#!/usr/bin/env python
""".. _Summary-api:
**Summary** --- Project summary metadata.
This module defines the Summary class.
import os
import admit.xmlio.XmlWriter as XmlWriter
import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
import admit.util.utils as utils
import admit.util.Table
import datetime
import math
import json
import uuid
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging
[docs]class Summary():
Defines and manages the summary metadata for the ADMIT object,
which is ingested by ALMA Archive and also used by data browser.
The Summary is metadata provided by the various tasks. and written
to the ADMIT object and admit.xml. It is used as project information
for the ALMA archive to ingest and for the data browser to display.
There will be one summary object per FITS cube, which means that
for flows with multiple Ingests there can be multiple Summaries.
Each entry in the Summary will be a dictionary of
`{ key, [ SummaryEntry ] }`
where the value is a list of zero or more SummaryEntry. The summaryEntry
contains the actual data value, the taskname string, the taskid integer,
and string task arguments to be displayed in the web page.
Each key also has a value type and description which is the same for
every entry in the list. These are retrieved using getType(key)
and getDescription(key). In the case where different tasks
or different instances of the same task write to the same key,
the new value will be appended:
`{ key, [SummaryEntry task1, SummaryEntry task2,...]}`
Because they are needed by the ALMA archive, the keys, value types,
and description will be strictly defined ahead of time. Individual ATs
will be responsible for providing the actual value data through their
summary() method as a dictionary of {key, [value, taskname, taskid]}.
ADMIT Summary keywords that map directly to standard FITS keywords
shall have their values copied directly from the FITS header (by
Ingest_AT). Below is a draft list, necessarily incomplete until we
have all ATs implemented. Keywords ending in `n` indicate multiple
keywords 1 to NAXIS (as in FITS). The table below summarizes the keys.
.. table::
:class: borderless
| Key | Description | Type | Typically |
| | | | Provided by |
|FITSNAME | Pathless filename of | | |
| | FITS cube | string | Ingest_AT |
|OBJECT | Object name | string | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|NAXIS | Number of Axes | integer | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|NAXISn | size of axis n | integer | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|CRPIXn | Reference pixel axis n | float | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|CRVALn | axis value at CRPIXn | float | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|CTYPEn | axis type | string | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|CDELTn | axis increment | float | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|CUNITn | axis unit | string | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|RESTFREQ | rest frequency, Hz | float | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|BMAJ | beam major axis, radians | float | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|BMIN | beam minor axis, radians | float | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|BPA | beam position angle, deg | float | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|BUNIT | units of pixel values | string | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|TELESCOP | telescope name | string | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|OBSERVER | observer name | string | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|DATE-OBS | date of observation | string | Ingest_AT/FITS |
|DATAMAX | maximum data value | float | Ingest_AT or |
| | | | CubeStats_AT |
|DATAMIN | minimum data value | float | Ingest_AT or |
| | | | CubeStats_AT |
|DATAMEAN | mean data value | float | CubeStats_AT |
|DYNRANGE | dynamic range, equal to | float | CubeStats_AT |
|CHANRMS | one-sigma noise in cube | float | CubeStats_AT |
|RMSMETHD | method and parameters used | list | CubeStats_AT |
| | to compute RMS | | |
|SPECTRA | Spectra extracted by | list | CubeSpectrum_AT |
| | any method | | |
|LINELIST | Table of parameters of |admit.util.Table| LineID_AT |
| | identified spectral lines. | | |
|LINECUBE | Info about any LineCubes | list | LineCube_AT |
| | produced (name, channel | | |
| | range, image name). | | |
|CUBESUM | Info about any CubeSum | list | CubeSum_AT |
| | produced | | |
|MOMENTS | Table of moments computed |admit.util.Table| Moment_AT |
| | from the original cube. | | |
|PVSLICES |Table of position-velocity | list | PVSlice_AT |
| |slices computed from | | |
| |original cube. | | |
|PVCORR |List of PV correlation | list | PVCorr_AT |
| |diagrams computed from input| | |
| |cube. | | |
|SEGMENTS | List of segments found by | list | LineSegment_AT |
| | segment-finding algorithm | | |
|SOURCES | Table of sources found by a|admit.util.Table| SFind2D_AT |
| | feature-finding algorithm | | |
|SMOOTH | Info about any smoothing | list | Smooth_AT |
| | done to cube. | | |
|OVERLAP | Overlap integral input and | list | OverlapIntegral_AT |
| | output images information | | |
| PCA |Principal component analysis|list of |PrincipalComponent_AT|
| |information. |admit.util.Table| |
| PEAKPNT |Peak Point Plot optionally | list | CubeStats_AT |
| |produced by CubeStats_AT | | |
| VELDEF |User or ASDM/source.xml | list | Ingest_AT? |
| |derived source velocity | | |
| |information (value, | | |
| |reference frame, etc) | | |
*@TODO:* the following entries are in the summary_defs.tab file, but not documented here:
*Note:* Keys are stored in all lower case. All key access will change argument to lower case before
casaname, equinox, badpixel, vlsr, continuumsub, template, regrid, bdpingest
.. table::
:class: borderless
| RMSMETHD: `[[method type, method args], input cube]` |
| |
| Examples:: |
| |
| [['metabdevmed'], foobar.im] |
| [['robust', 'chauvenet', 21.3, 123], foobar.im] |
| [['robust', 'classic', 'auto'], foobar.im] |
| SPECTRA: `[x,y, box, axis type, display image, thumbnail image, caption, input cube]` |
| |
| Example:: |
| |
| [[ '00h47m33.159s','-25d17m17.41s',(10,-10,-20,22),'frequency','spect1.svg','spect1_thumb.svg', |
| "Spectrum at Emission Peak", foobar.im], |
| [ +10,-20,(),'velocity','spect.svg','spect2_thumb.svg', "Pencil beam spectrum", foobar.im]] |
| LINELIST: [Format same as output from LineList_AT] |
| |
| Example:: |
| |
| [['H2CS_103.0405', 103.04055,'H2CS', ...], |
| ['NH2CHO_102.0643',102.06427, 'NH2CHO', ...]] |
| MOMENTS: [table of moment data ] |
| |
| Columns: `[Line UID, Moment value, display image, thumbnail image, caption, casa image].` |
| |
| If thumbnail image is not present, an empty string is given. |
| |
| Example:: |
| |
| [['H2CS_103.0405', 0, 'foo_mom0.png', 'foo_mom0_thumb.png', 'Moment 0 of H2CS', ''], |
| ['H2CS_103.0405', 1, 'foo_mom1.svg', '', 'Moment 1 of H2CS clipped at 3 sigma', 'foobar_mom1.im']] |
| `[pvslice type, pvslice args, display image, thumbnail image, caption, input cube, output image].` |
| |
| Example:: |
| |
| [['slice', start, end, width, 'slice1.png', 'slice1_thumb.png','pvslice of h2co','foobar.im', |
| 'slice.im'], |
| ['slit', center, length, pa, width, 'slit1.png', 'slit1_thumb.png', 'pvslit of h2co','foobar.im', |
| 'slit.im']] |
| `[display image, thumbnail image, caption, input cube, output image].` |
| |
_metadata : dictionary of lists {key, [SummaryEntry]}.
_datatype : dictionary of {key, valuetype} where the keys are the as in _metadata and valuetype is defined in $ADMIT/etc/summary_defs.tab
_description : dictionary of {key, description} where the keys are the as in _metadata and description string is defined in $ADMIT/etc/summary_defs.tab
def __init__(self):
self._metadata = {}
self._datatype = {}
self._description = {}
self._type = bt.SUMMARY
[docs] def getFull(self, key):
"""Get the full entry [[value(s)], valuetype, description] for
the input key.
key : str
Key to retrieve, case insensitive.
retval = [self._metadata[key.lower()]]
return retval
[docs] def get(self,key):
"""Get the value for the input key.
key : str
Key to retrieve, case insensitive.
return self._metadata.get(key.lower(),None)
[docs] def getTaskname(self,key):
"""Get the name of the task that produced the data
for the input key.
key : str
Key to retrieve, case insensitive.
