Source code for

""" .. _File-at-api:

   **File_AT** --- Test task representing an arbitrary disk file.
   This module defines the File_AT class.
import sys, os

from admit.AT import AT
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.bdp.File_BDP import File_BDP
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging

# reminder: need matching $ADMIT/doc/sphinx/module/
#           .. automodule::

[docs]class File_AT(AT): """Hold a file reference. See also :ref:`File-AT-Design` for the design document. The resulting File_BDP holds a reference to a file, useful for bootstrapping your flow if you don't strictly need something complex such as Ingest_AT. Used primarily by the Flow*_AT family for testing. Other realistic examples, besides Ingest_AT, are BDPIngest_AT and **Keywords** **file**: string The name of the file. See below for controlling parameters if the file needs to exist or if it can be created. File has to be a file within the admit project, absolute paths are not allowed. No default. **touch**: bool If True, the "touch" system command is used on the file, which will then either create a zero length file, or else update the timestamp of an existing file. Probably only useful for testing. **Default**: False. **exist**: bool If True, the input file is checked for existence before it could even be touched. An exception is thrown if the file does not exist and should exist. **Default**: True. **Input BDPs** None **Output BDPs** **File_BDP**: count: 1 Parameters ---------- keyval : dictionary, optional Keyword-value pairs, directly passed to the contructor for ease of assignment. """ def __init__(self,**keyval): keys = {"file" : "", "exist" : True, "touch" : False} AT.__init__(self,keys,keyval) self._version = "1.0.0" self.set_bdp_in() self.set_bdp_out([(File_BDP,1)])
[docs] def run(self): """ running the File_AT task """ # grab and check essential keywords filename = self.getkey('file')"file=%s" % filename) if len(filename) == 0: raise Exception,'File_AT: no file= given' exist = self.getkey('exist') if exist: # logging.warning("no checking now") # self._bdp_in[0].checkfiles() # create the BDP bdp1 = File_BDP(filename) bdp1.filename = filename self.addoutput(bdp1) # touch the file if desired if self.getkey('touch'): bdp1.touch()
# all done.