Source code for

""" .. _OverlapIntegral-at-api:

   **OverlapIntegral_AT** --- Computes the overlap integral between images.

   This module defines the OverlapIntegral_AT class.

import numpy as np
import as ma
from copy import deepcopy
import types
import os

from admit.AT import AT
from admit.Summary import SummaryEntry
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.util.Image import Image
import admit.util.utils as utils
import admit.util.APlot as APlot
import admit.util.Line as Line
import admit.util.ImPlot as ImPlot
import admit.util.Table
from admit.bdp.Image_BDP import Image_BDP
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
import admit.util.casautil as casautil

  import scipy
  import scipy.signal
  import casa
  import taskinit
  print "WARNING: No scipy or casa; OverlapIntegral task cannot function."

[docs]class OverlapIntegral_AT(AT): """Compute an overlap integral between selected images (or cubes). Images (or cubes) need to have a confirming WCS. It also makes sense if the input maps have the same resolving power, see also :ref:`Smooth-at-api` how to achieve this. See also :ref:`OverlapIntegral-AT-Design` for the design document. **Keywords** **chans**: string If selected (for cubes), this is the channel range over which data is compared. Experimental. **normalize**: boolean Normalize all data? Default: False. **method**: tuple The method name (string) and a dictionary of keywords describing the method will determine the way an overlap integral is computed. Not used yet. **cmap**: string A matplotlib name of colormaps available. The default ('jet') will have blue at the low end through green yellow to red. **Input BDPS** **Image_BDP**: count: 2 or more Input images (or cubes); for example, from `Ingest_AT <Ingest_AT.html>`_, `LineCube_AT <LineCube_AT.html>`_ or `Moment_AT <Moment_AT.html>`_. **Output BDPs** **Image_BDP**: count: 1 Parameters ---------- keyval : dictionary, optional Attributes ---------- _version : string """ def __init__(self, **keyval): keys = { "chans" : [], # 0-based channel range, e.g. [5,10] "normalize" : False, "method" : ("", {"key1": 0, "key2": 1.0, "key3": "abc"}), "cmap" : "jet", } AT.__init__(self,keys,keyval) self._version = "1.0.1" self.set_bdp_in([(Image_BDP, 0, bt.REQUIRED)]) # 2 or more should be input # @TODO: Why is OverlapIntegral_BDP not used here, # since the output is a Table and an Image self.set_bdp_out([(Image_BDP,1)]) # 1 is output
[docs] def summary(self): """Returns the summary dictionary from the AT, for merging into the ADMIT Summary object. OverlapIntegral_AT adds the following to ADMIT summary: .. table:: :class: borderless +----------+----------+-----------------------------------+ | Key | type | Description | +==========+==========+===================================+ | overlap | list | output image and information | | | | about lines used | +----------+----------+-----------------------------------+ Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- dict Dictionary of SummaryEntry """ if hasattr(self,"_summary"): return self._summary else: return {}
[docs] def run(self): """ Main program for OverlapIntegral """ dt = utils.Dtime("OverlapIntegral") self._summary = {} chans =self.getkey("chans") cmap = self.getkey("cmap") normalize = self.getkey("normalize") doCross = True doCross = False myplot = APlot(pmode=self._plot_mode,ptype=self._plot_type,abspath=self.dir()) dt.tag("start") n = len(self._bdp_in) if n==0: raise Exception,"Need at least 1 input Image_BDP " logging.debug("Processing %d input maps" % n) data = range(n) # array in which each element is placeholder for the data mdata = range(n) # array to hold the max in each array summarytable = admit.util.Table() summarytable.columns = ["File name","Spectral Line ID"] summarytable.description = "Images used in Overlap Integral" for i in range(n): bdpfile = self._bdp_in[i].getimagefile(bt.CASA) if hasattr(self._bdp_in[i],"line"): line = getattr(self._bdp_in[i],"line")"Map %d: %s" % (i,line.uid)) lineid = line.uid else: lineid="no line" data[i] = casautil.getdata(self.dir(bdpfile),chans) mdata[i] = data[i].max()"shape[%d] = %s with %d good