List of zero or more string task names that produced data for the
input key. If no tasks did, the list is empty.
val = self.get(key)
tasknames = []
for x in val:
return tasknames
[docs] def getAllTaskIDs(self):
"""Get a list of all integer task IDs that have written to this Summary
for the input key.
Sorted list of zero or more integer task ids that produced data for the Summary.
If no tasks ids, the list is empty because you have empty Summary!
taskids = []
for k in self._metadata:
# sorted might not be necessary for a set of integers,
# but I think there is no guarantee that set is in sort order
return sorted(list(set(taskids)))
[docs] def getTasknameForTaskID(self,taskid):
"""Get the task name matching the input taskid.
taskid : int
Task ID to look up
String task name or empty string if no match
for k in self._metadata:
for p in self._metadata[k]:
if p.taskid == taskid:
return p.taskname
return ""
[docs] def getTaskIDsforTaskname(self,taskname):
"""Get the task ID(s) matching the input taskname.
taskname : str
Task name to look up
List of taskids matching the taskname. Empty list if none.
taskids = []
for k in self._metadata:
for p in self._metadata[k]:
if p.taskname == taskname:
return taskids
[docs] def getTaskID(self,key):
"""Get the integer task ID number that produced the data
for the input key.
key : str
Key to retrieve, case insensitive.
List of zero or more integer taskids that produced data for the
input key. If no tasks did, the list is empty.
val = self.get(key)
taskids = []
for x in val:
# don't include unset keys
if x.unset(): continue
return taskids
[docs] def getItemsByTaskname(self,taskname):
"""Return all Summary items that were produced
by the given task, as dict of SummaryEntrys
taskname : str
Task name to look up, case-insensitive
Return a dictionary of all SummaryEntrys that were produced
by the given task, with keys as in Summary or an empty
dictionary if there is no match for the input taskid.
The values in the returned dictionary may be single SummaryEntry
instances or a list of entries; in general, caller code needs to
check this explicitly for every key...
matched = {}
tnlower = taskname.lower()
for k in self._metadata:
for p in self._metadata[k]:
if p.taskname.lower() == tnlower:
if k in matched:
if type(matched[k]) == list:
matched[k] = [matched[k], p]
# should this be [p]??
matched[k] = p
return matched
[docs] def getItemsByTaskID(self,taskid):
"""Return all Summary items that were produced
by the given taskid, as dict of SummaryEntrys
taskid : int
Task ID to look up
Return a dictionary of all SummaryEntrys that were produced
by the given task, with keys as in Summary or an empty
dictionary if there is no match for the input taskid.
The values in the returned dictionary may be single SummaryEntry
instances or a list of entries; in general, caller code needs to
check this explicitly for every key...
matched = {}
for k in self._metadata:
for p in self._metadata[k]:
if p.taskid == taskid:
if k in matched:
if type(matched[k]) == list:
matched[k] = [matched[k], p]
matched[k] = p
return matched
[docs] def delItemsByTaskID(self,taskid):
"""Deletes all summary entries belonging to task #`taskid`.
taskid : int
ID of task for which to delete summary information.
delkeys = []
for key in self._metadata:
keep = []
for p in self._metadata[key]:
if p.taskid != taskid: keep.append(p)
if keep:
self._metadata[key] = keep
for key in delkeys:
del self._metadata[key]
del self._datatype[key]
del self._description[key]
[docs] def getDescription(self,key):
"""Get the description for the input key.
key : str
Key to retrieve, case insensitive.
String description for the key
return self._description[key.lower()]
[docs] def getType(self,key):
"""Get the value type for the input key.
key : str
Key to retrieve, case insensitive.
String indicating underlying data type, e.g., 'float', 'table'
return self._datatype[key.lower()]
[docs] def set(self, key, value):
"""Set the SummaryEntry value for an existing input key
key : str
Key to set, case insensitive. Key must already exist.
value : SummaryEntry or list of SummaryEntry
Entry to set
k = key.lower()
if isinstance(value,list):
# print "setting " + k + "/" + str(value[0]._taskid) + "/" + str(value) + "/" + str(len(self._metadata[k]))
self._metadata[k] = value
except KeyError:
raise Exception,"Key %s does not exist" % k
if isinstance(value, SummaryEntry):
# print "setting " + k + "/" + str(value._taskid) + "/" + str(value) + "/" + str(len(self._metadata[k]))
self._metadata[k] = [value]
except KeyError:
raise Exception,"Key %s does not exist" % k
raise Exception, "Input value is not an instance of SummaryEntry"
[docs] def isTable(self,key):
""" Return True if this key corresponds to an item that is
natively an ADMIT table.
key : str
Key to set, case insensitive. Key must already exist.
True if this key corresponds to an item that is
natively an ADMIT table, False otherwise
return self._datatype[key.lower()] == "table"
[docs] def insert(self,key,value):
"""Set, replace, or append the SummaryEntry value to the list for an existing input key
If the key is not yet set, it will be set with the value.
If the key is set, the taskid(s) will be checked and the value will replace
the existing value(s) if the keys match. If the taskids do not match the input
value(s) will be appended to the existing value.
key : str
Key to insert, case insensitive. Key must already exist.
value : SummaryEntry or list of SummaryEntry
Entry to insert
k = key.lower()
# if key is not yet set, just set and return
if self.unset(k):
if isinstance(value,list):
# check if a taskid in value matches one in _metadata[key]
# replace/extend _metadata[key] appropriately
# This is done by creating a set of the current
# entries for the key, then comparing them with
# the input list. The comparison is done soley
# based on the taskid. SummaryEntry has comparators
# __eq__ and __hash__() to facilitate this.
# This works because design, a single task can only write one
# entry to a given key.
currentset = set(self.get(k))
for j in value:
self._metadata[k] = list(currentset)
except KeyError:
raise Exception,"Key %s does not exist" % k
if isinstance(value, SummaryEntry):
currentset = set(self.get(k))
self._metadata[k] = list(currentset)
# for i in range(len(self._metadata[k])):
# if self._metadata[k][i]._taskid == value._taskid:
# # print "replacing " + k + "/" + str(value._taskid) + "/" + str(value) + "/" + str(len(self._metadata[k]))
# self._metadata[k][i] = value
# return
# # print "appending " + k + "/" + str(value._taskid) + "/" + str(value) + "/" + str(len(self._metadata[k]))
# self._metadata[k].append(value)
raise Exception, "Input value does not contain instance of SummaryEntry"
[docs] def show(self, showunset=False):
"""Display the all entries [key, values, description].
showunset : boolean
If True, show unset values in addition to set values. Default: False
for key in self._metadata:
for v in self._metadata[key]:
if self.unset(key) and not showunset:
print "key = %s entry = [%s] desc=%s" % (key, v, self.getDescription(key))
#print "key = %s entry = [%s] LEN=%d" % (key, v, len(self._metadata[key]) )
[docs] def unset(self,key):
"""Determine if the key has any data.
key : str
Key to retrieve, case insensitive.
True if the value for the key has not been set, False otherwise.
# if the value is the startup value, then the key is not set.
# If the first entry is unset, assume there are not additional entries
# that might not be unset!
#if self.get(key)[0].unset():
# print "####UNSET() key = %s val=%s" % (key, str(self.get(key)[0]))
# return True
return self.get(key)[0].unset()
[docs] def getLineTable(self, index=0):
"""Get the table of spectral lines found
An admit.Table with spectral line entries or empty Table if
no lines were found
atable = admit.util.Table()
if self.unset("linelist"):
return atable
# SummaryEntry data for linelist are
# a line list admit.Table of form
# [frequency1, name1, ...]
# [frequency1, name2, ...]
summaryentry = self.get("linelist")[index]
return atable
[docs] def getLinelist(self,index=0):
"""Get the list of spectral lines found
A Python list with spectral line entries or empty list if
no lines were found
return self.getLineTable(index).data.tolist()
[docs] def getLinenames(self,index=0):
"""Get the names of spectral lines found
A list of string spectral line names or empty list if
no lines were found
if self.unset("linelist"):
return []
# SummaryEntry data for linelist are
# a line list table of form
# [
# [frequency1, name1, ...]
# [frequency1, name2, ...]
# ]
# want the slice through "name"
lines = self.getLinelist(index)
names = [n[1] for n in lines]
return names
[docs] def getLinefluxes(self,index=0):
"""Get an estimate of the line fluxes from the line list
by multiplying Peak * Linewidth.
