""" .. _PVCorr-at-api:
**PVCorr_AT** --- Determines position-velocity correlations in a map.
Defines the PVCorr_AT class.
import sys, os, logging
from admit.AT import AT
from admit.Summary import SummaryEntry
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.util.Image import Image
from admit.util.Table import Table
import admit.util.utils as utils
import admit.util.casautil as casautil
from admit.bdp.CubeStats_BDP import CubeStats_BDP
from admit.bdp.PVCorr_BDP import PVCorr_BDP
from admit.bdp.Image_BDP import Image_BDP
from admit.util import APlot
from admit.util import stats
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import scipy
import scipy.signal
print "WARNING: No scipy; PVCorr task cannot function."
import casa
print "WARNING: No CASA; PVCorr task cannot function."
# Some discussion/code on https://github.com/keflavich/image_registration
# about sub-pixel registration, although we probably don't need this
# accuracy in PVCorr.
[docs]class PVCorr_AT(AT):
"""PV correllation in a PVSlice map.
PVCorr_AT computes a cross-correlation of a feature in a PVSlice with the
whole PVSlice, looking for repeated patterns to detect spectral lines. Much
like the output from CubeStats_AT and CubeSpectrum_AT, this table can then be
given to LineID_AT to attempt a line identification.
See also :ref:`PVCorr-AT-Design` for the design document.
**numsigma**: float
Minimum intensity, in terms of sigma, above which a selected portion
of the spectrum will be used for cross-correlation.
Default: 3.0.
**range**: integer list
If given, it has to be a list with 2 channel numbers, the first and last channel
(0-based channels) of the range which to use for the cross-correlation.
Default: [].
**nchan**: integer
The number of channels (in case range= was not used) that defines the line.
The line is centers on the strongest point in the input PV-map.
If 0 is given, it will watershed down from the strongest line.
Default: 0.
**Input BDPs**
**PVSlice_BDP**: count: 1
Input PV slice, normally from a `PVSlice_AT <PVSlice_AT.html>`_.
**CubeStats_BDP**: count: 1
Input cube statistics from which the RMS is taken, received from a
`CubeStats_AT <CubeStats_AT.html>`_.
**Output BDPs**
**PVCorr_BDP**: count: 1
Output table.
def __init__(self,**keyval):
keys = {"numsigma" : 3.0, # N-sigma
"range" : [], # optional channel range
"nchan" : 0, # number of channels around the channel where the peak is
self._version = "1.1.0"
# @todo optional 2nd PVSlice can be used to draw the template from
[docs] def summary(self):
"""Returns the summary dictionary from the AT, for merging
into the ADMIT Summary object.
PVCorr_AT adds the following to ADMIT summary:
.. table::
:class: borderless
| Key | type | Description |
| pvcorr | list | correlation diagram |
Dictionary of SummaryEntry
if hasattr(self,"_summary"):
return self._summary
return {}
[docs] def run(self):
dt = utils.Dtime("PVCorr")
self._summary = {}
numsigma = self.getkey("numsigma")
mode = 1 # PV corr mode (1,2,3)
normalize = True
# normalize = False
b1 = self._bdp_in[0] # PVSlice_BDP
fin = b1.getimagefile(bt.CASA) # CASA image
data = casautil.getdata_raw(self.dir(fin)) # grab the data as a numpy array
self.myplot = APlot(ptype=self._plot_type,pmode=self._plot_mode,abspath=self.dir())
#print 'DATA[0,0]:',data[0,0]
#print 'pv shape: ',data.shape
npos = data.shape[0]
nvel = data.shape[1]
b2 = self._bdp_in[1] # CubeStats_BDP
sigma = b2.sigma # global sigma in the cube
cutoff = numsigma * sigma
freq = b2.table.getColumnByName("frequency")
chans = self.getkey("range") # range of channels, if used
if len(chans) > 0:
if len(chans) != 2:
logging.fatal("range=%s" % chans)
raise Exception,"range= needs two values, left and right (inclusive) channel"
ch0 = chans[0]
ch1 = chans[1]
nchan = self.getkey("nchan")
imstat0 = casa.imstat(self.dir(fin)) # @todo can use data[] now
xmaxpos = imstat0['maxpos'][0]
ymaxpos = imstat0['maxpos'][1]
logging.info("MAXPOS-VEL %s %g" % (str(imstat0['maxpos']),imstat0['max'][0]))
if nchan > 0:
