ASAPSegmentFinder — Finds segments of emission within a spectrum.

This module defines the class for spectral line segment detection.

class admit.util.segmentfinder.ASAPSegmentFinder.ASAPSegmentFinder(**keyval)[source]

The AdmitLineFinder class inherits from the asap linefinder class. It takes a spectrum (list, CubeSpectrum_BDP, or CubeStats_BDP) and turns it into a scantable. The scantable is then search for spectral lines, with the given parameters.


name : string

Name of the temporary scantable file. Default: “”.

spec : various

Input spectrum, can be a list, CubeSpectrum_BDP, or CubeStats_BDP. Default: None.


nchan (int) Number of spectral channels.
name (string) Name of the temporary scantable.
spectrum (list) Spectrum to be analyzed.
lines_merged (list) Merged list of overlapping lines.
tb (casa table) Casa table that is converted to a scantable.


find(\*\*keyval) Method to do the actual searching
find_lines([nRow, mask, edge]) Search for spectral lines in the scan assigned in set_scan.
get_mask([invert]) Get the mask to mask out all lines that have been found (default)
get_merged_ranges() Get a list of merged line ranges.
get_ranges([defunits]) Get ranges (start and end channels or velocities) for all spectral lines found.
init() Create dummy scantable to work with linefinder.
makepairs(inp) Method to turn a list into a list of pairs
merge_lines(lines[, frac]) Merge lines if those are close enough.
set_data(spectrum) Set the ‘data’ (spectrum) to work with Parameters: a method to allow linefinder work without setting scantable for the purpose of using linefinder inside some method in scantable class.
set_options(\*\*keyval) Set the options for the linefinding algorithm.
set_scan(scan) Set the ‘data’ (scantable) to work with.
set_spectrum() Set the spectrum you want to search for lines.

Method to do the actual searching


merge : Boolean

Whether or not to merge overlapping lines Deafult: False


tuple containing the frequency ranges, channel ranges, and rms, and mean (forced 0.0)


Get a list of merged line ranges.

Returns:List of merged lines

Create dummy scantable to work with linefinder.



Should not be directly called.


Method to turn a list into a list of pairs


inp : list

The list to convert


List of pairs.

merge_lines(lines, frac=0.25)[source]

Merge lines if those are close enough.


lines: list

line list detected by linefinder algorithm

frac: float

Criterion for merge as a fraction of line width for narrower line. Default: 0.25


The new number of lines


Set the options for the linefinding algorithm.


threshold : float

A single channel S/N ratio above which the channel is considered to be a detection. Default is sqrt(3), which together with min_nchan=3 gives a 3-sigma criterion. Default: sqrt(3)

min_chan : int

A minimal number of consequtive channels, which should satisfy the threshold criterion to be a detection. Default: 3

avg_limit : int

A number of consequtive channels not greater than this parameter can be averaged to search for broad lines. Default: 8

box_size : float

A running mean box size specified as a fraction of the total spectrum length. Default: 0.2

noise_box : string/float

Area of the spectrum used to estimate noise stats. Both string values and numbers are allowed. Allowed string values: ‘all’ use all the spectrum, ‘box’ noise box is the same as running mean/median box Numeric values are defined as a fraction from the spectrum size. Values should be positive. (noise_box == box_size has the same effect as noise_box = ‘box’). Default: ‘all’

noise_stat : string

Statistics used to estimate noise, allowed values: ‘mean80’ use the 80% of the lowest deviations in the noise box, ‘median’ median of deviations in the noise box Default: ‘mean80’




Set the spectrum you want to search for lines. If the input spectrum was passed to the constructor there is no need to call this routine.