A dictionary of 'image filename':flux for all non-blended spectral lines in the line list,
or an empty dictionary if no line list is available or linecubes were not created.
linelist = self.getLineTable(index)
# note test order matters as len(None) is an error.
if linelist == None or len(linelist) == 0:
return {}
fluxes = []
peak = linelist.getColumnByName("peakintensity")
fwhm = linelist.getColumnByName("fwhm")
startchan = linelist.getColumnByName("startchan")
endchan = linelist.getColumnByName("endchan")
for i in range(len(linelist)):
# Magic numbers! If these startchan and endchan
# then the line is blended and a separate line cube
# was not created!
# Compare as strings because numpy converts all list members to
# strings if any member is a string.
if startchan[i] == '0' and endchan[i] == '0':
# peak == l[9], fwhm == l[11]
# assume only one SummaryEntry, what happens if we have run linecube
# multiple times??
linecube = self.get("linecube")[0]
if linecube == None:
# a line list was made but no linecubes, so we can't get filenames
return {}
atable = admit.util.Table()
files = atable.getColumnByName("Output Cube")
flux_dict = {}
for x,y in zip(files,fluxes):
flux_dict[x] = y
return flux_dict
[docs] def write(self,root):
""" Method to write out the summary data to XML
root : cElementTree node to attach to
snode = et.SubElement(root,"summaryData")
for k,v in self._metadata.iteritems():
mnode = et.SubElement(snode,"metadata")
for item in v:
writer = XmlWriter.XmlWriter(self,["_datatype","_description"],{"_datatype":bt.DICT,"_description":bt.DICT},snode,None)
# not terribly useful since columns aren't labelled.
#def _linelistToJSON(self,outdir):
# """Write the linelist to a JSON formatted file, so the
# lineID editor can read it.
# """
# #@todo what if there is more than one linelist?
# outfile = outdir + "ll.json"
# f = open(outfile,"w")
# linelist = self.getLinelist()
# json.dump(linelist,f)
# f.close()
def _linetableToJSON(self,outdir):
"""Write the linelist table to a JSON formatted file, so the
lineID editor can read it.
# a.run() can be called anytime in a script. don't
# attempt write out lineid editor data if LineID_AT has not been called
linelists = self.get("linelist")
# naxis3 is stored as numpy.int32, which is not json serializable
# so convert to python int.
# Q: Should this be done at storage time or a read time?
# @TODO CubeSpectrum, GenerateSpectrum, PVSlice should write this
# to summary?
n3 = self.get("naxis3")
if n3 == None or n3[0].unset():
naxis3 = -1
naxis3 = int(n3[0].getValue()[0])
filelist = []
numlists = len(linelists)
for i in range(numlists):
summaryentry = linelists[i]
if summaryentry.unset():
tid = str(summaryentry.getTaskID())
outbase = "lltable."+tid+".json"
outfile = outdir + outbase
f = open(outfile,"w")
tabstr = self.getLineTable(i)._jsondict(True)
x = '{"taskid":' + str(summaryentry.getTaskID()) +', "naxis3":' + str(naxis3) + ',\n'
tabstr = x+tabstr+'\n}'
#outfile = outdir + "lltask.json"
#x = {"taskid": summaryentry.getTaskID(), "naxis3" : naxis3}
f = open(outdir+"llfiles.json","w")
def _writeuuid(self,outdir,uid=None):
"""Write out a uuid to with the data. This is an attempt
to allow caching of data in browser between page revisits.
Since our form-based pages are fetched with POST, they are not
cached by normal browser mechanism.
outfile = outdir + "uuid.json"
f = open(outfile,"w")
if uid==None:
uid == str(uuid.uuid4())
x = {"uuid": uid}
[docs] def html(self,outdir,flowmanager,dotdiagram="",editor=True):
admitloc = utils.admit_root()
admitetc = admitloc + os.sep + "etc"
admit_headfile = admitetc+os.sep+"index_head.html"
admit_flowfile = admitetc+os.sep+"flowdiagram.html"
admit_flowdiagram = dotdiagram
admit_tailfile = admitetc+os.sep+"index_tail.html"
admit_lineIDedithead= admitetc+os.sep+"lineIDedit_head.html"
admit_lineIDeditfile = admitetc+os.sep+"lineIDedit_template.html"
# outdir has trailing slash, need to strip it or
# basename() returns ''
# python basename() behavior different from Unix!!
basedir = os.path.basename(outdir.rstrip(os.sep))
# Spit out the boiler plate that is the same for
# all index.html files.
with open(admit_headfile,"r") as h:
header = h.read() % (basedir,basedir)
if ( outdir[len(outdir)-1] != os.sep ):
outfile = outdir + os.sep + "index.html"
outfile = outdir + "index.html"
f = open(outfile,"w")
# If a flow diagram was created, write out the
# HTML to display it.
if os.path.isfile(admit_flowdiagram):
with open(admit_flowfile,"r") as h:
f.write(h.read() % basedir)
# Now process each task summary output in ID (flow) order
# this is no longer workable because it won't include failed tasks
# so use the flowmanager list instead
#taskids = self.getAllTaskIDs()
taskids = flowmanager._tasks.keys()
for tid in taskids:
#tname = self.getTasknameForTaskID(tid) # see above
tname = flowmanager[tid].__class__.__name__
titems = self.getItemsByTaskID(tid)
f.write(self._process(tname,tid,titems,flowmanager[tid], outdir))
# finally, spit out the standard file ending HTML.
with open(admit_tailfile,"r") as h:
tail = h.read() % datetime.datetime.now()
if editor==True:
with open(admit_lineIDedithead,"r") as h:
header = h.read() % (basedir,basedir)
if ( outdir[len(outdir)-1] != os.sep ):
outfile = outdir + os.sep + "lineIDedit.html"
outfile = outdir + "lineIDedit.html"
f = open(outfile,"w")
# now process data needed for lineID editor file.
# since we have defined __cmp__ this will sort by taskid
linelists = sorted(self.get("linelist"))
numlists = len(linelists)
# ugh, don't like that this is cut'n'paste from _process.
if linelists == None or numlists == 0 :
llstr="<br><h4>LineID_AT identified no spectral lines in the input cube(s)</h4>"
for i in range(numlists):
llstr = ''
summaryentry = linelists[i]
if summaryentry.unset():
tid = summaryentry.getTaskID()
taskargs = summaryentry.getTaskArgs()
f.write("<!-- #################### BEGIN LINEID_AT %d #################### -->\n" % tid)
atable = self.getLineTable(i)
if len(atable) == 0:
llstr="<br><h4>LineID_AT identified no spectral lines in this cube</h4>"
# Even if no lines are identified, spectra still written out.
tname = summaryentry.getTaskname();
thetask = flowmanager[tid]
