""" .. _CubeStats-at-api:
**CubeStats_AT** --- Calculates cube statistics.
This module defines the CubeStats_AT class.
from admit.AT import AT
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.bdp.CubeStats_BDP import CubeStats_BDP
from admit.bdp.Image_BDP import Image_BDP
from admit.util.Table import Table
from admit.util.Image import Image
from admit.util import APlot
from admit.util import utils
from admit.util import stats
from admit.util.segmentfinder import ADMITSegmentFinder
from admit.Summary import SummaryEntry
import admit.util.casautil as casautil
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
import math
import os
import scipy.stats
import casa
import taskinit
print "WARNING: No CASA; CubeStats task cannot function."
[docs]class CubeStats_AT(AT):
"""Compute image-plane based statistics for a cube.
CubeStats_AT will compute per-channel statistics, as well as a global
statistics per cube. It computes minimum and maximum values, as well
as an attempt to get a signal-free ("robust") estimate of the noise,
with some control how robust statistics this is done.
Plane based statistics records the channel number, frequency (in GHz),
mean, sigma, min and max. If PeakPointPlot (ppp, see below)
is selected, it also stores the minpos and maxpos (in pixels). See
also **CASA::imstat** for more details on the meaning of these
See also :ref:`CubeStats-AT-Design` for the design document.
**robust**: list
A compound list keyword describing how robust statistics is used. By default
all data are used, with CASA's "medabsdevmed" (MAD) statistic as the robust noise
estimator. For normal (gaussian) noise, RMS = 1.4826 * MAD.
For more flexible noise statistics see **CASA::imstat** for a detailed background,
but the current valid algorithms and their optional additional arguments are:
**ppp**: boolean
Add columns to create a PeakPointPlot. Currently this is somewhat expensive.
Default: False.
**maxvrms**: float
Clip the RMS if it varies by more than this number. This is to avoid creating
artificial lines when large variations occur due to for example missing short
spacings. Use -1 to skip this clipping.
Default: 2.0
**psample** : integer
The spatial sample rate used to examine every peak. This is an expensive option
and is only used for peakstats.
**Input BDPs**
**Image_BDP**: count: 1
Spectral cube (or map) for which statistics are computed; for example,
the output of an `Ingest_AT <Ingest_AT.html>`_,
`SFind2D_AT <SFind2D_AT.html>`_ or `Moment_AT <Moment_AT.html>`_.
**Output BDPs**
**CubeStats_BDP**: count: 1
The CubeStats_BDP table containing various columns with statistics. Each row
represents a slice (channel) from the image.
Extension: cst.
keyval : dictionary, optional
_version : string
def __init__(self,**keyval):
keys = {"robust" : [], # signal rejection parameters
"ppp" : False, # PeakPointPlot
"maxvrms" : 2.0, # clip varying RMS (-1 to skip)
"psample" : -1, # if > 0, spatial sampling rate for PeakStats
self._version = "1.1.0"
self.set_bdp_in([(Image_BDP, 1, bt.REQUIRED)])
self.set_bdp_out([(CubeStats_BDP, 1)])
[docs] def summary(self):
"""Returns the summary dictionary from the AT, for merging
into the ADMIT Summary object.
CubeStats_AT adds the following to ADMIT summary:
.. table::
:class: borderless
| Key | type | Description |
| datamean| float | mean data value float |
| dynrange| float | dynamic range, equal to datamax/chanrms |
| chanrms | float | one-sigma noise in cube |
| rmsmethd| list | method and parameters used to compute RMS |
| spectra | list | the spectral plot of signal, noise, and S/N |
Dictionary of SummaryEntry
if hasattr(self,"_summary"):
return self._summary
return {}
[docs] def run(self):
"""Runs the task.
self._summary = {}
dt = utils.Dtime("CubeStats")
#maxvrms = 2.0 # maximum variation in rms allowed (hardcoded for now)
#maxvrms = -1.0 # turn maximum variation in rms allowed off
maxvrms = self.getkey("maxvrms")
psample = -1
psample = self.getkey("psample")
# BDP's used :
# b1 = input BDP
# b2 = output BDP
b1 = self._bdp_in[0]
fin = b1.getimagefile(bt.CASA)
bdp_name = self.mkext(fin,'cst')
b2 = CubeStats_BDP(bdp_name)
# PeakPointPlot
use_ppp = self.getkey("ppp")
