Source code for

""" .. _PVSlice-AT-api:

   **PVSlice_AT** --- Creates a position-velocity slice through a cube.

   This module defines the PVSlice_AT class.
from admit.AT import AT
from admit.Summary import SummaryEntry
import admit.util.bdp_types as bt
from admit.bdp.PVSlice_BDP import PVSlice_BDP
from admit.bdp.Image_BDP import Image_BDP
from admit.bdp.Moment_BDP import Moment_BDP
from admit.bdp.CubeStats_BDP import CubeStats_BDP

from admit.util.Image import Image
from admit.util import APlot
from admit.util import utils
from admit.util import stats
import admit.util.ImPlot as ImPlot
import admit.util.casautil as casautil
from admit.util.AdmitLogging import AdmitLogging as logging

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import as ma
import numpy.linalg as la
import math

  import casa
  import taskinit
  print "WARNING: No CASA; PVSlice task cannot function."

[docs]class PVSlice_AT(AT): """Create a PV Slice through a cube. See also :ref:`PVSlice-AT-Design` for the design document. **Keywords** **slice**: 4 element list Beginning and ending positions of the slice: [x0,y0,x1,y1] Only (0 based) pixel coordinates are allowed. **slit**: 4 element list XCenter, Ycenter, SlitLength and SlitPA. Pixel coordinates for now, for both center (0 based) and length. PA in degrees, east of north, in the traditional astronomy convention. **width**: int Width of the slice/slit in the XY plane. Higher numbers will of course increase the signal to noise, but also blurr the signal in velocity if there are velocity gradients across the slit, defeating the purpose if this PVSlice is used. for LineID. Numbers need to be odd, since it includes the central pixel, as well as a number on either side of the slit/slice. Warning: large widths can also cause CASA's impv program to crash as it runs over the edge near the endpoints of the slit. **Default:** 1. **clip**: float Clip value applied to input Moment_BDP map in case the slice/slit is to be derived from an automated moment of inertia analysis. It is interpreted as a "numsigma", i.e. how many times over the noise in the map it should use. If no signal is found, it iteratively lowers this value until some signal is found (but probably creating a lousy PV Slice) **Default:** 0.0. **gamma**: float Gamma factor applied to input Moment_BDP map in case the slice/slit is to be derived from an automated moment of inertia analysis. **Default:** 1.0. **pvsmooth**: list of 2 Smoothing (in pixels) to apply to PV Slice. By default no smoothing is done. Currently no further processing on this smoothed version is done, although it is available for inspection. **Default:** []. **zoom**: int Image zoom ratio applied to the map plots. This does not impact the base (CASA) images. Default: 1. **Input BDPs** **SpwCube_BDP**: count: 1 Spectral window cube, as from an `Ingest_AT <Ingest_AT.html>`_ or `ContinuumSub_AT <ContinuumSub_AT.html>`_. **Moment_BDP**: count: 1 (optional) Map from a `CubeSum_AT <CubeSum_AT.html>`_ or `Moment_AT <Moment_AT.html>`_ where a moment of inertia is used to derive a best slice. **CubeStats_BDP**: count: 1 (optional) The peakpoints from this table are used to compute a moment of inertia to obtain a best slice. Normally the output of a `CubeStats_AT <CubeStats_AT.html>`_. **Output BDPs** **PVSlice_BDP**: count: 1 Output PV Slice, a 2D map. Naming convention: extension replaced with "pv" (e.g. -> x.pv). Parameters ---------- keyval : dictionary, optional Attributes ---------- _version : string """ def __init__(self,**keyval): keys = {"slice" : [], # x0,y0,x1,y1 ? could be line= ? "slit" : [], # xc,yc,len,pa pick one of slice= or slit= "width" : 1, # odd integer! "clip" : 0.0, # clip value (in terms of sigma) "gamma" : 1.0, # gamma factor for analyzing map MOI "pvsmooth" : [], # P and V smoothing (in pixel) "zoom" : 1, # default map plot zoom ratio #"major" : True, # (TODO) major or minor axis, not used yet } AT.