# crashed, stale and disabled tasks will have a different color bars.
# If a task reports it is running outside of task.execute(), then it must have crashd.
if thetask.running():
taskclass = "crashed-admittask"
elif thetask.enabled():
taskclass = "stale-admittask" if thetask.isstale() else "label-admittask"
taskclass = "disabled-admittask"
titems = self.getItemsByTaskID(tid)
spectra = titems.get('spectra',None)
#print "SPECTRA %s" % spectra
if spectra != None:
SPANSVGVAL = '<div class="span4"><div class="thumbnail"> <a href="%s.html" target="_blank"><img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s"/></a><div class="caption"><h5>%s</h5></div></div><!-- thumbnail -->\n</div><!-- span4 -->'
SPAN4VAL = '<div class="span4"><div class="thumbnail"> <a href="%s" class="fancybox"><img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s"/></a><div class="caption"><h5>%s</h5></div><!--caption--></div><!-- thumbnail -->\n</div><!-- span4 -->'
# SPAN4VAL with 2 added buttons
# Note because of the path problem, we currently hide the
# Export To Fits button with <span style="display:none">
SPAN4VALB = '<div class="span4"><div class="thumbnail"> <a href="%s" class="fancybox"><img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s"/></a><div class="caption"><h5>%s</h5></div><!--caption-->\n%s <span style="display:none">%s</span></div><!-- thumbnail -->\n</div><!-- span4 -->'
SPANXVAL = '<div class="span%s">%s</div><!-- spanx -->'
ENDROW = '</div><!-- row-fluid --> \n'
STARTROW ='<div class="row-fluid">'
allspecs = ''
count = 0
# @todo this is a godforsaken kludge because running multiple lineIDs creates
# multiple spectra so that titems["spectra"] = [SummaryEntry,SummaryEntry,...]
# rather than SummaryEntry. This is a problem with getItemsByTaskName--previously
# each run inserts another level of []. I have patched it, but I think it is still not
# correct.
# Why hasn't this failed when there are spectra by both CubeSpect_AT and LineID_AT, which
# uses getItemsByTaskID which has similar code matched[k] = [matched[k],p]
if type(spectra) == list:
mylist = spectra[0].value
mylist = spectra.value
for val in mylist:
#print "type(val) = %s" % type(val)
if count != 0 and (count % MAX_THUMBNAILS_PER_ROW) == 0:
specval = ""
position = "(%s,%s)" % ( str(val[0]),str(val[1]) )
box = str(val[2])
xlabel = val[3]
image = val[4]
thumb = val[5]
caption = val[6]
top = val[7]
if self._imageIsSVG(image):
specval = specval + (SPANSVGVAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
allspecs = allspecs + "\n" + specval
count = count + 1
llstr = llstr + STARTROW + allspecs + ENDROW
with open(admit_lineIDeditfile,"r") as h:
# %s %d %s %s %d %s %d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
header = h.read() % (taskclass,tid,thetask.statusicons(), tname,tid, summaryentry.getTaskArgs(),tid, tid,tid, llstr, tid, tid,tid,tid,tid,tid,tid,tid,tid,tid,tid,tid)
f.write("<!-- #################### END LINEID_AT %d #################### -->\n" % tid)
with open(admit_tailfile,"r") as h:
tail = h.read() % datetime.datetime.now()
def _imageIsSVG(self,image):
if image[len(image)-3:len(image)+1] == 'svg':
return True
return False
[docs] def makesvghtml(self,image,caption,outdir):
# filter out non-svg images
if not self._imageIsSVG(image): return
admitloc = utils.admit_root()
admitetc = admitloc + os.sep + "etc"
admit_svgfile = admitetc+os.sep+"svg_template.html"
# outdir has trailing slash, need to strip it or
# basename() returns ''
# python basename() behavior different from Unix!!
basedir = os.path.basename(outdir.rstrip(os.sep))
with open(admit_svgfile,"r") as h:
body = h.read() % (basedir,image,caption,image,datetime.datetime.now())
if ( outdir[len(outdir)-1] != os.sep ):
outfile = outdir + os.sep + image + ".html"
outfile = outdir + image + ".html"
f = open(outfile,"w")
def _process(self,taskname,tid,titems,thetask,outdir):
"""Parse the SummaryEntrys for individual tasks and return formatted HTML to represent the summary data"""
# ------ constants used in this method --------
# Because there are 12 slots per row in Bootstrap CSS, and
# we are using 4 slots ("span4") per thumbnail, then max thumbnails per row is 3.
SPANSVGVAL = '<div class="span4"><div class="thumbnail"> <a href="%s.html" target="_blank"><img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s"/></a><div class="caption"><h5>%s</h5></div></div><!-- thumbnail -->\n</div><!-- span4 -->'
SPAN4VAL = '<div class="span4"><div class="thumbnail"> <a href="%s" class="fancybox"><img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s"/></a><div class="caption"><h5>%s</h5></div></div><!-- thumbnail -->\n</div><!-- span4 -->'
# Export To Fits button with <span style="display:none">
# Note because of the path problem, we currently hide the
SPAN4VALB = '<div class="span4"><div class="thumbnail"> <a href="%s" class="fancybox"><img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s"/></a><div class="caption"><h5>%s</h5></div><!--caption-->\n%s <span style="display:none">%s</span></div><!-- thumbnail -->\n</div><!-- span4 -->'
SPANXVAL = '<div class="span%s">%s</div><!-- spanx -->'
ENDROW = '</div><!-- row-fluid --> \n'
STARTROW ='<div class="row-fluid">'
tlower = taskname.lower()
tupper = taskname.upper()
admitloc = utils.admit_root()
admitetc = admitloc + os.sep + "etc"
admitfile = admitetc + os.sep + tlower + ".html"
admitfail= admitetc + os.sep + "failed_at.html"
with open(admitfile,"r") as h:
header = h.read()
with open(admitfail,"r") as h:
failedheader = h.read()
return "<!-- ***** failed to open %s ***** -->" % admitfile
topval = "<!-- ############### BEGIN %s ###############-->\n" % tupper
retval = "<br><b>%s: TBD by if tlower==%s below!</b><br>" % (tupper,tlower) # see below
botval = "\n<!-- ############### END %s ###############-->\n" % tupper
# crashed, stale and disabled tasks will have a different color bars.
# If a task reports it is running outside of task.execute(), then it must have crashd.
if thetask.running():
taskclass = "crashed-admittask"
retval = failedheader % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,tid,tid)
return topval + retval + botval
elif thetask.enabled():
taskclass = "stale-admittask" if thetask.isstale() else "label-admittask"
taskclass = "disabled-admittask"
# If the task before this one crashed, then this one will have no summary data.
# So just return. Ideally, we might want each task to write a little bit of summary
# data when it starts, rather than all at the end. But for now, short-circuit.
if len(titems) == 0:
return topval + botval
if tlower == "ingest_at":
fitsfile = 'unknown'
if 'fitsname' in titems:
fitsfile = titems['fitsname'].value[0]
taskargs = titems['fitsname'].taskargs
casaimage = 'unknown'
if 'casaname' in titems:
casaimage = titems['casaname'].value[0]
taskargs = titems['casaname'].taskargs
source = 'unknown'
if 'object' in titems:
source = titems['object'].value[0]
beam = 'unknown'
if 'bmaj' in titems and 'bmin' in titems and 'bpa' in titems:
bmaj = titems['bmaj'].value[0] * 180.0*3600.0/math.pi
bmin = titems['bmin'].value[0] * 180.0*3600.0/math.pi
bpa = titems['bpa'].value[0]
beam = "%5.2f\" x %5.2f\" PA @ %5.2f deg" % (bmaj,bmin,bpa)
nx1 = 'unknown'
nx2 = 'unknown'
if 'naxis1' in titems:
nx1 = str(titems['naxis1'].value[0])
if 'naxis2' in titems:
nx2 = str(titems['naxis2'].value[0])
nx3 = ""
if 'naxis3' in titems:
nx3 = " x " + str(titems['naxis3'].value[0])
imsize = "%s x %s%s" % (nx1,nx2,nx3)
dmin = 'unknown'
dmax = 'unknown'
bunit = 'unknown'
telescope = 'unknown'
badpixel = 'unknown'
restfreq = 'unknown'
vlsr = 'unknown'
if 'datamin' in titems:
dmin = '%.3E' % titems['datamin'].value[0]
if 'datamax' in titems:
dmax = '%.3E' % titems['datamax'].value[0]
if 'bunit' in titems:
bunit = titems['bunit'].value[0]
if 'telescop' in titems:
telescope = titems['telescop'].value[0]
if 'badpixel' in titems:
badpixel = "%4.2f" % (titems['badpixel'].value[0] * 100)
if 'restfreq' in titems:
restfreq = "%4.6f GHz" % (titems['restfreq'].value[0] / 1E9)
if 'vlsr' in titems:
vlsr = "%.1f km/s (estimated)" % (titems['vlsr'].value[0])
retval = header % (taskclass,tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,fitsfile,fitsfile,casaimage,casaimage,source,restfreq,vlsr,beam,imsize,bunit,dmin,dmax,telescope,badpixel)
if tlower == "cubespectrum_at":
spectra = titems.get('spectra',None)
if (spectra) != None:
count = 0
# task arguments are the same in all entries.
taskargs = spectra.taskargs
allspecs = ''
for val in spectra.getValue():
# default bootstrap width is 12 columns. We are using 'span4' so
# thumbnail 'cell' is 4 columns. Therefore, if we have more than
# 3 thumbnails, start a new row.
if count != 0 and (count % MAX_THUMBNAILS_PER_ROW) == 0:
specval = ""
position = "(%s,%s)" % ( str(val[0]),str(val[1]) )
box = str(val[2])
xlabel = val[3]
image = val[4]
thumb = val[5]
caption = val[6]
casaimage = val[7]
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % (image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
allspecs = allspecs + "\n" + specval
count = count + 1
banner = '<br><h4>%s output for image %s</h4>' % (taskname, casaimage)
allspecs = banner + allspecs
allspecs = "<br><h4>%s produced no output for image %s </h4>" % (taskname, casaimage)
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,allspecs,tid)
if tlower == "regrid_at":
the_item= titems.get('regrid',None)
if the_item != None:
allspecs = ""
atable = admit.util.Table()
taskargs = the_item.taskargs
if len(atable) == 0:
bigstr = "<h4>%s did nothing for the input image(s)</h4>\n" % taskname
tablestr = atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"')
bigstr = STARTROW + tablestr + ENDROW
bigstr = "<h4>%s wrote no summary output</h4>\n" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,bigstr,tid)
if tlower == "cubesum_at":
cubesum = titems.get('cubesum',None)
if cubesum != None:
allspecs = ""
taskargs = cubesum.taskargs
val = cubesum.getValue()
image = val[0]
thumb = val[1]
caption = val[2]
auximage = val[3]
auxthumb = val[4]
auxcaption = val[5]
outcasaimage = val[6]
casaimage = val[7]
button = utils.getButton(outcasaimage,"viewimage","View in CASA")
# can't have two buttons with same html ID, so add ".fits"
button2 = utils.getButton(outcasaimage+".fits","exportimage","Export to FITS")
specval = SPAN4VALB % (image, thumb, caption, caption, caption,button,button2)
banner = "<br><h4>%s output for %s</h4>" % (taskname, casaimage)
allspecs = banner + allspecs + "\n" + specval
allspecs = "<h4>%s computed nothing for the input image</h4>" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,allspecs,tid)
if tlower == "continuumsub_at":
continuumsub = titems.get('continuumsub',None)
if continuumsub != None:
allspecs = ""
taskargs = continuumsub.taskargs
val = continuumsub.getValue()
image = val[0]
thumb = val[1]
caption = val[2]
if False:
auximage = val[3]
auxthumb = val[4]
auxcaption = val[5]
casaimage = val[6]
specval = SPAN4VAL % (image, thumb, caption, caption, caption)
banner = "<br><h4>%s output for %s</h4>" % (taskname, "casaimage")
#banner = "<br><h4>%s output for %s</h4>" % (taskname, casaimage)
allspecs = banner + allspecs + "\n" + specval
allspecs = "<h4>%s no continuum subtracted for the input image</h4>" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass,tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,allspecs,tid)
if tlower == "cubestats_at":
sumentry = titems.get('rmsmethd',None)
specval = ""
if sumentry == None:
rmsmethod = "unknown"
casaimage = "unknown"
taskargs = "unknown"
rmsmethod = sumentry.value[0]
casaimage = sumentry.value[1]
taskargs = sumentry.taskargs
sumentry = titems.get('chanrms', None)
if sumentry == None:
chanrms = "unknown"
chanrms = '%.3E' % sumentry.value[0]
sumentry = titems.get('dynrange', None)
if sumentry == None:
dynrange = "unknown"
dynrange = '%.3E' % sumentry.value[0]
sumentry = titems.get('datamean', None)
if sumentry == None:
datamean = "unknown"
datamean = '%.3E' % sumentry.value[0]
sumentry = titems.get('spectra',None)
if sumentry != None:
val = sumentry.getValue()
#@todo do something with position and box?
position = "(%s,%s)" % ( str(val[0]),str(val[1]) )
box = str(val[2])
xlabel = val[3]
image = val[4]
thumb = val[5]
caption = val[6]
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
sumentry = titems.get('peakpnt',None)
if sumentry != None:
val = sumentry.getValue()
image = val[0]
thumb = val[1]
caption = val[2]
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,casaimage,casaimage,rmsmethod,chanrms,dynrange,datamean,specval,tid)
if tlower == "lineid_at":
the_item = titems.get('linelist',None)
if the_item == None:
tablestr = "<h4>%s identified no spectral lines in this cube</h4>" % taskname
atable = admit.util.Table()
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = "<h4>%s identified no spectral lines in this cube</h4>" % taskname
tablestr = atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"')
# output the static table that will be show if user is
# viewing with file:// protocol. If using http:// protocol,
# then the live table will be shown. See etc/lineid_at.html
bigstr = '<br><div class="row-fluid staticdisplay">' + tablestr + ENDROW
spectra = titems.get('spectra',None)
if spectra == None:
retval = header % (taskclass, tid, thetask.statusicons(),taskname, tid, the_item.taskargs, tid, bigstr, tid)
allspecs = ''
count = 0
for val in spectra.value:
# default bootstrap width is 12 columns. We are using 'span4' so
# thumbnail 'cell' is 4 columns. Therefore, if we have more than
# 3 thumbnails, start a new row.
if count != 0 and (count % MAX_THUMBNAILS_PER_ROW) == 0:
specval = ""
position = "(%s,%s)" % ( str(val[0]),str(val[1]) )
box = str(val[2])
xlabel = val[3]
image = val[4]
thumb = val[5]
caption = val[6]
casaimage = val[7]
if self._imageIsSVG(image):
specval = specval + (SPANSVGVAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
allspecs = allspecs + "\n" + specval
count = count + 1
bigstr = bigstr + STARTROW + allspecs + ENDROW
retval = header % (taskclass, tid, thetask.statusicons(),taskname, tid, the_item.taskargs, tid, tid, bigstr, tid)
if tlower == "moment_at":
moments = titems.get('moments',None)
allspecs = ""
if moments != None:
count = 0
auximage = []
auxthumb = []
auxcaption = []
taskargs = moments.taskargs
for val in moments.value:
if count != 0 and (count % MAX_THUMBNAILS_PER_ROW) == 0:
specval = ""
linename = val[0]
mom = str(val[1])
image = val[2]
thumb = val[3]
caption = val[4]
casaimage = val[8]
casamoment = image[:-4] # remove '.png' to get name of moment CASA format image
button = utils.getButton(casamoment,"viewimage","View in CASA")
# can't have two buttons with same html ID, so add ".fits"
button2 = utils.getButton(casamoment+".fits","exportimage","Export to FITS")
specval = specval + (SPAN4VALB % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption, button,button2))
allspecs = allspecs + "\n" + specval
count = count + 1
banner = "<br><h4>%s output for %s</h4>" % (taskname, casaimage)
allspecs = banner + allspecs
allspecs = "<br><h4>No moments were computed for this cube</h4>"
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,allspecs,tid)
if tlower == "pvslice_at":
pvslices = titems.get('pvslices',None)
if pvslices != None:
for val in pvslices.value:
specval = STARTROW
slicetype = val[0]
sliceargs = str(val[1])
image = val[2]
thumb = val[3]
caption = val[4]
if len(val) == 10:
overlayimage = val[5]
overlaythumb = val[6]
overlaycaption = val[7]
pvname = val[8]
slicename = val[9]
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % ( overlayimage, overlaythumb, overlaycaption, overlaycaption, overlaycaption))
pvname = val[5]
slicename = val[9]
button = utils.getButton(pvname,"viewimage","View in CASA")
# can't have two buttons with same html ID, so add ".fits"
button2 = utils.getButton(pvname+".fits","exportimage","Export to FITS")
specval = specval + (SPAN4VALB % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption,button,button2))
specval = specval + ENDROW
banner = "<br><h4>%s output for %s</h4>" % (taskname, slicename)
specval = banner + specval
specval = "<br><h4>No PV slices were computed for this cube</h4>"
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,pvslices.taskargs,tid,specval,tid)
if tlower == "linecube_at":
the_item = titems.get('linecube',None)
if the_item != None:
banner = "<h4>%s created the following cubes</h4>\n" % taskname
summarydata = the_item.getValue()
if summarydata == None or len(summarydata) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>No Line Cubes were computed from the input cube</h4>"
atable = admit.util.Table()
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>No Line Cubes were computed from the input cube</h4>"
# create a column of "View in CASA" buttons and add to table
imnames = atable.getColumnByName("Output Cube")
buttons = []
buttons2 = []
for name in imnames:
buttons.append(utils.getButton(name,"viewimage","View in CASA"))
buttons2.append(utils.getButton(name+".fits","exportimage","Export to FITS"))