# peakstats: not enabled for mortal users yet
# peakstats = (psample=1, numsigma=4, minchan=3, maxgap=2, peakfit=False)
pnumsigma = 4
minchan = 3
maxgap = 2
peakfit = False # True will enable a true gaussian fit
# numsigma: adding all signal > numsigma ; not user enabled; for peaksum.
numsigma = -1.0
numsigma = 3.0
# tools we need
ia = taskinit.iatool()
# grab the new robust statistics. If this is used, 'rms' will be the RMS,
# else we will use RMS = 1.4826*MAD (MAD does a decent job on outliers as well)
# and was the only method available before CASA 4.4 when robust was implemented
robust = self.getkey("robust")
rargs = casautil.parse_robust(robust)
nrargs = len(rargs)
if nrargs == 0:
sumrargs = "medabsdevmed" # for the summary, indicate the default robust
sumrargs = str(rargs)
self._summary["rmsmethd"] = SummaryEntry([sumrargs,fin],"CubeStats_AT",self.id(True))
#@todo think about using this instead of putting 'fin' in all the SummaryEntry
#self._summary["casaimage"] = SummaryEntry(fin,"CubeStats_AT",self.id(True))
# extra CASA call to get the freq's in GHz, as these are not in imstat1{}
# @todo what if the coordinates are not in FREQ ?
# Note: CAS-7648 bug on 3D cubes
if False:
# csys method
csys = ia.coordsys()
spec_axis = csys.findaxisbyname("spectral")
# ieck, we need a valid position, or else it will come back and "Exception: All selected pixels are masked"
#freqs = ia.getprofile(spec_axis, region=rg.box([0,0],[0,0]))['coords']/1e9
#freqs = ia.getprofile(spec_axis)['coords']/1e9
freqs = ia.getprofile(spec_axis,unit="GHz")['coords']
# old imval method
#imval0 = casa.imval(self.dir(fin),box='0,0,0,0') # this fails on 3D
imval0 = casa.imval(self.dir(fin))
freqs = imval0['coords'].transpose()[2]/1e9
nchan = len(freqs)
chans = np.arange(nchan)
# call CASA to get what we want
# imstat0 is the whole cube, imstat1 the plane based statistics
# warning: certain robust stats (**rargs) on the whole cube are going to be very slow
imstat0 = casa.imstat(self.dir(fin), logfile=self.dir('imstat0.logfile'),append=False,**rargs)
imstat1 = casa.imstat(self.dir(fin),axes=[0,1],logfile=self.dir('imstat1.logfile'),append=False,**rargs)
# imm = casa.immoments(self.dir(fin),axis='spec', moments=8, outfile=self.dir('ppp.im'))
if nrargs > 0:
# need to get the peaks without rubust
imstat10 = casa.imstat(self.dir(fin), logfile=self.dir('imstat0.logfile'),append=True)
imstat11 = casa.imstat(self.dir(fin),axes=[0,1],logfile=self.dir('imstat1.logfile'),append=True)
# grab the relevant plane-based things from imstat1
if nrargs == 0:
mean = imstat1["mean"]
sigma = imstat1["medabsdevmed"]*1.4826 # see also: astropy.stats.median_absolute_deviation()
peakval = imstat1["max"]
minval = imstat1["min"]
mean = imstat1["mean"]
sigma = imstat1["rms"]
peakval = imstat11["max"]
minval = imstat11["min"]
if True:
# work around a bug in imstat(axes=[0,1]) for last channel [CAS-7697]
for i in range(len(sigma)):
if sigma[i] == 0.0:
minval[i] = peakval[i] = 0.0
# too many variations in the RMS ?
sigma_pos = sigma[np.where(sigma>0)]
smin = sigma_pos.min()
smax = sigma_pos.max()
logging.info("sigma varies from %f to %f; %d/%d channels ok" % (smin,smax,len(sigma_pos),len(sigma)))
if maxvrms > 0:
if smax/smin > maxvrms:
cliprms = smin * maxvrms
logging.warning("sigma varies too much, going to clip to %g (%g > %g)" % (cliprms, smax/smin, maxvrms))
sigma = np.where(sigma < cliprms, sigma, cliprms)
nzeros = len(np.where(sigma<=0.0)[0])
if nzeros > 0:
zeroch = np.where(sigma<=0.0)[0]
logging.warning("There are %d fully masked channels (%s)" % (nzeros,str(zeroch)))