__init__(self,keys,keyval) self._version = "1.1.3" self.set_bdp_in([(Image_BDP, 1, bt.REQUIRED), # SpwCube (Moment_BDP, 1, bt.OPTIONAL), # Moment0 or CubeSum (CubeStats_BDP, 1, bt.OPTIONAL)]) # was: PeakPointPlot self.set_bdp_out([(PVSlice_BDP, 1)])
[docs] def summary(self): """Returns the summary dictionary from the AT, for merging into the ADMIT Summary object. PVSlice_AT adds the following to ADMIT summary: .. table:: :class: borderless +----------+----------+-----------------------------------+ | Key | type | Description | +==========+==========+===================================+ | pvcorr | list | correlation diagram | +----------+----------+-----------------------------------+ Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- dict Dictionary of SummaryEntry """ if hasattr(self,"_summary"): return self._summary else: return {}
[docs] def run(self): """Runs the task. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ self._summary = {} pvslicesummary = [] sumslicetype = 'slice' sliceargs = [] dt = utils.Dtime("PVSlice") # import here, otherwise sphinx cannot parse from impv import impv from imsmooth import imsmooth pvslice = self.getkey('slice') # x_s,y_s,x_e,y_e (start and end of line) pvslit = self.getkey('slit') # x_c,y_c,len,pa (center, length and PA of line) # BDP's used : # b10 = input BDP # b11 = input BDP (moment) # b12 = input BDP (new style cubestats w/ maxpos) # b2 = output BDP b10 = self._bdp_in[0] # input SpwCube fin = b10.getimagefile(bt.CASA) # input name b11 = self._bdp_in[1] # b12 = self._bdp_in[2] clip = self.getkey('clip') # clipping to data for Moment-of-Inertia gamma = self.getkey('gamma') # gamma factor to data for Moment-of-Inertia if b11 != None and len(pvslice) == 0 and len(pvslit) == 0: # if a map (e.g. cubesum ) given, and no slice/slit, get a best pvslice from that (pvslice,clip) = map_to_slit(self.dir(b11.getimagefile(bt.CASA)),clip=clip,gamma=gamma) elif b12 != None and len(pvslice) == 0 and len(pvslit) == 0: # PPP doesn't seem to work too well yet logging.debug("testing new slice computation from a PPP") max = b12.table.getColumnByName("max") maxposx = b12.table.getColumnByName("maxposx") maxposy = b12.table.getColumnByName("maxposy") if maxposx == None: raise Exception,"PPP was not enabled in your CubeStats" (pvslice,clip) = tab_to_slit([maxposx,maxposy,max],clip=clip,gamma=gamma) sliceargs = deepcopy(pvslice) if len(sliceargs)==0: logging.warning("no slice for plot yet") # ugh, this puts single quotes around the numbers formattedslice = str(["%.2f" % a for a in sliceargs]) taskargs = "slice="+formattedslice dt.tag("slice") pvname = self.mkext(fin,'pv') # output image name b2 = PVSlice_BDP(pvname) self.addoutput(b2) width = self.getkey('width') # @todo also: "4arcsec" (can't work since it's a single keyword) if len(pvslice) == 4: start = pvslice[:2] # @todo also allow: ["14h20m20.5s","-30d45m25.4s"] end = pvslice[2:] impv(self.dir(fin), self.dir(pvname),"coords",start=start,end=end,width=width,overwrite=True) elif