""" .. _LineSegment-at-api:
**LineSegment_AT** --- Finds segments of line emission in spectra.
This module defines the LineSegment_AT class.
# system imports
import numpy as np
# ADMIT imports
import admit
from admit.AT import AT
from admit.Summary import SummaryEntry
from admit.util import utils, specutil
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.bdp.LineSegment_BDP import LineSegment_BDP
from admit.bdp.CubeSpectrum_BDP import CubeSpectrum_BDP
from admit.bdp.CubeStats_BDP import CubeStats_BDP
from admit.util import APlot
from admit.util.Image import Image
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
#(see :ref:`tier-one-lineid`).
[docs]class LineSegment_AT(AT):
""" Task for detecting segments of emission from an input spectrum, given cutoffs based on the rms noise.
The produced LineSegment_BDP contains a list of all line segments found in the input spectrum.
Additionally a spectral plot with overlaid segments is produced for each input spectrum.
**numsigma**: float
Minimum intensity, in terms of one sigma rms noise, to consider a given channel
to not be noise. Default: 5.0.
**minchan**: int
Minimum number of consecutive channels above numsigma to consider them
part of a line. Default: 5.
**maxgap**: int
The maximum gap to allow between clusters of channels to consider
them to be separate lines. Default: 3.
**segment**: string
The name of the segment finder algorithm to use; choices are: ASAP
and ADMIT. (see :ref:`asapsegment` and :ref:`admitsegment` for details of each)
Default: "ADMIT".
**smooth**: list
Use this parameter to smooth the input spectrum. Format is a list containing the name of the
smoothing algorithm followed by the parameters for
the algorithm, given in the order they are defined in the documentation.
The algorithms are: boxcar, gaussian, hanning, savgol, triangle, and welch.
All but savgol take a single integer parameter for the width. See :ref:`filter1D` for
details on the individual algorithms and their keywords.
To do no smoothing, set the value to []. Example: ["boxcar", 7] will do
a boxcar smooth with a width of 7.
Default: [].
**recalcnoise**: bool
A boolean to indicate whether the noise should be recalculated after smoothing. True
indicates that the noise should be recalculated, False indicates that the noise of the
unsmoothed spectrum should be used.
Default: False.
**csub**: list
The polynomial order to use for fitting the continuum of CubeStats
and CubeSpec based spectra. All CubeStats based spectra must be
continuum subtracted in order to obtain proper fits (peak, fwhm),
but continuum subtraction for CubeSpectrum based spectra is optional.
The first argument in the list is the order of polynomial to use for
the CubeStats based spectrum and the second is the order of fit to
use for CubeSpec based spectra.
Default: [1, None] (1st order for CubeStat and no fitting for
Cubespec based spectra).
**iterate**: bool
If True then iterate for both the segment finder and the peak finder
to make them both sensitive to wide and strong narrow lines.
Default: True.
**Input BDPs**
At least one of the following BDPs must be specified.
**CubeSpectrum_BDP**: count: 1 (optional)
Input spectrum, as from `CubeSpectrum_AT <CubeSpectrum_AT.html>`_.
**CubeStats_BDP**: count: 1 (optional)
Alternative input spectrum, as from
`CubeStats_AT <CubeStats_AT.html>`_.
**Output BDPs**
**LineSegment_BDP**: count: 1
List of line segments.
def __init__(self, **keyval):
keys = {"numsigma" : 5.0,
"minchan" : 4,
"maxgap" : 3,
"segment" : "ADMIT",
"smooth" : [],
"recalcnoise" : False,
"csub" : [1, None],
"iterate" : True,
self.boxcar = True
AT.__init__(self, keys, keyval)
self._version = "1.0.3"
self.set_bdp_in([(CubeSpectrum_BDP, 1, bt.OPTIONAL),
(CubeStats_BDP, 1, bt.OPTIONAL)])
self.set_bdp_out([(LineSegment_BDP, 1)])
def _taskargs(self):
""" generate a task argument string for the summary taskbar """
taskargs = " numsigma=" + str(self.getkey("numsigma"))
taskargs = taskargs + " minchan=" + str(self.getkey("minchan"))
taskargs = taskargs + " maxgap=" + str(self.getkey("maxgap"))
#taskargs = taskargs + " segment=" + self.getkey("segment")
if len(self.getkey("smooth")) != 0:
taskargs = taskargs + " smooth=" + str(self.getkey("smooth"))
taskargs = taskargs + " recalcnoise=" + str(self.getkey("recalcnoise"))
taskargs = taskargs + " csub=" + str(self.getkey("csub"))
taskargs = taskargs + " iterate=" + str(self.getkey("iterate"))
return taskargs
[docs] def summary(self):
"""Returns the summary dictionary from the AT, for merging
into the ADMIT Summary object.