# @todo (and check again) for foobar.fits all sigma's became 0 when robust was selected
# was this with mask=True/False?
# PeakPointPlot (can be expensive, hence the option)
if use_ppp:
logging.info("Computing MaxPos for PeakPointPlot")
xpos = np.zeros(nchan)
ypos = np.zeros(nchan)
peaksum = np.zeros(nchan)
for i in range(nchan):
if sigma[i] > 0.0:
plane = ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,i,-1],trc=[-1,-1,i,-1],dropdeg=True)
v = ma.masked_invalid(plane)
v_abs = np.absolute(v)
max = np.unravel_index(v_abs.argmax(), v_abs.shape)
xpos[i] = max[0]
ypos[i] = max[1]
if numsigma > 0.0:
peaksum[i] = ma.masked_less(v,numsigma * sigma[i]).sum()
peaksum = np.nan_to_num(peaksum) # put 0's where nan's are found
# construct the admit Table for CubeStats_BDP
# note data needs to be a tuple, later to be column_stack'd
if use_ppp:
labels = ["channel" ,"frequency" ,"mean" ,"sigma" ,"max" ,"maxposx" ,"maxposy" ,"min", "peaksum"]
units = ["number" ,"GHz" ,"Jy/beam" ,"Jy/beam" ,"Jy/beam" ,"number" ,"number" ,"Jy/beam", "Jy"]
data = (chans ,freqs ,mean ,sigma ,peakval ,xpos ,ypos ,minval, peaksum)
labels = ["channel" ,"frequency" ,"mean" ,"sigma" ,"max" ,"min"]
units = ["number" ,"GHz" ,"Jy/beam" ,"Jy/beam" ,"Jy/beam" ,"Jy/beam"]
data = (chans ,freqs ,mean ,sigma ,peakval ,minval)
table = Table(columns=labels,units=units,data=np.column_stack(data))
# get the full cube statistics, it depends if robust was pre-selected
if nrargs == 0:
mean0 = imstat0["mean"][0]
sigma0 = imstat0["medabsdevmed"][0]*1.4826
peak0 = imstat0["max"][0]
b2.setkey("mean" , float(mean0))
b2.setkey("sigma", float(sigma0))
b2.setkey("minpos",imstat0["minpos"][:3].tolist()) #? [] or array(..dtype=int32) ??
b2.setkey("maxpos",imstat0["maxpos"][:3].tolist()) #? [] or array(..dtype=int32) ??
logging.info("CubeMax: %f @ %s" % (imstat0["max"][0],str(imstat0["maxpos"])))
logging.info("CubeMin: %f @ %s" % (imstat0["min"][0],str(imstat0["minpos"])))
logging.info("CubeRMS: %f" % sigma0)
mean0 = imstat0["mean"][0]
sigma0 = imstat0["rms"][0]
peak0 = imstat10["max"][0]
b2.setkey("mean" , float(mean0))
b2.setkey("sigma", float(sigma0))
b2.setkey("minpos",imstat10["minpos"][:3].tolist()) #? [] or array(..dtype=int32) ??
b2.setkey("maxpos",imstat10["maxpos"][:3].tolist()) #? [] or array(..dtype=int32) ??
logging.info("CubeMax: %f @ %s" % (imstat10["max"][0],str(imstat10["maxpos"])))
logging.info("CubeMin: %f @ %s" % (imstat10["min"][0],str(imstat10["minpos"])))
logging.info("CubeRMS: %f" % sigma0)
rms_ratio = imstat0["rms"][0]/sigma0
logging.info("RMS Sanity check %f" % rms_ratio)
if rms_ratio > 1.5:
logging.warning("RMS sanity check = %f. Either bad sidelobes, lotsa signal, or both" % rms_ratio)
logging.regression("CST: %f %f" % (sigma0, rms_ratio))
# plots: no plots need to be made when nchan=1 for continuum
# however we could make a histogram, overlaying the "best" gauss so
# signal deviations are clear?
logging.info('mean,rms,S/N=%f %f %f' % (mean0,sigma0,peak0/sigma0))
if nchan == 1:
# for a continuum/1-channel we only need to stuff some numbers into the _summary
self._summary["chanrms"] = SummaryEntry([float(sigma0), fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
self._summary["dynrange"] = SummaryEntry([float(peak0)/float(sigma0), fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
self._summary["datamean"] = SummaryEntry([float(mean0), fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
y1 = np.log10(ma.masked_invalid(peakval))
y2 = np.log10(ma.masked_invalid(sigma))