# disable for now : atable.addColumn(buttons2)
# PJT caused LineCube to fail?
#atable.columns[len(atable)-1] = ""
#atable.units[len(atable)-1] = ""
tablestr = banner + atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"')
tablestr = "<br><h4>No Line Cubes were computed from the input cube</h4>"
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,the_item.taskargs,tid,tablestr,tid)
if tlower == "pvcorr_at":
the_item = titems.get('pvcorr',None)
if the_item != None:
val = the_item.getValue()
image = val[0]
thumb = val[1]
caption = val[2]
pvcorrname = val[3]
specval = STARTROW + (SPAN4VAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption)) + ENDROW
banner = "<br><h4>%s output for %s</h4>" % (taskname, pvcorrname)
specval = banner + specval
specval = "<br><h4>No PV correlation diagrams were computed from the input cube</h4>"
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,the_item.taskargs,tid,specval,tid)
# @todo move table formatting to here.
if tlower == "smooth_at":
the_item = titems.get('smooth',None)
if the_item != None:
val = the_item.getValue()
smoothname = val[0] # output bdp name
enclosed = str(val[1]) # smooth to enclosing beam? True/False
bmaj = val[2] * 180.0*3600.0/math.pi
bmin = val[3] * 180.0*3600.0/math.pi
bpa = val[4]
velres = val[5]
beam = "%5.2f\" x %5.2f\" PA @ %5.2f deg" % (bmaj,bmin,bpa)
beam = velres = enclosed = smoothname = "unknown"
#topval +"<br><h4>No output from %s was registered?!</h4>"+ botval) % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,the_item.taskargs,tid,smoothname,smoothname,enclosed,beam,velres,tid)
if tlower == "sfind2d_at":
the_item = titems.get('sources',None) #SummaryEntry
if the_item != None:
summarydata = the_item.getValue()
if summarydata == None or len(summarydata) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s identified no sources</h4>" % taskname
atable = admit.util.Table()
multi_image = admit.util.MultiImage()
aimage = multi_image.mimages["finderimage"] #klugey
#@todo Image.html()?
imstr = SPAN4VAL % ( aimage.images[bt.PNG], aimage.thumbnail, aimage.description, aimage.description,aimage.description)
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s identified no sources</h4><br>%s" % (taskname,imstr)
tablestr = STARTROW + imstr + (SPANXVAL % ("8",atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"'))) + ENDROW
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s identified no sources</h4>" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,the_item.taskargs,tid,tablestr,tid)
if tlower == "overlapintegral_at":
the_item = titems.get('overlap',None)
if the_item != None:
# summary info format:
summarydata = the_item.getValue()
if summarydata == None or len(summarydata) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s produced no output.</h4>" % taskname
atable = admit.util.Table()
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s produced no output.</h4>" % taskname
image = summarydata[1]
thumb = summarydata[2]
caption = summarydata[3]
tablestr = SPANXVAL % ("8",atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"'))
imstr = SPAN4VAL % (image, thumb, caption, caption, caption)
tablestr = STARTROW + tablestr + imstr + ENDROW
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s produced no output.</h4>" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,the_item.taskargs,tid,tablestr,tid)
if tlower == "principalcomponent_at":
# PCA returns two two tables in a list [[table1 h,u,d],[table2 h,u,d]].
tablestr = ''
the_item = titems.get('pca',None) #SummaryEntry
if the_item != None:
summarydata = the_item.getValue()
if summarydata == None or len(summarydata) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s produced no output</h4>" % taskname
for s in summarydata:
atable = admit.util.Table()
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = tablestr + "<h3>No covariance data available for this summary. Try lowering <i>covarmin</i> in the PrincipalComponent_AT task arguments.</h3>"
tablestr = tablestr + atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"')+os.linesep+os.linesep
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s produced no output</h4>" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,the_item.taskargs,tid,tablestr,tid)
if tlower == "template_at":
# Template returns one table (in a list) and two plots.
the_item = titems.get('template',None) #SummaryEntry
tablestr = ''
if the_item != None:
summarydata = the_item.getValue()
if summarydata == None or len(summarydata) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s produced no output</h4>" % taskname
atable = admit.util.Table()
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = tablestr + "<h3>No data available for this summary.</h3>"
tablestr = tablestr + atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"')+os.linesep+os.linesep
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s produced no output</h4>" % taskname
# Output plots.
allspecs = tablestr + "\n"
spectra = titems.get('spectra',None)
if (spectra) != None:
count = 0
# task arguments are the same in all entries.
taskargs = spectra.taskargs
for val in spectra.getValue():
# default bootstrap width is 12 columns. We are using 'span4' so
# thumbnail 'cell' is 4 columns. Therefore, if we have more than
# 3 thumbnails, start a new row.
if count != 0 and (count % MAX_THUMBNAILS_PER_ROW) == 0:
specval = ""
position = "(%s,%s)" % ( str(val[0]),str(val[1]) )
box = str(val[2])
xlabel = val[3]
image = val[4]
thumb = val[5]
caption = val[6]
casaimage = val[7]
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % (image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
allspecs = allspecs + "\n" + specval
count = count + 1
banner = '<br><h4>%s output for %s</h4>' % (taskname, casaimage)
allspecs = banner + allspecs
allspecs = allspecs + "<br><h4>No spectra were produced by %s</h4>" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,allspecs,tid)
if tlower == "linesegment_at":
the_item = titems.get('segments',None)
if the_item == None:
tablestr = "<h4>%s identified no spectral lines in this cube</h4>" % taskname
atable = admit.util.Table()
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = "<h4>%s identified no spectral lines in this cube</h4>" % taskname
tablestr = atable.html('class="table table-admit table-bordered table-striped"')
bigstr = '<br>' + STARTROW + tablestr + ENDROW
spectra = titems.get('spectra',None)
if spectra != None:
allspecs = ''
count = 0
for val in spectra.value:
# default bootstrap width is 12 columns. We are using 'span4' so
# thumbnail 'cell' is 4 columns. Therefore, if we have more than
# 3 thumbnails, start a new row.
if count != 0 and (count % MAX_THUMBNAILS_PER_ROW) == 0:
specval = ""
position = "(%s,%s)" % ( str(val[0]),str(val[1]) )
box = str(val[2])
xlabel = val[3]
image = val[4]
thumb = val[5]
caption = val[6]
casaimage = val[7]
if self._imageIsSVG(image):
specval = specval + (SPANSVGVAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % ( image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
allspecs = allspecs + "\n" + specval
count = count + 1
bigstr = bigstr + STARTROW + allspecs + ENDROW
retval = header % (taskclass, tid, thetask.statusicons(),taskname, tid, the_item.taskargs, tid, bigstr, tid)
if tlower == "bdpingest_at":
the_item = titems.get('bdpingest',None) #SummaryEntry
if the_item != None:
summarydata = the_item.getValue()
if summarydata == None or len(summarydata) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s No information available about the ingested BDP</h4>" % taskname
atable = admit.util.Table()
if len(atable) == 0:
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s No information available about the ingested BDP</h4>" % taskname
tablestr = atable.html('class="table table-bordered table-striped"')
tablestr = "<br><h4>%s No information available about the ingested BDP</h4>" % taskname
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,the_item.taskargs,tid,tablestr,tid)
if tlower == "generatespectrum_at":
spectra = titems.get('spectra',None)
if (spectra) != None:
count = 0
# task arguments are the same in all entries.
taskargs = spectra.taskargs
allspecs = ''
for val in spectra.getValue():
# default bootstrap width is 12 columns. We are using 'span4' so
# thumbnail 'cell' is 4 columns. Therefore, if we have more than
# 3 thumbnails, start a new row.
if count != 0 and (count % MAX_THUMBNAILS_PER_ROW) == 0:
specval = ""
xlabel = val[0]
image = val[1]
thumb = val[2]
caption = val[3]
specval = specval + (SPAN4VAL % (image, thumb, caption, caption, caption))
allspecs = allspecs + "\n" + specval
count = count + 1
banner = '<br><h4>%s output</h4>' % (taskname)
allspecs = banner + allspecs
allspecs = "<br><h4>%s produced no output</h4>" % (taskname)
retval = header % (taskclass, tid,thetask.statusicons(),taskname,tid,taskargs,tid,allspecs,tid)
return topval + retval + botval
def __str__(self):
print "Summary\n metadata"
for k,v in self._metadata.iteritems():
print k
for i in v:
print str(i)
print "\n datatype\n"
for k,v in self._datatype.iteritems():
print k,v
print "\n description\n"
for k,v in self._description.iteritems():
print k,v
return ""
def _initialize(self, key, value):
"""Initialize a new key and value. This method is typically used when
loading in $ADMIT/etc/summary_defs.tab. See _startup()
key: str
Key to set, case insensitive. Key must not yet exist.
value: list
Entry to set, [value, description string]
k = key.lower()
if k in self._metadata:
raise Exception,"key %s already exists" % k
if isinstance(value, SummaryEntry):
self._metadata[key.lower()] = [value]
raise Exception, "Input value does not contain instance of SummaryEntry"
def _checklist(self,value):
"""Check that a list contains only SummaryEntrys. If not,
and exception is thrown.
badlist = []
for i in range(0,len(value)):
if not isinstance(value[i],SummaryEntry):
if len(badlist) != 0:
raise Exception, "Input value at index %s is not an instance of SummaryEntry" % str(badlist)
def _startup(self):
"""Called by __init___ to instantiate a new Summary from file $ADMIT/etc/summary_defs.tab"""
file = utils.admit_root() + os.sep + "etc" + os.sep + "summary_defs.tab"
lines = [line.strip() for line in open(file)]
for l in lines:
if l.startswith('#'): continue
(keyword,valtype,description) = l.split(None,2)
p = SummaryEntry()
self._datatype[keyword.lower()] = valtype.lower()
self._description[keyword.lower()] = description
def _getitems(self):
"""to allow iteration"""
return self._metadata;
def _test(self):
"""Self test"""
tid += 1
self.set("PVSLICES",SummaryEntry([["slit","sliceargs","figname","thumbnail","pvcaption","overlayname","overlaythumbname","overlaycaption","input_file"]],"PVslice_AT",taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
tid += 1
self.set("MOMENTS", value=SummaryEntry([
['H2CS_103.0405', 0, 'blah_mom0.png', 'blah_mom0_thumb.png', 'Moment 0 of H2CS', 'blah_mom0_histo.png', 'blah_mom0_histo_thumb.png', 'histogram of mom0', 'blah.im' ],
['H2CS_103.0405', 1, 'blah_mom1.png', 'blah_mom1_thumb.png', 'Moment 1 of H2CS', 'blah_mom1_histo.png', 'blah_mom1_histo_thumb.png', 'histogram of mom1', 'blah.im' ]], taskname="Moment_AT", taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
tid += 1
self.set("MOMENTS", value=SummaryEntry([
['X2CS_103.0405', 0, 'blah_mom0.png', 'blah_mom0_thumb.png', 'Moment 0 of X2CS', 'blah_mom0_histo.png', 'blah_mom0_histo_thumb.png', 'histogram of mom0', 'blah.im' ],
['X2CS_103.0405', 1, 'blah_mom1.png', 'blah_mom1_thumb.png', 'Moment 1 of X2CS', 'blah_mom1_histo.png', 'blah_mom1_histo_thumb.png', 'histogram of mom1', 'blah.im' ]], taskname="Moment_AT", taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
# ensure replacement works
self.insert("MOMENTS", value=SummaryEntry([
['Q_103.0405', 0, 'blah_mom0.png', 'blah_mom0_thumb.png', 'Moment 0 of Q', 'blah_mom0_histo.png', 'blah_mom0_histo_thumb.png', 'histogram of mom0', 'blah.im' ],
['Q_103.0405', 1, 'blah_mom1.png', 'blah_mom1_thumb.png', 'Moment 1 of Q', 'blah_mom1_histo.png', 'blah_mom1_histo_thumb.png', 'histogram of mom1', 'blah.im' ]], taskname="Moment_AT", taskid=tid, taskargs="These are some arguments"))
mid = self.getTaskID("moments")
if mid[0] != tid:
raise Exception, "Expected MOMENT taskid %d, got %d " % (tid,mid[0])
# should throw exception: not an instance of SummaryEntry
try :
except Exception, ex:
print "## Couldn't add FOOBAR:" + str(ex) + " (It's OK, this is expected)"
tn = self.getTaskname("fitsname")[0]
if tn != 'Ingest_AT':
raise Exception, "Expected taskname Ingest_AT, got %s " % tn
tid +=1
self.set("chanrms",SummaryEntry([0.10, 'foobar.im'], 'CubeStats_AT', taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
tid +=1
self.insert("chanrms", SummaryEntry([0.08, 'co-1.im'], 'MARC1_AT', taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
tid +=1
self.insert("chanrms", SummaryEntry([0.04, 'co-2.im'], 'MARC2_AT', taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
tid +=1
self.insert("cubesum",SummaryEntry(['ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csm.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csm_thumb.png', 'Integral (moment 0) of all emission in image cube ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csm.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csm_histo.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csm_histo_thumb.png', 'Histogram of cube sum for image cube ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csm.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im'],"CubeSum_AT",taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
tid +=1
self.insert("spectra", SummaryEntry([\
[184, 150, '184,150,184,150', 'Channel', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_0.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_0_thumb.png', 'Average Spectrum in ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im at centerbox[[184pix,150pix],[1pix,1pix]]', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im'],\
[120, 120, '124,120,284,120', 'Channel', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_1.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_1_thumb.png', 'Average Spectrum in ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im at centerbox[[120pix,120pix],[1pix,1pix]]', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im'],\