LineSegment_AT adds the following to ADMIT summary:
.. table::
:class: borderless
| Key | type | Description |
| segments| table | table of parameters of discovered segments |
| spectra | list | the spectral plot of signal, noise, and S/N |
Dictionary of SummaryEntry
if hasattr(self, "_summary"):
return self._summary
return {}
[docs] def run(self):
""" The run method, locates lines, attempts to identify them, and
creates the BDP
if not self.boxcar:
logging.info("Boxcar smoothing turned off.")
self._summary = {}
self.freq = []
self.chan = []
dt = utils.Dtime("LineSegment") # timer for debugging
spec_description = []
taskargs = self._taskargs()
statbdp = None # for the CubeStats BDP
specbdp = None # for the CubeSpectrum BDP
specs = [] # to hold the input CubeSpectrum based spectra
statspec = [] # to hold the input CubeStats based spectrum
statseg = [] # to hold the detected segments from statspec
specseg = [] # to hold the detected segments from specs
#statcutoff = [] # cutoff for statspec line finding
#speccutoff = [] # cutoff for specs line finding
infile = ""
if self.getkey("minchan") < 1:
raise Exception("minchan must eb a positive value.")
elif self.getkey("minchan") == 1 and self.getkey("iterate"):
logging.info("iterate=True is not allowed for minchan=1, setting iterate to False")
vlsr = 0.0
# get the input bdp
if self._bdp_in[0] is not None:
specbdp = self._bdp_in[0]
infile = specbdp.xmlFile
if self._bdp_in[1] is not None:
statbdp = self._bdp_in[1]
infile = statbdp.xmlFile
# still need to do this check since all are optional inputs
if specbdp == statbdp is None:
raise Exception("No input BDP's found.")
imbase = self.mkext(infile, 'lseg')
# grab any optional references overplotted on the "ll" plots
# instantiate a plotter for all plots made herein
self._plot_type = admit.util.PlotControl.SVG
myplot = APlot(ptype=self._plot_type, pmode=self._plot_mode, abspath=self.dir())
# Smoothing and continuum (baseline) subtraction of input spectra #
# get and smooth all input spectra
basicsegment = {"method": self.getkey("segment"),
"minchan": self.getkey("minchan"),
"maxgap": self.getkey("maxgap"),
"numsigma": self.getkey("numsigma"),
"iterate": self.getkey("iterate"),
"nomean": True}
segargsforcont = {"name": "Line_Segment.%i.asap" % self.id(True),
"pmin": self.getkey("numsigma"),
"minchan": self.getkey("minchan"),
"maxgap": self.getkey("maxgap")}
if specbdp is not None:
# get the spectrum
specs = specutil.getspectrum(specbdp, vlsr, self.getkey("smooth"),
self.getkey("recalcnoise"), basicsegment)
# remove the continuum, if requested
if self.getkey("csub")[1] is not None:
logging.info("Attempting Continuum Subtraction for Input Spectra")
order = self.getkey("csub")[1]
specutil.contsub(self.id(True),specs, self.getkey("segment"), segargsforcont,algorithm="PolyFit",**{"deg" : order})
for spec in specs:
for spec in specs:
self.freq,self.chan = specutil.mergefreq(self.freq,self.chan,spec.freq(False), spec.chans(False))
# get any input cubestats
if statbdp is not None:
statspec = specutil.getspectrum(statbdp, vlsr, self.getkey("smooth"),
# remove the continuum
if self.getkey("csub")[0] is not None:
logging.info("Attempting Continuum Subtraction for Input CubeStats Spectra")
order = self.getkey("csub")[0]
specutil.contsub(self.id(True),statspec, self.getkey("segment"), segargsforcont,algorithm="PolyFit",**{"deg" : order})
# The 'min' spectrum is inverted for segment finding.
# Doesn't this mean it will also be plotted upside down?
if len(statspec) > 0: statspec[1].invert()
for spec in statspec:
self.freq,self.chan = specutil.mergefreq(self.freq,self.chan,spec.freq(False), spec.chans(False))
if isinstance(self.freq, np.ndarray):
self.freq = self.freq.tolist()
if isinstance(self.chan, np.ndarray):
self.chan = self.chan.tolist()
# search for segments of spectral line emission
#NB: this is repetitive with basicsegment above.