y3 = y1-y2
# Note: log10(-minval) will fail with a runtime domain error if all values
# in minval are positive , so do a check here and only call log10 if there
# is at least one negative value in minval.
# RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
if (minval <= 0).all():
y4 = np.log10(ma.masked_invalid(-minval))
y4 = np.zeros(len(minval))
y5 = y1-y4
y = [y1,y2,y3,y4]
title = 'CubeStats: ' + bdp_name+'_0'
xlab = 'Channel'
ylab = 'log(Peak,Noise,Peak/Noise)'
labels = ['log(peak)','log(rms noise)','log(peak/noise)','log(|minval|)']
myplot = APlot(ptype=self._plot_type,pmode=self._plot_mode,abspath=self.dir())
segp = [[chans[0],chans[nchan-1],math.log10(sigma0),math.log10(sigma0)]]
imfile = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
thumbfile = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
image0 = Image(images={bt.PNG:imfile},thumbnail=thumbfile,thumbnailtype=bt.PNG,description="CubeStats_0")
if use_ppp:
# new trial for Lee
title = 'PeakSum: (numsigma=%.1f)' % (numsigma)
ylab = 'Jy*N_ppb'
if True:
# hack ascii table
y30 = np.where(sigma > 0, np.log10(peakval/sigma), 0.0)
table2 = Table(columns=["freq","log(P/N)"],data=np.column_stack((freqs,y30)))
del table2
# the "box" for the "spectrum" is all pixels. Don't know how to
# get this except via shape.
s = ia.summary()
if 'shape' in s:
specbox = (0,0,s['shape'][0],s['shape'][1])
specbox = ()
caption = "Emission characteristics as a function of channel, as derived by CubeStats_AT "
caption += "(cyan: global rms,"
caption += " green: noise per channel,"
caption += " blue: peak value per channel,"
caption += " red: peak/noise per channel)."
self._summary["spectra"] = SummaryEntry([0, 0, str(specbox), 'Channel', imfile, thumbfile , caption, fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
self._summary["chanrms"] = SummaryEntry([float(sigma0), fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
# @todo Will imstat["max"][0] always be equal to s['datamax']? If not, why not?
if 'datamax' in s:
self._summary["dynrange"] = SummaryEntry([float(s['datamax']/sigma0), fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
self._summary["dynrange"] = SummaryEntry([float(imstat0["max"][0]/sigma0), fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
self._summary["datamean"] = SummaryEntry([imstat0["mean"][0], fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
title = bdp_name + "_1"
xlab = 'log(Peak,Noise,P/N)'
imfile = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
thumbfile = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
image1 = Image(images={bt.PNG:imfile},thumbnail=thumbfile,thumbnailtype=bt.PNG,description="CubeStats_1")
# note that the 'y2' can have been clipped, which can throw off stats.robust()
# @todo should set a mask for those.
title = bdp_name + "_2"
xlab = 'log(Noise))'
n = len(y2)
ry2 = stats.robust(y2)
y2_mean = ry2.mean()
y2_std = ry2.std()
if n>9: logging.debug("NORMALTEST2: %s" % str(scipy.stats.normaltest(ry2)))
title = bdp_name + "_3"
xlab = 'log(diff[Noise])'
n = len(y2)
# dy2 = y2[0:-2] - y2[1:-1]
dy2 = ma.masked_equal(y2[0:-2] - y2[1:-1],0.0).compressed()
rdy2 = stats.robust(dy2)
dy2_mean = rdy2.mean()
dy2_std = rdy2.std()
if n>9: logging.debug("NORMALTEST3: %s" % str(scipy.stats.normaltest(rdy2)))
title = bdp_name + "_4"
xlab = 'log(Signal/Noise))'
n = len(y3)
ry3 = stats.robust(y3)
y3_mean = ry3.mean()
y3_std = ry3.std()
if n>9: logging.debug("NORMALTEST4: %s" % str(scipy.stats.normaltest(ry3)))
title = bdp_name + "_5"
xlab = 'log(diff[Signal/Noise)])'
n = len(y3)
dy3 = y3[0:-2] - y3[1:-1]
rdy3 = stats.robust(dy3)
dy3_mean = rdy3.mean()
dy3_std = rdy3.std()
if n>9: logging.debug("NORMALTEST5: %s" % str(scipy.stats.normaltest(rdy3)))
title = bdp_name + "_6"
xlab = 'log(Peak+Min)'
n = len(y1)
ry5 = stats.robust(y5)
y5_mean = ry5.mean()
y5_std = ry5.std()