data" % (i,data[i].shape,data[i].count())) if i==0: shape = data[i].shape outfile = self.mkext("testOI","oi") else: if shape != data[i].shape: raise Exception,"Shapes not the same, cannot overlap them" # collect the file names and line identifications for the summary summarytable.addRow([bdpfile,lineid]) logging.regression("OI: %s" % str(mdata)) if len(shape)>2 and shape[2] > 1: raise Exception,"Cannot handle 3D cubes yet" if doCross: # debug: produce all cross-corr's of the N input maps (expensive!) crossn(data, myplot) dt.tag("crossn") b1 = Image_BDP(outfile) self.addoutput(b1) b1.setkey("image", Image(images={bt.CASA:outfile})) ia = taskinit.iatool() dt.tag("open") useClone = True # to create an output dataset, clone the first input, but using the chans=ch0~ch1 # e.g. using imsubimage(infile,outfile=,chans= if len(chans) > 0: # ia.regrid() doesn't have the chans=[0].getimagefile(bt.CASA))) ia.regrid(outfile=self.dir(outfile)) ia.close() else: # 2D for now if not useClone:"OVERLAP out=%s" % outfile) ia.fromimage(infile=self.dir(self._bdp_in[0].getimagefile(bt.CASA)), outfile=self.dir(outfile), overwrite=True) ia.close() dt.tag("fromimage") if n==3: # RGB"RGB mode") out = rgb1(data[0],data[1],data[2], normalize) else: # simple sum out = data[0] for i in range(1,n): out = out + data[i] if useClone: casautil.putdata_raw(self.dir(outfile),out,clone=self.dir(self._bdp_in[0].getimagefile(bt.CASA))) else: s1 = ia.shape() s0 = [0,0,0,0] rg = taskinit.rgtool() r1 =,trc=s1) pixeldata = pixelmask = ~out.mask ia.putregion(pixels=pixeldata, pixelmask=pixelmask, region=r1) ia.close() title = "OverlapIntegral" pdata = np.rot90(out.squeeze())"PDATA: %s" % str(pdata.shape)) myplot.map1(pdata,title,"testOI",thumbnail=True,cmap=cmap) #----------------------------- # Populate summary information #----------------------------- taskargs = "chans=%s cmap=%s" % (chans, cmap) imname = "" thumbnailname = "" # uncomment when ready. imname = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True) thumbnailname = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True) #@todo fill in caption with more info - line names, etc. caption = "Need descriptive caption here" summaryinfo = [summarytable.serialize(),imname,thumbnailname,caption] self._summary["overlap"] = SummaryEntry(summaryinfo, "OverlapIntegral_AT",,taskargs) #----------------------------- dt.tag("done") dt.end()
[docs]def crossn(data, myplot): """ Run over all possible cross-correlations between the N input data CAUTION: Expensive routine @todo divide cross(i,j)/sqrt(auto(i)*auto(j)) """ n = len(data) nx = data[0].shape[0] ny = data[0].shape[1] auto = range(n) # place holder for the auto's for i in range(n): idata = data[i].data.squeeze() out = scipy.signal.correlate2d(idata,idata,mode='same') auto[i] = np.rot90(out.reshape((nx,ny))) myplot.map1(auto[i],"autocorr-%d" % i,"testOI-%d-%d" % (i,i),thumbnail=False) for i in range(n): idata = data[i].data.squeeze() for j in range(i+1,n): jdata = data[j].data.squeeze() out = scipy.signal.correlate2d(idata,jdata,mode='same') #outd = np.rot90(out.reshape((nx,ny))) / np.sqrt(auto[i]*auto[j]) outd = np.rot90(out.reshape((nx,ny))) myplot.map1(outd,"crosscorr-%d-%d" % (i,j),"testOI-%d-%d" % (i,j),thumbnail=False)
[docs]def rgb1(r,g,b, normalize=False): """ """ rmin = r.min() rmax = r.max() gmin = g.min() gmax = g.max() bmin = b.min() bmax = b.max() # normalize each to [0,1] x = (r-rmin)/(rmax-rmin) y = (g-gmin)/(gmax-gmin) z = (b-bmin)/(bmax-bmin) x = np.where(x<0.5, 2*x, 0 ) y = np.where(y<0.5, 2*y, 2-2*y) z = np.where(z<0.5, 0 , 2-2*z) return x+y+z
[docs]def rgb2(a, b, jpgname, f=0.5): """ Convert 2 2D-numpy arrays into a colorful JPG image f = Color Composition Index RGB = (A, B+f*A, B) """ logging.warning("RGB2 not implemented")
[docs]def rgb3(r, g, b, jpgname): """ Convert 3 2D-numpy arrays into a colorful JPG image It needs the PIL module, which CASA doesn't have but we would like to try this out one of these moons... """ from PIL import Image # skip all the shape tests and being 2D sh = r.shape rgb = np.zeros((sh[0],sh[1],3), 'uint8') rgb[..., 0] = r*256 rgb[..., 1] = g*256 rgb[..., 2] = b*256 img = Image.fromarray(rgb)