""" .. _LineCube-at-api:
**LineCube_AT** --- Cuts a cube into one or more line-oriented cubes.
This module defines the LineCube_AT class.
# ADMIT imports
from admit.AT import AT
from admit.Summary import SummaryEntry
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.bdp.Image_BDP import Image_BDP
from admit.bdp.LineList_BDP import LineList_BDP
from admit.bdp.LineCube_BDP import LineCube_BDP
from admit.util.Line import Line
from admit.util.Image import Image
import admit.util.Table
import admit.util.utils as utils
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
# CASA imports
from imsubimage import imsubimage
from imrebin import imrebin
from casa import imhead
print "WARNING: No CASA; LineCube task cannot function."
# system imports
import os
import math
# @todo
# - use CoordSys tool and setrestfrequency to set the restfreq per linecube
# - the current code cannot make cubes with equal velocity gridding
# the cheat is that as long as bandwidth not too wide, it's about right
# but to compare between bands, this will not work anymore, or even USB/LSB?
[docs]class LineCube_AT(AT):
""" AT for generating a subcube of s specific spectral line.
See also :ref:`LineCube-AT-design` for design documentation.
The produced LineCube_BDP(s) holds a spectral cube for each of the
specified spectral lines.
**pad**: int
Extra channels added on either side of a line (as given by
the LineList). If a negative number is given, its
positive value will be the number of channels of each
linecube. This keyword has no meaning when gridding in
velocity space is done.
Default: 5 (add 5 channels to both sides of the line).
**fpad**: float
An optional way to control the padding would be to specify the
fraction of the current line segment that is going to be added
on either side of the segment. This would override the pad=
Default: -1 (meaning not used)
**equalize**: bool
Whether or not to create equal size cubes (based on widest line
in input LineList_BDP).
These cubes will be padded based on the value of pad.
Default: False.
**Input BDPs**
**Image_BDP**: count: 1
Spectral cube from which the line cube is sliced, as from an
`Ingest_AT <Ingest_AT.html>`_ or
`ContinuumSub_AT <ContinuumSub_AT.html>`_.
**LineList_BDP**: count: 1
List of spectral lines to cut (including the channel ranges),
typically the output of a `LineID_AT <LineID_AT.html>`_.
**Output BDPs**
**LineCube_BDP**: count: `varies`
The image slices of each spectral line (one for each).
keyval : dictionary of keyword:value pairs, optional
Keyword values.
_version : string
Version information.
def __init__(self, **keyval):
keys = {"equalize" : False, # default to no equalization and no regridding
"pad" : 5, # default to 5 channels on either side
"fpad" : -1.0, # optional fractional linesegment width padding
AT.__init__(self, keys, keyval)
self._version = "1.0.3"
self.set_bdp_in([(Image_BDP, 1, bt.REQUIRED),
(LineList_BDP, 1, bt.REQUIRED)])
self.set_bdp_out([(LineCube_BDP, 0)])
[docs] def summary(self):
"""Returns the summary dictionary for LineCube_AT".
if hasattr(self, "_summary"):
return self._summary
return {}
[docs] def run(self):
""" The run method, creates the slices, regrids if requested, and
creates the BDP(s)
dt = utils.Dtime("LineCube")
self._summary = {}
# look for an input noise level, either through keyword or input
# CubeStats BDP or calculate it if needed
pad = self.getkey("pad")
fpad = self.getkey("fpad")
equalize = self.getkey("equalize")
minchan = 0
linelist = self._bdp_in[1]
if linelist == None or len(linelist) == 0:
logging.info("No lines found in input LineList_BDP, exiting.")
spw = self._bdp_in[0]
# get the columns from the table
cols = linelist.table.getHeader()
# get the casa image
imagename = spw.getimagefile(bt.CASA)
imh = imhead(self.dir(imagename), mode='list')
# set the overall parameters for imsubimage
args = {"imagename" : self.dir(imagename),
"overwrite" : True}
if pad != 0 or fpad > 0:
nchan = imh['shape'][2]
# if equal size cubes are requested, this will honor the requested pad
if equalize:
start = linelist.table.getColumnByName("startchan")
end = linelist.table.getColumnByName("endchan")
# look for the widest line
for i in range(len(start)):
diff = end[i] - start[i] + 1
if fpad > 0:
minchan = max(minchan , diff * int(1+ 2*fpad))
minchan = max(minchan , diff + (2*pad))
# get all of the rows in the table
rows = linelist.getall()
delrow = set()
procblend = [0]
# search through looking for blended lines, leave only the strongest from each blend
# in the list
for i, row in enumerate(rows):
if row.blend in procblend:
strongest = -100.