if n>9: logging.debug("NORMALTEST6: %s" % str(scipy.stats.normaltest(ry5)))
logging.debug("LogPeak: m,s= %f %f min/max %f %f" % (y1.mean(),y1.std(),y1.min(),y1.max()))
logging.debug("LogNoise: m,s= %f %f %f %f min/max %f %f" % (y2.mean(),y2.std(),y2_mean,y2_std,y2.min(),y2.max()))
logging.debug("LogDeltaNoise: RMS/sqrt(2)= %f %f " % (dy2.std()/math.sqrt(2),dy2_std/math.sqrt(2)))
logging.debug("LogDeltaP/N: RMS/sqrt(2)= %f %f" % (dy3.std()/math.sqrt(2),dy3_std/math.sqrt(2)))
logging.debug("LogPeak+Min: robust m,s= %f %f" % (y5_mean,y5_std))
# compute two ratios that should both be near 1.0 if noise is 'normal'
ratio = y2.std()/(dy2.std()/math.sqrt(2))
ratio2 = y2_std/(dy2_std/math.sqrt(2))
logging.info("RMS BAD VARIATION RATIO: %f %f" % (ratio,ratio2))
# making PPP plot
if nchan > 1 and use_ppp:
smax = 10
gamma = 0.75
z0 = peakval/peakval.max()
# point sizes
s = np.pi * ( smax * (z0**gamma) )**2
cmds = ["grid", "axis equal"]
title = "Peak Points per channel"
pppimage = bdp_name + '_ppp'
pppimage = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
pppthumbnail = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True)
caption = "Peak point plot: Locations of per-channel peaks in the image cube " + fin
self._summary["peakpnt"] = SummaryEntry([pppimage, pppthumbnail, caption, fin], "CubeStats_AT", self.id(True))
# making PeakStats plot
if nchan > 1 and psample > 0:
logging.info("Computing peakstats")
# grab peak,mean and width values for all peaks
(pval,mval,wval) = peakstats(self.dir(fin),freqs,sigma0,pnumsigma,minchan,maxgap,psample,peakfit)
title = "PeakStats: cutoff = %g" % (sigma0*pnumsigma)
xlab = 'Peak value'
ylab = 'FWHM (channels)'
pppimage = bdp_name + '_peakstats'
cval = mval
# myplot.final() # pjt debug
# all done!
taskargs = "robust=" + sumrargs
if use_ppp:
taskargs = taskargs + " ppp=True"
taskargs = taskargs + " ppp=False"
for v in self._summary:
ia.done() # is that a good habit?
# @todo NEMO::ccdpeakstats does test0 in << 1", admit takes 85-90" with sample=4 -> 6000"
# Calling line_segments() speeding up to 5" for psample=1 even
[docs]def peakstats(image, freq, sigma, nsigma, minchan, maxgap, psample, peakfit = False):
""" Go through a cube and find peaks in the spectral dimension
It will gather a table of <peak>,<freq>,<sigma> which can be
optionally used for plotting
if psample < 0: return
cutoff = nsigma * sigma
madata = casautil.getdata(image)
data = madata.data
shape = data.shape
logging.debug("peakstats: shape=%s cutoff=%g" % (str(shape),cutoff))
#print "DATA SHAPE:",shape
#print "cutoff=",cutoff
nx = shape[0]
ny = shape[1]
nz = shape[2]
chan = np.arange(nz)
# prepare the segment finder
# we now have an array data[nx,ny,nz]
sum = 0.0
pval = []
mval = []
wval = []
for x in range(0,nx,psample):
for y in range(0,ny,psample):
s0 = data[x,y,:]
spec = ma.masked_invalid(s0)
sum += spec.sum()
# using abs=True is a bit counter intuitive, but a patch to deal with the confusion in
# ADMITSegmentFinder w.r.t abs usage
asf = ADMITSegmentFinder(pmin=nsigma, minchan=minchan, maxgap=maxgap, freq=freq, spec=spec, abs=True)
#asf = ADMITSegmentFinder(pmin=nsigma, minchan=minchan, maxgap=maxgap, freq=freq, spec=spec, abs=False)
f = asf.line_segments(spec, nsigma*sigma)
for s in f:
if False:
for i in range(s[0],s[1]+1):
print "# ",x,y,i,spec[i]
## area preserving and peak are correlated, 18% difference
## fitgauss1Dm was about 5"
## with fitgauss1D was about 30", and still bad fits
par = utils.fitgauss1Dm(chan[s[0]:s[1]+1], spec[s[0]:s[1]+1], True) # peak from max
#par = utils.fitgauss1Dm(chan[s[0]:s[1]+1], spec[s[0]:s[1]+1], False) # peak from area preserving
if peakfit:
(par,cov) = utils.fitgauss1D (chan[s[0]:s[1]+1], spec[s[0]:s[1]+1],par)
#print "FIND: ",x,y,s,cutoff,0.0,0.0,par[0],par[1],par[2],s[1]-s[0]+1
#print "SUM:",sum
return (np.array(pval),np.array(mval),np.array(wval))