# expand around it, later ch0,ch1 will be checked for running off the edge
ch0 = ymaxpos - nchan/2
ch1 = ymaxpos + nchan/2
# watershed down to find ch0 and ch1 ?
# this doesn't work well in crowded areas
ch0 = ymaxpos
ch1 = ymaxpos
spmax = data.max(axis=0)
k = spmax.argmax()
n = len(spmax)
logging.debug('spmax %s %d %g' % (str(spmax.shape),k,spmax[k]))
# find lower cutoff
for i in range(n):
ch0 = ymaxpos - i
if ch0<0: break
if spmax[ch0] < cutoff: break
ch0 = ch0 + 1
# find higher cutoff
for i in range(n):
ch1 = ymaxpos + i
if ch1==n: break
if spmax[ch1] < cutoff: break
ch1 = ch1 - 1
bdp_name = self.mkext(fin,"pvc") # output PVCorr_BDP
b3 = PVCorr_BDP(bdp_name)
if ch0<0 or ch1>=nvel:
# this probably only happens to small cubes (problematic for PVCorr)
# or when the strongest line is really close to the edge of the band
# (which is probably ok)
if ch0<0 and ch1>=nvel:
logging.warning("Serious issues with the size of this cube")
if ch0<0:
logging.warning("Resetting ch0 edge to 0")
if ch1>=nvel:
logging.warning("Resetting ch1 edge to the maximum")
if ch0 > ch1:
logging.warning("Sanity swapping ch0,1 due to likely noisy data")
ch0,ch1 = ch1,ch0
if mode == 1:
out,rms = mode1(data, ch0, ch1, cutoff, normalize)
corr = out
elif mode == 2:
out,rms = mode2(data, ch0, ch1, cutoff) # slower 2D version
corr = out[npos/2,:] # center cut, but could also try feature detection
elif mode == 3:
out,rms = self.mode3(data, ch0, ch1, cutoff) # Doug's faster 2D version
# get the peak of each column
corr = np.amax(out,axis=0)
# print "PVCORR SHAPE ",corr.shape," mode", mode
if len(corr) > 0:
# print "SHAPE out:",out.shape,corr.shape,npos/2
ch = range(len(corr))
if len(corr) != len(freq):
logging.fatal("ch (%d) and freq (%d) do not have same size" % (len(corr),len(freq)))
raise Exception,"ch and freq do not have same dimension"
labels = ["channel", "frequency", "pvcorr"]
units = ["number", "GHz", "N/A"]
data = (ch, freq, corr)
table = Table(columns=labels,units=units,data=np.column_stack(data))
# still construct a table, but with no rows
labels = ["channel", "frequency", "pvcorr"]
units = ["number", "GHz", "N/A"]
table = Table(columns=labels,units=units)
if len(corr) > 0:
logging.regression("PVC: %f %f" % (corr.min(),corr.max()))
title = 'PVCorr mode=%d [%d,%d] %g' % (mode,ch0,ch1,cutoff)
x = ch
xlab = 'Channel'
y = [corr]
ylab = 'PV Correlation'
p1 = "%s_%d" % (bdp_name,0)
segp = []
segp.append( [0,len(ch),0.0,0.0] )
segp.append( [0,len(ch),3.0*rms, 3.0*rms] )
# @todo: in principle we know with given noise and size of box, what the sigma in pvcorr should be
self.myplot.plotter(x,y,title,figname=p1,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,segments=segp, thumbnail=True)
#out1 = np.rot90 (data.reshape((nvel,npos)) )
if mode > 1:
self.myplot.map1(data=out,title="testing PVCorr_AT: mode%d"%mode,figname='testPVCorr', thumbnail=True)
taskargs = "numsigma=%.1f range=[%d,%d]" % (numsigma,ch0,ch1)
caption = "Position-velocity correlation plot"
thumbname = self.myplot.getThumbnail(figno=self.myplot.figno,relative=True)
figname = self.myplot.getFigure(figno=self.myplot.figno,relative=True)
image = Image(images={bt.PNG: figname}, thumbnail=thumbname, thumbnailtype=bt.PNG,
b3.image.addimage(image, "pvcorr")
self._summary["pvcorr"] = SummaryEntry([figname,thumbname,caption,fin],"PVCorr_AT",self.id(True),taskargs)
self._summary["pvcorr"] = None
logging.warning("No summary")
logging.regression("PVC: -1")
[docs] def mode3(self, data, v0, v1, dmin=0.0):
""" v0..v1 (both inclusive) are channel selections
threshold on dmin
@todo the frequency axis is not properly calibrated here
@todo a full 2D is slow, we only need the 1D version
print "PVCorr mode3: v0,1=",v0,v1
smin = data.min()
#s = data[v0:v1+1,:]
s = data[:,v0:v1+1]
if dmin==0.0:
logging.warning("Using all data in crosscorr")
f = s
f = np.where(s>dmin,s,0)
# find out where the zeros are
temp = np.amax(f,axis=1)
nz = np.nonzero(temp)