if specbdp is not None:
logging.info("Detecting segments in CubeSpectrum based data")
values = specutil.findsegments(specs, method, minchan, maxgap, numsigma, iterate)
for i, t in enumerate(values):
if statbdp is not None:
logging.info("Detecting segments in CubeStats based data")
values = specutil.findsegments(statspec, method, minchan, maxgap, numsigma, iterate)
for i, t in enumerate(values):
# print ("MWP LINESEGMENT %d Setting noise=%f minchan=%d",(i,t[2],minchan))
dt.tag("segment finder")
lsbdp = LineSegment_BDP(imbase)
finalsegs = utils.mergesegments([statseg,specseg],len(self.freq))
lines = specutil.linedatafromsegments(self.freq,self.chan,finalsegs,specs,statspec)
llist = []
for l in lines:
rdata = []
# create the output
label = ["Peak/Noise", "Minimum/Noise"]
caption = ["Potential lines overlaid on peak intensity plot from CubeStats_BDP.",
"Potential lines overlaid on minimum intensity plot from CubeStats_BDP."]
xlabel = "Frequency (GHz)"
for i, spec in enumerate(statspec):
freqs = []
for ch in statseg[i]:
frq = [min(spec.freq()[ch[0]], spec.freq()[ch[1]]),
max(spec.freq()[ch[0]], spec.freq()[ch[1]])]
#print("Stats segment, peak, ratio, fwhm ",lname,peak,ratio,fwhm)
mult = 1.
if i == 1:
mult = -1.
# print("MWP statspec plot cutoff[%d] = %f, contin=%f" % (i, (statspec[i].contin() + mult*(statspec[i].noise() * self.getkey("numsigma")))[0], statspec[i].contin()[0] ) )
myplot.segplotter(spec.freq(), spec.spec(csub=False),
title="Detected Line Segments", xlab=xlabel,
ylab=label[i], figname=imbase + "_statspec%i" % i,
segments=freqs, cutoff= (spec.contin() + mult*(spec.noise() * self.getkey("numsigma"))),
continuum=spec.contin(), thumbnail=True)
imname = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno, relative=True)
thumbnailname = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno, relative=True)
image = Image(images={bt.SVG: imname}, thumbnail=thumbnailname,
thumbnailtype=bt.PNG, description=caption[i])
lsbdp.image.addimage(image, "statspec%i" % i)
spec_description.append([lsbdp.ra, lsbdp.dec, "", xlabel,
imname, thumbnailname, caption[i],
for i in range(len(specs)):
freqs = []
for ch in specseg[i]:
frq = [min(specs[i].freq()[ch[0]], specs[i].freq()[ch[1]]),
max(specs[i].freq()[ch[0]], specs[i].freq()[ch[1]])]
myplot.segplotter(specs[i].freq(), specs[i].spec(csub=False),
title="Detected Line Segments", xlab=xlabel,
ylab="Intensity", figname=imbase + "_spec%03d" % i,
segments=freqs, cutoff=specs[i].contin() + (specs[i].noise() * self.getkey("numsigma")),
continuum=specs[i].contin(), thumbnail=True)
imname = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno, relative=True)
thumbnailname = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno,
caption = "Detected line segments from input spectrum #%i." % (i)
image = Image(images={bt.SVG: imname}, thumbnail=thumbnailname,
thumbnailtype=bt.PNG, description=caption)
lsbdp.image.addimage(image, "spec%03d" % i)
spec_description.append([lsbdp.ra, lsbdp.dec, "", xlabel,
imname, thumbnailname, caption,
caption = "Merged segments overlaid on CubeStats spectrum"
myplot.summaryspec(statspec, specs, None, imbase + "_summary", llist)
imname = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno, relative=True)
thumbnailname = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno, relative=True)
caption = "Identified segments overlaid on Signal/Noise plot of all spectra."
image = Image(images={bt.SVG: imname}, thumbnail=thumbnailname,
thumbnailtype=bt.PNG, description=caption)
lsbdp.image.addimage(image, "summary")
spec_description.append([lsbdp.ra, lsbdp.dec, "", "Signal/Noise",
imname, thumbnailname, caption,
self._summary["segments"] = SummaryEntry(lsbdp.table.serialize(),
self.id(True), taskargs)
self._summary["spectra"] = [SummaryEntry(spec_description,
self.id(True), taskargs)]
logging.regression("LINESEG: %s" % str(rdata))