for imstat call if required
args = {"imagename" : self.dir(infile)}
if region != "":
args["region"] = region
# The following code sets the sigma level for searching for sources using
# the sigma and snmax keyword as appropriate
# if no CubeStats BDP was given and no sigma was specified:
# find a noise level via casa.imstat()
# if a CubeStat_BDP is given get it from there.
if bdpin_cst == None:
# get statistics from input image with imstat because no CubeStat_BDP
stat = casa.imstat(**args)
dmin = float(stat["min"][0]) # these would be wrong if robust were used already
dmax = float(stat["max"][0])
args.update(casautil.parse_robust(robust)) # only now add robust keywords for the sigma
stat = casa.imstat(**args)
if sigma <= 0.0 :
sigma = float(stat["sigma"][0])
# get statistics from CubeStat_BDP
sigma = bdpin_cst.get("sigma")
dmin = bdpin_cst.get("minval")
dmax = bdpin_cst.get("maxval")
# calculate cutoff based either on RMS or dynamic range limitation
drange = dmax/(nsigma*sigma)
if snmax < 0.0 :
snmax = drange
if drange > snmax :
cutoff = 1.0/snmax
cutoff = 1.0/drange
logging.info("sigma, dmin, dmax, snmax, cutoff %g %g %g %g %g" % (sigma, dmin, dmax, snmax, cutoff))
# define arguments for call to findsources
args2 = {"cutoff" : cutoff}
args2["nmax"] = nmax
if region != "" :
args2["region"] = region
#args2["mask"] = ""
args2["point"] = False
args2["width"] = 5
args2["negfind"] = False
# set-up for SourceList_BDP
slbdp = SourceList_BDP(slbase)
# connect to casa image and call casa ia.findsources tool
ia = taskinit.iatool()
# findsources() cannot deal with 'Jy/beam.km/s' ???
# so for the duration of findsources() we patch it
bunit = ia.brightnessunit()
if bpatch and bunit != 'Jy/beam':
logging.warning("Temporarely patching your %s units to Jy/beam for ia.findsources()" % bunit)
bpatch = False
atab = ia.findsources(**args2)
if bpatch:
taskargs = "nsigma=%4.1f sigma=%g region=%s robust=%s snmax=%5.1f nmax=%d" % (nsigma,sigma,str(region),str(robust),snmax,nmax)
nsources = atab["nelements"]
xtab = []
ytab = []
logscale = False
sumflux = 0.0
if nsources > 0:
# @TODO: Why are Xpix, YPix not stored in the table?
# -> PJT: I left them out since they are connected to an image which may not be available here
# but we should store the frequency of the observation here for later bandmerging
logging.debug("%s" % str(atab['component0']['shape']))
logging.info("Right Ascen. Declination X(pix) Y(pix) Peak Flux Major Minor PA SNR")
funits = atab['component0']['flux']['unit']
if atab['component0']['shape'].has_key('majoraxis'):
sunits = atab['component0']['shape']['majoraxis']['unit']
aunits = atab['component0']['shape']['positionangle']['unit']
sunits = "n/a"
aunits = "n/a"
punits = ia.summary()['unit']
logging.info(" %s %s %s %s %s" % (punits,funits,sunits,sunits,aunits))
# @todo future improvement is to look at image coordinates and control output appropriately
if ds9:
# @todo variable name
regname = self.mkext(infile,'ds9.reg')
fp9 = open(self.dir(regname),"w!")
sn0 = -1.0
for i in range(nsources):
c = "component%d" % i
name = "%d" % (i+1)
r = atab[c]['shape']['direction']['m0']['value']
d = atab[c]['shape']['direction']['m1']['value']
pixel = ia.topixel([r,d])
xpos = pixel['numeric'][0]
ypos = pixel['numeric'][1]
rd = ia.toworld([xpos,ypos],'s')
ra = rd['string'][0][:12]
dec = rd['string'][1][:12]
flux = atab[c]['flux']['value'][0]
sumflux = sumflux + flux
if atab[c]['shape'].has_key('majoraxis'):
smajor = atab[c]['shape']['majoraxis']['value']
sminor = atab[c]['shape']['minoraxis']['value']
sangle = atab[c]['shape']['positionangle']['value']
smajor = 0.0
sminor = 0.0
sangle = 0.0
peakstr = ia.pixelvalue([xpos,ypos,0,0])
if len(peakstr) == 0:
logging.warning("Problem with source %d @ %d,%d" % (i,xpos,ypos))
peakf = peakstr['value']['value']
snr = peakf/sigma
if snr > dynlog:
logscale = True
if snr > sn0:
sn0 = snr
logging.info("%s %s %8.2f %8.2f %10.3g %10.3g %7.3f %7.3f %6.1f %6.1f" % (ra,dec,xpos,ypos,peakf,flux,smajor,sminor,sangle,snr))
if ds9:
ras = ra
des = dec.replace('.',':',2)
msg = 'ellipse(%s,%s,%g",%g",%g) # text={%s}' % (ras,des,smajor,sminor,sangle+90.0,i+1)
fp9.write("%s\n" % msg)
if ds9:
logging.info("Wrote ds9.reg")
logging.regression("CONTFLUX: %d %g" % (nsources,sumflux))
summary = ia.summary()
beammaj = summary['restoringbeam']['major']['value']
beammin = summary['restoringbeam']['minor']['value']
beamunit = summary['restoringbeam']['minor']['unit']
beamang = summary['restoringbeam']['positionangle']['value']
angunit = summary['restoringbeam']['positionangle']['unit']
# @todo add to table comments?
logging.info(" Fitted Gaussian size; NOT deconvolved source size.")
logging.info(" Restoring Beam: Major axis: %10.3g %s , Minor axis: %10.3g %s , PA: %5.1f %s" % (beammaj, beamunit, beammin, beamunit, beamang, angunit))
# form into a xml table
# output is a table_bdp
# instantiate a plotter for all plots made herein
myplot = APlot(ptype=self._plot_type,pmode=self._plot_mode,abspath=self.dir())
# make output png with circles marking sources found
if mpl:
nx = data.shape[1] # data[] array was already flipud(rot90)'d
ny = data.shape[0] #
for (x,y) in zip(xtab,ytab):
# @todo variable name
if logscale:
logging.warning("LogScaling applied")
data = data/sigma
data = np.where(data<0,-np.log10(1-data),+np.log10(1+data))
if nsources == 0:
title = "SFind2D: 0 sources above S/N=%.1f" % (nsigma)
elif nsources == 1:
title = "SFind2D: 1 source (%.1f < S/N < %.1f)" % (nsigma,sn0)
title = "SFind2D: %d sources (%.1f < S/N < %.1f)" % (nsources,nsigma,sn0)
# Get the figure and thumbmail names and create a caption
imname = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
thumbnailname = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
caption = "Image of input map with sources found by SFind2D overlayed in green."
slbdp.table.description="Table of source locations and sizes (not deconvolved)"
# Add finder image to the BDP
image = Image(images={bt.PNG: imname},
thumbnailtype=bt.PNG, description=caption)
slbdp.image.addimage(image, "finderimage")
# Create the summary entry for the table and image
self._summary["sources"] = SummaryEntry([slbdp.table.serialize(),
self.id(True), taskargs)