index = -1
indexes = []
blend = row.blend
for j in range(i, len(rows)):
if rows[j].blend != blend:
if rows[j].linestrength > strongest:
strongest = rows[j].linestrength
index = j
delrow = delrow | set(indexes)
dr = list(delrow)
for row in dr:
del rows[row]
# check on duplicate UID's, since those are the directory names here
uid1 = []
for row in rows:
uid2 = set(uid1)
if len(uid1) != len(uid2):
print "LineList:",uid1
logging.warning("There are duplicate names in the LineList")
#raise Exception,"There are duplicate names in the LineList"
# Create Summary table
lc_description = admit.util.Table()
lc_description.columns = ["Line Name","Start Channel","End Channel","Output Cube"]
lc_description.units = ["","int","int",""]
lc_description.description = "Parameters of Line Cubes"
# loop over all entries in the line list
rdata = []
for row in rows:
uid = row.getkey("uid")
cdir = self.mkext(imagename,uid)
basefl = uid
lcd = [basefl]
outfl = cdir + os.sep + "lc.im"
args["outfile"] = self.dir(outfl)
start = row.getkey("startchan")
end = row.getkey("endchan")
diff = end - start + 1
startch = 0
if diff < minchan:
add = int(math.ceil(float(minchan - diff) / 2.0))
start -= add
end += add
startch += add
if start < 0:
logging.info("%s is too close to the edge to encompass with the "
+ "requested channels, start=%d resetting to 0" %
(uid, start))
startch += abs(start)
start = 0
if end >= nchan:
logging.info("%s is too close to the edge to encompass with the "
+ "requested channels, end=%d resetting to %d" %
(uid, end, nchan - 1))
end = nchan - 1
#print "\n\nDIFF ",startch,"\n\n"
if not equalize:
if fpad > 0:
diff = end - start + 1
start -= int(fpad*diff)
end += int(fpad*diff)
if start < 0:
logging.warning("fpad=%d too large, start=%d resetting to 0"
% (int(fpad*diff), start))
startch += abs(start)
start = 0
startch += int(fpad*diff)
if end >= nchan:
logging.warning("fpad=%d too large, end=%d resetting to %d"
% (int(fpad*diff), end, nchan - 1))
end = nchan - 1
elif pad > 0:
start -= pad
end += pad
if start < 0:
logging.warning("pad=%d too large, start=%d resetting to 0"
% (pad, start))
startch += abs(start)
start = 0
startch += pad
if end >= nchan:
logging.warning("pad=%d too large, end=%d resetting to %d"
% (pad, end, nchan - 1))
end = nchan - 1
elif pad < 0:
mid = (start + end) / 2
start = mid + pad / 2
end = mid - pad / 2 - 1
if start < 0:
logging.warning("pad=%d too large, start=%d resetting to 0"
% (pad, start))
startch += abs(start)
start = 0
startch += abs(start)
if end >= nchan:
logging.warning("pad=%d too large, end=%d resetting to %d"
% (pad, end, nchan - 1))
end = nchan - 1
endch = startch + diff
args["chans"] = "%i~%i" % (start, end)
# for the summmary, which will be a table of
# Line name, start channel, end channel, output image
lc_description.addRow([basefl, start, end, outfl])
# create the slices
line = row.converttoline()
# set the restfrequency ouf the output cube
imhead(imagename=args["outfile"], mode="put", hdkey="restfreq",
hdvalue="%fGHz" % (row.getkey("frequency")))
# set up the output BDP
images = {bt.CASA : outfl}
casaimage = Image(images=images)
# note that Summary.getLineFluxes() implicitly relies on the BDP out order
# being the same order as in the line list table. If this is ever not
# true, then Summary.getLineFluxes mismatch BDPs and flux values.
#self.addoutput(LineCube_BDP(xmlFile=cdir + os.sep + basefl + ".lc",
image=casaimage, line=line, linechans="%i~%i" % (startch, endch)))
dt.tag("trans-%s" % cdir)
logging.regression("LC: %s" % str(rdata))
taskargs = "pad=%s fpad=%g equalize=%s" % (pad, fpad, equalize)
self._summary["linecube"] = SummaryEntry(lc_description.serialize(), "LineCube_AT",
self.id(True), taskargs)