[100, 100, '124,120,284,120', 'Channel', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_2.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_2_thumb.png', 'Average Spectrum in ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im at centerbox[[100pix,100pix],[1pix,1pix]]', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im'],\
[10, 10, '124,120,284,120', 'Channel', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_3.png', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.csp_3_thumb.png', 'Average Spectrum in ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im at centerbox[[10pix,10pix],[1pix,1pix]]', 'ngc253_fullcube_compact_spw3_clean.ce.im']],\
"CubeSpectrum_AT",taskid=tid, taskargs=""))
tid +=1
testlist = []
testtable = admit.util.Table()
table_data = "{'_type': 'Table', '_order': ['description', 'planes', 'units', 'data', 'columns'], 'description': 'Identified Spectral Lines', 'planes': [], 'units': ['GHz', '', '', '', '', 'km/s', 'K', 'K', 'D^2', 'Jy/beam', 'km/s', 'km/s', '', '', '', ''], 'data': [[101.89242, 'CH3CHO_101.89242', 'CH3CHOv=0', 'Acetaldehyde', '3(1,3)-2(0,2)A++', 212.94533833637621, 2.772510051727295, 7.662539958953857, 2.297600030899048, -4.3369997478847351, -23.054661663623804, 59.015620206307695, 886, 899, -8324.4921623698665, 0], [101.96277, 'DNCO_101.96277', 'DNCO', 'Isocyanic Acid', '5(0,5)-4(0,4),F=4-4', 0.0, 9.787079811096191, 14.680489540100098, 0.1711300015449524, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [101.96351, 'DNCO_101.96351', 'DNCO', 'Isocyanic Acid', '5(0,5)-4(0,4),F=4-5', 0.0, 9.787079811096191, 14.680529594421387, 0.0017300000181421638, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [101.96369, 'DNCO_101.96369', 'DNCO', 'Isocyanic Acid', '5(0,5)-4(0,4),F=6-5', 350.63413978966406, 9.787079811096191, 14.680540084838867, 5.056029796600342, 0.00084258543279315523, 114.63413978966406, 9.80037900830974, 830, 856, 1.6172691351514592, 2], [101.96369, 'DNCO_101.96369', 'DNCO', 'Isocyanic Acid', '5(0,5)-4(0,4),F=5-4', 0.0, 9.787079811096191, 14.680540084838867, 4.106860160827637, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [101.96369, 'DNCO_101.96369', 'DNCO', 'Isocyanic Acid', '5(0,5)-4(0,4),F=4-3', 0.0, 9.787079811096191, 14.680540084838867, 3.327440023422241, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [101.9644, 'DNCO_101.96440', 'DNCO', 'Isocyanic Acid', '5(0,5)-4(0,4),F=5-5', 0.0, 9.787079811096191, 14.680569648742676, 0.17112000286579132, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [102.06427, 'NH2CHO_102.06427', 'NH2CHO', 'Formamide', '5(1,5)-4(1,4)', 191.27283039192014, 12.78633975982666, 17.684619903564453, 62.7530403137207, 0.0028236083019267848, -44.727169608079862, 29.199261421990698, 788, 825, 5.4196694824471781, 0], [103.60365, 'H2CCCHCN_103.60365', 'H2CCCHCN', 'Cyanoallene', '20(3,17)-19(3,16)', 106.59189789323986, 57.259681701660156, 62.231849670410156, 971.4053344726562, 0.0016086832366196001, -129.40810210676014, 36.665300323861935, 28, 34, 5.5723163322792049, 0], [103.64586, '(CH2OH)2_103.64586', \"g'Ga-(CH2OH)2\", 'Ethylene Glycol', '6(2,4)v=0-5(1,5)v=0', 170.05896720851203, 7.461170196533203, 12.43535041809082, 4.974090099334717, 0.0022648186040296948, -65.94103279148797, 23.762130083968334, 0, 13, 7.8451030069810663, 0]], 'columns': ['frequency', 'uid', 'formula', 'fullname', 'transition', 'velocity', 'El', 'Eu', 'Linestrength', 'peakintensity', 'peakoffset', 'fwhm', 'startchan', 'endchan', 'sigma', 'blend']}"
self.insert("linelist",SummaryEntry(testtable.serialize(),"LineID_AT",taskid=tid, taskargs="vlsr=50"))
self.insert("linelist",SummaryEntry(testtable.serialize(),"LineID_AT",taskid=tid+1, taskargs="vlsr=50"))
linenames = self.getLinenames()
testnames = [ 'CH3CHO_101.89242',
if testnames != linenames:
raise Exception,"Expected line names did not match."
return True
print s.getLinefluxes()
except Exception, ex:
print str(ex)
return False
[docs]class SummaryEntry:
""" Defines a single 'row' of a Summary data entry. A Summary key can refer to a list of SummaryEntry.
This class makes management of complicated data entries easier. It was getting tough
to slice and unzip all those lists!
def __init__(self,value=[],taskname="",taskid=-1,taskargs=""):
if isinstance(value,list):
self._value = value
self._value = [value]
self._taskname = taskname
self._taskid = taskid
self._taskargs = taskargs
self._type = bt.SUMMARYENTRY
[docs] def getValue(self):
"""Get the underlying data value from this SummaryEntry. Value will be list
containing zero or more items.
A (possibly empty) list of SummaryEntry.
return self._value
[docs] def getTaskname(self):
"""Get the name of the task that created this SummaryEntry.
The string task name that produced the data value"""
return self._taskname;
[docs] def getTaskID(self):
"""Get the ID of the task that created this SummaryEntry.
The integer task ID that produced the data value"""
return self._taskid;
[docs] def getTaskArgs(self):
"""Get the arguments of the task to display in the data browser web page.
The string task arguments"""
return self._taskargs;
[docs] def setTaskname(self,name):
"""Set the name of the task that created this SummaryEntry.
name : str
The task name that produced the data value
self._taskname = name;
[docs] def setTaskID(self,taskid):
"""Set the ID of the task that created this SummaryEntry.
taskid : int
The task id number that produced the data value
self._taskid = taskid ;
[docs] def setTaskArgs(self,args):
"""Set any arguments of the task that should be displayed in the data browser web page.
args : str
The task args that produced the data value
self._taskargs = args;
# Make the internal data be well-behaved properties.
# See e.g. http://www.programiz.com/python-programming/property
value = property(getValue, None, None, 'The underlying data value')
taskname = property(getTaskname, setTaskname, None, 'The name of the task that created this SummaryEntry')
taskid = property(getTaskID, setTaskID, None, 'The integer task ID that created this SummaryEntry')
taskargs = property(getTaskArgs, setTaskArgs, None, 'The arguments of the task to display in the data browser web page.')
[docs] def unset(self):
"""Find out if this SummaryEntry instance has data or not.
True if this SummaryEntry has no data set"""
return (self._taskname == "" or self._taskid == -1)
[docs] def write(self,root):
""" Method to write out the SummaryEntry data to XML
root : cElementTree node to attach to
snode = et.SubElement(root,"summaryEntry")
writer = XmlWriter.XmlWriter(self,["_value","_taskname","_taskid","_taskargs"],{"_value":bt.LIST,"_taskname":bt.STRING,"_taskid":bt.INT,"_taskargs":bt.STRING},snode,None)
# Two SummaryEntrys are equal if their taskids are equal
def __eq__(self,other):
return self._taskid == other._taskid
return False
def __cmp__(self,other):
if self._taskid < other._taskid:
return -1
if self._taskid == other._taskid:
return 0
if self._taskid > other._taskid:
return 1
return -1
def __hash__(self):
return self._taskid
def __str__(self):
return "SummaryEntry(value=%s, taskname=%s, taskid=%d, taskargs=%s)" % \
(str(self._value), self._taskname, self._taskid,self._taskargs)
# ensure that printing a list of SummaryEntry will print the
# individual values and not just addresses.
# e.g. 'print str(listOfSummaryEntry)' does a useful and intuitive operation
__repr__ = __str__
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = Summary()
qq = SummaryEntry("Hqwl","AT1",1,"blah")
rr = SummaryEntry("Hrwl","AT1",1,"blah")
ss = SummaryEntry("FOOS","AT2",1,"blah")
tt = SummaryEntry("FOOT","AT3",2,"blah")
print "qq == rr (True?):" + str(qq == rr)
print "qq == ss (True?):" + str(qq == ss)
print "ss == tt (False?):" + str(qq == tt)
S1= set([qq,rr,tt])
S2= set([ss,tt])
print "S1=" + str(S1)
print "S2=" + str(S2)
if ss in S1:
print "S1u=" + str(S1)
S3 = S1.union(S2)
print "union=" + str(S3)
print list(S3)
print list(S3).sort()
print s.getAllTaskIDs()
print s.getTasknameForTaskID(120)