Source code for admit.util.AbstractPlot

""" .. _AbstractPlot-base-api:

    **AbstractPlot** --- Plotting base class.

    This module defines the base class for ADMIT plotters (APlot, ImPlot):

    - keeps track of figure numbers
    - plotmodes as in util.PlotControl 
    - thumbnail generation built-in
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import PlotControl
import utils
import sys

[docs]class AbstractPlot(object): """ Base class of ADMIT plotters. Attributes ---------- figno : int Figure number (1 and up). This is a static class variable. _figurefiles : dict Dictionary of figure file names with key equal to figno. _thumbnailfiles : dict Dictionary of thumbnail file names with key equal to figno. _plot_mode : int Plot mode, one of util.PlotControl plot mode (e.g., PlotControl.INTERACTIVE). Default: PlotControl.NOPLOT . _plot_type : int Plotting format, one of util.PlotControl plot type (e.g., PlotControl.PNG). Default: PlotControl.NONE. _abspath : str Fully-qualified path where images will be written. Default: empty string, meaning write in current working directory or the path will be given in the figname argument to plot methods. """ # Figure number is a static member figno = 0 def __init__(self,pmode=None,ptype=None,figno=None,abspath=""): self._plot_mode = PlotControl.NOPLOT self._plot_type = PlotControl.NONE if pmode!=None: self._plot_mode = pmode if ptype!=None: self._plot_type= ptype if figno!=None: self.__class__.figno = figno self._abspath = abspath if len(self._abspath) > 0: if self._abspath[len(self._abspath)-1] != os.sep: self._abspath = self._abspath + os.sep self._figurefiles = {} self._thumbnailfiles = {} # self.backend("Agg") # self.backend("TkAgg")
[docs] def show(self): """show internals for debugging """ print "%s: plotmode=%s plottype=%s current figno=%d" % ( self.__class__.__name__, PlotControl.plotmode(self._plot_mode), PlotControl.plottype(self._plot_type), self.figno) print "abspath = %s " % self._abspath print "Figure files created by this Aplot: " + str(self._figurefiles) print "Thumbnail files created by this Aplot: " + str(self._thumbnailfiles)
@property def plotmode(self): """Get the plotting mode Returns ------- int Plotting mode. See Also -------- util.PlotControl plot modes. """ return self._plot_mode @plotmode.setter def plotmode(self,plotmode): """Set the plot mode Parameters ---------- plotmode : int Plotting mode. See Also -------- util.PlotControl plot modes. """ self._plotmode = plotmode @property def plottype(self): """Get the plot type Returns ---------- int Plot format type. See Also -------- util.PlotControl plot types. """ return self._plot_type @plottype.setter def plottype(self,plottype): """Set the plot type Parameters ---------- plottype : int Plot format type. See Also -------- util.PlotControl plot types. """ self._plot_type = plottype
[docs] def getThumbnail(self,figno,relative): """Get the name of the thumbnail file for given figure number Parameters ---------- figno : int Figure number to look up relative : boolean Whether to return with relative path or absolute path. If True, plot _abspath will be removed from retured string. Returns ------- str Thumbnail file name """ try: if relative: return self._thumbnailfiles[figno].replace(self._abspath,"") else: return self._thumbnailfiles[figno] except KeyError: raise Exception, "Thumbnail for figure %d was not created by this %s ." % (figno,self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def getFigure(self,figno,relative): """Get the name of the figure file for given figure number Parameters ---------- figno : int Figure number to look up relative : boolean Whether to return with relative path or absolute path. If True, plot _abspath will be removed from retured string. Returns ------- str Figure file name """ try: if relative: return self._figurefiles[figno].replace(self._abspath,"") else: return self._figurefiles[figno] except KeyError: raise Exception, "Figure %d was not created by this %s." % (figno, self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs] def figure(self,figno=1): """set the figure number. This should normally not be needed, unless you want to alternate drawing in different figures. This option has not been tested at all. """ self.__class__.figno = figno-1
[docs] def makeThumbnail(self,figno=None, scale=0.33, fig=None): """Create a thumbnail for a given figure number. The output file will be root of input plus '_thumb' plus plot type extension. For instance, if the input were "myimage.png", the output would be "myimage_thumb.png". Note: only PNG format is currently supported (matplotlib restriction, Exception raised otherwise). Parameters ---------- figno: int figure number for a plot that has been created by this Plot instance. scale: float multiplier to scale input image, e.g. for 50% scaling, scale = 0.5. Default: 0.33 fig : figure, optional Populated matplotlib.figure.Figure instance (if `None`, input plot type must be PNG). Returns ---------- None """ if figno: fno = figno else: # not safe if static member has been changed between # method invocation and here! fno = self.__class__.figno pngfile = self._figurefiles[fno] filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(pngfile) if self._plot_type != PlotControl.PNG: if fig is None: raise Exception, "Thumbnails for plot types other than PNG require specifying fig=" else: pngfile = filename + ".png" fig.savefig(pngfile, format='png', dpi=fig.get_dpi()) try: # strip the file extension so that the base name can be appended to # make sure the file to be processed exists and is readable if os.path.isfile(pngfile) and os.access(pngfile, os.R_OK): outfile = filename + "_thumb.png" # generate the thumbnail fig = matplotlib.image.thumbnail(pngfile, outfile, scale) else: raise Exception("File not found or not readable: %s " % file) # set the class variable to the name self._thumbnailfiles[fno] = outfile except KeyError: raise Exception("Figure %d was not created by this %s." % (fno, self.__class__.__name__))
"""Set a particular backend for matplotlib Parameters ---------- thebackend: str backend string, e.g. 'agg' Returns ---------- None """
[docs] def backend(self,thebackend): #try: global plt print "started with %s" % plt.get_backend() plt.switch_backend(thebackend) #except Exception, e: print "changing matplotlib backend the hard way" # See modules = [] for module in sys.modules: if module.startswith('matplotlib'): modules.append(module) for module in modules: sys.modules.pop(module) import matplotlib matplotlib.use(thebackend) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print "ended with %s" % plt.get_backend()