# trim the kernel in the y direction, removing rows that are all 0.0
f = f[nz[0][0]:nz[0][-1],:]
f0 = np.where(s>smin,1,0)
f1 = np.where(s>dmin,1,0)
fmax = f.max()
print "PVCorr mode3:",f1.sum(),'/',f0.sum(),'min/max',smin,fmax
out = scipy.signal.correlate2d(data,f,mode='same')
self.myplot.map1(data=f,title="PVCorr 2D Kernel",figname='PVCorrKernel', thumbnail=True)
print 'PVCorr min/max:',out.min(),out.max()
n1,m1,s1,n2,m2,s2 = stats.mystats(out.flatten())
print "PVCorr stats", n1,m1,s1,n2,m2,s2
rms_est = s2/np.sqrt(f1.sum())
return out,rms_est
[docs]def test_single(x1,x2,y,cutoff=None):
""" test as if there is only one line via a simple moment analysis
ymax = y.max()
if cutoff == None:
cutoff = 0.10 * ymax
ym = ma.masked_less(y,cutoff)
y1 = ym * x1
y2 = ym * x2
logging.info("Average: %d %d %d %d" % (ym.count(), y1.count(), y2.count(), len(y)))
logging.info("Average intensity weighted channel: %g %g %g %g" % (y1.sum()/ym.sum(),y2.sum()/ym.sum(),cutoff,ymax))
[docs]def mode1(data,v0,v1, dmin=0.0, normalize=False):
""" faster 1D version of mode2
This works by forcing mode='valid' and making the X (position)
dimension of the template the same as the PV diagram. We then
pad the ends of the PV with zero's. Introduces some complexity
how to return the correct shape
v0..v1 (both inclusive) are channel selections
threshold on dmin
@todo the frequency axis may not be properly calibrated here
@todo plot the template for debug, like in mode3
logging.info("PVCorr mode1: v0,1= %d %d dmin= %g normalize=%s " % (v0,v0,dmin,str(normalize)))
smin = data.min()
nx = data.shape[0]
ny = data.shape[1]
nv = v1-v0+1
pad = np.zeros(nx*nv).reshape(nx,nv) # ValueError: negative dimensions are not allowed (EGNoG)
pdata = np.concatenate((pad,data,pad),axis=1)
s = data[:,v0:v1+1] # the stencil where the line is
if dmin==0.0:
logging.warning("Using all data in crosscorr")
f = s
f = np.where(s>dmin,s,0.0)
if normalize:
f = np.where(f != 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
f0 = np.where(s>smin,1,0)
f1 = np.where(s>dmin,1,0)
if s.max() < dmin:
logging.warning("Datamax=%g, no data above dmin=%g; data too noisy?" % (s.max(),dmin))
return np.arange(0),0.0
fmax = f.max()
fsum = f.sum()
ssum = s.sum()
fssum = (f*s).sum()
ffsum = (f*f).sum()
logging.info("PVCorr mode1: %d/%d min/max %g %g sums: %g %g %g %g" % (f1.sum(),f0.sum(),smin,fmax,fsum,ssum,ffsum,fssum))
if normalize:
out = scipy.signal.correlate2d(pdata,f,mode='valid')/fssum
out = scipy.signal.correlate2d(pdata,f,mode='valid')/ffsum
logging.info('PVCorr min/max: %g %g' % (out.min(),out.max()))
n1,m1,s1,n2,m2,s2 = stats.mystats(out.flatten())
logging.info("PVCorr stats %d %g %g %d %g %g" % (n1,m1,s1,n2,m2,s2))
rms_est = s2
logging.info("RMS est: %g" % rms_est)
# cutting it this way will agree with peaks in mode2,
# but between ny=odd or even there is a half channel freq offset
# alternatively for one of them an interpolation is needed.
# the idea is that half channel should not influence LineID.
corr = out[0,nv/2+1:nv/2+ny+1]
return corr,rms_est
[docs]def mode2(data,v0,v1, dmin=0.0):
""" v0..v1 (both inclusive) are channel selections
threshold on dmin
for odd number of channels, center line in mode2 will be same as mode1
@todo the frequency axis is not properly calibrated here
@todo a full 2D is slow, we only need the 1D version
print "PVCorr mode2: v0,1=",v0,v1,"dmin=",dmin
smin = data.min()
s = data[:,v0:v1+1]
if dmin==0.0:
logging.warning("Using all data in crosscorr")
f = s
f = np.where(s>dmin,s,0)
print "PVCorr dmin:",dmin
f0 = np.where(s>smin,1,0)
f1 = np.where(s>dmin,1,0)
fmax = f.max()
ffsum = (f*f).sum()
print "PVCorr mode2:",f1.sum(),'/',f0.sum(),'min/max',smin,fmax
out = scipy.signal.correlate2d(data,f,mode='same')/ffsum
print 'PVCorr min/max:',out.min(),out.max()
n1,m1,s1,n2,m2,s2 = stats.mystats(out.flatten())
print "PVCorr stats", n1,m1,s1,n2,m2,s2
rms_est = s2/np.sqrt(f1.sum())
return out,rms_est