Archive_Pipeline — Produces standard JAO ADMIT pipeline products for spectral line plus continuum images.

Example Usage:
admit_recipe Archive_Pipeline Spectral-Cube Continuum-Image
If primary beam files given:
admit_recipe Archive_Pipeline Spectral-Cube Continuum-Image specpb=”Spectral-Primary-Beam” contpb=”Continuum-Primary-Beam”
admit.recipe(“Archive_Pipeline”,”Spectral-Cube”,”Continuum-Image”, specpb=”Spectral-Primary-Beam”, contpb=”Continuum-Primary-Beam”)

This ADMIT script makes standard ADMIT pipeline products for a local dataset. The flow is:

  1. Ingest the cube and optional continuum image into ADMIT doing primary beam correction if PB file(s) supplied. This will create CASA images if inputs are FITS.
  2. Calculate statistics on cube for later use
  3. Make a zeroth moment map over all emission in the cube.
  4. Make a position-velocity (PV) slice oriented on the moment emission from the previous step.
  5. Find segments with emission or absorption and try to ID the line(s)
  6. Cut out cubes for each line found; cube name is line name
  7. Calculate moment 0,1,2 maps for each line cube
  8. Make a spectrum at the peak in each moment map
  9. Make a PV slice through the peak in each moment map
  10. Compute statistics on continuum map
  11. Search for sources in the continuum map down to a given cutoff.
  12. Make a spectrum at each source found from in the previous step.


: spectral image cube
Your CASA or FITS spectral line image cube. If the cube is not primary beam corrected, then do not supply a primary beam for it. Default cubes from clean are not primary beam corrected: The noise does not rise up at the edge of the field
: continuum image, optional
Your CASA or FITS continuum image. This image should have one channel (NAXIS3=1). If the image is not primary beam corrected, then do not supply the primary beam for it.

Optional Keywords

  • specpb Spectral primary beam image The CASA or FITS primary beam image for the spectral line cube. Cubes from the ALMA archive are often primary beam corrected. In these images, the noise rises out from the center of the imaged field. In this case, you need to input both the image file and the primary beam cube. Both are available to you from the archive.
  • conpb Continuum primary beam image The CASA or FITS primary beam image for the continuum image.
  • numsigma in LineID_AT: typically use 6.0 to 8.0 for 4000 channels; 4.0 if you only have a few hundred channels 3.0 if you want to dig deep but then expect to get fake lines too.
  • minchan in LineID_AT: minimum width of line in channels to assume when searching for lines.
  • pad in Linecube_AT: this controls how many “extra” channels are added to either end of the line sub-cube to be cut from the input cube. It should generally be comparable to your line width
  • cutoff in Moment_AT: number of sigma for cut levels in making moment maps: one value for each requested moment map. Must be a Python list: [1.0, 2.0,3.0] for example for moment 0, 1 and 2 maps
  • width in PVSlice_AT: width in channels orthogonal to the slice length to sum.