len(pvslit) == 4: sumslicetype = 'slit' sliceargs = deepcopy(pvslit) formattedslice = str(["%.2f" % a for a in sliceargs]) taskargs = "slit="+formattedslice # length="40arcsec" same as {"value": 40, "unit": "arcsec"}) center = pvslit[:2] # @todo also: ["14h20m20.5s","-30d45m25.4s"]. length = pvslit[2] # @todo also: "40arcsec", {"value": 40, "unit": "arcsec"}) if type(pvslit[3]) is float or type(pvslit[3]) is int: pa = "%gdeg" % pvslit[3] else: pa = pvslit[3] impv(self.dir(fin), self.dir(pvname),"length",center=center,length=length,pa=pa,width=width,overwrite=True) else: raise Exception,"no valid input slit= or slice= or bad Moment_BDP input" sliceargs.append(width) taskargs = taskargs + " width=%d" % width dt.tag("impv") smooth = self.getkey('pvsmooth') if len(smooth) > 0: if len(smooth) == 1: smooth.append(smooth[0]) major = '%dpix' % smooth[0] minor = '%dpix' % smooth[1]"imsmooth PV slice: %s %s" % (major,minor)) imsmooth(self.dir(pvname), outfile=self.dir(pvname)+'.smooth',kernel='boxcar',major=major,minor=minor) dt.tag("imsmooth") # utils.rename(self.dir(pvname)+'.smooth',self.dir(pvname)) # @todo we will keep the smooth PVslice for inspection, no further flow work # get some statistics data = casautil.getdata_raw(self.dir(pvname)) rpix = stats.robust(data.flatten()) r_mean = rpix.mean() r_std = rpix.std() r_max = rpix.max()"PV stats: mean/std/max %f %f %f" % (r_mean, r_std, r_max)) logging.regression("PVSLICE: %f %f %f" % (r_mean, r_std, r_max)) myplot = APlot(ptype=self._plot_type,pmode=self._plot_mode,abspath=self.dir()) # hack to get a slice on a mom0map # @todo if pmode is not png, can viewer handle this? figname = pvname + ".png" slicename = self.dir(figname) overlay = pvname+"_overlay" if b11 != None: f11 = b11.getimagefile(bt.CASA) tb = taskinit.tbtool() data = tb.getcol('map') nx = data.shape[0] ny = data.shape[1] tb.close() d1 = np.flipud(np.rot90 (data.reshape((nx,ny)))) if len(pvslice) == 4: segm = [[pvslice[0],pvslice[2],pvslice[1],pvslice[3]]] pa = np.arctan2(pvslice[2]-pvslice[0],pvslice[1]-pvslice[3])*180.0/np.pi title = "PV Slice location : slice PA=%.1f" % pa xcen = (pvslice[0]+pvslice[2])/2.0 ycen = (pvslice[1]+pvslice[3])/2.0 elif len(pvslit) == 4: # can only do this now if using pixel coordinates xcen = pvslit[0] ycen = pvslit[1] slen = pvslit[2] pard = pvslit[3]*np.pi/180.0 cosp = np.cos(pard) sinp = np.sin(pard) halflen = 0.5*slen segm = [[xcen-halflen*sinp,xcen+halflen*sinp,ycen+halflen*cosp,ycen-halflen*cosp]] pa = pvslit[3] title = "PV Slice location : slit PA=%g" % pa else: # bogus, some error in pvslice logging.warning("bogus segm since pvslice=%s" % str(pvslice)) segm = [[10,20,10,20]] pa = -999.999 title = "PV Slice location - bad PA""MAP1 segm %s %s" % (str(segm),str(pvslice))) if d1.max() < clip: logging.warning("datamax=%g, clip=%g" % (d1.max(), clip)) title = title + ' (no signal over %g?)' % clip myplot.map1(d1,title,overlay,segments=segm,thumbnail=True, zoom=self.getkey("zoom"),star=[xcen,ycen]) else: myplot.map1(d1,title,overlay,segments=segm,range=[clip],thumbnail=True, zoom=self.getkey("zoom"),star=[xcen,ycen]) dt.tag("plot") overlayname = myplot.getFigure(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True) overlaythumbname = myplot.getThumbnail(figno=myplot.figno,relative=True) Qover = True else: Qover = False implot = ImPlot(pmode=self._plot_mode,ptype=self._plot_type,abspath=self.dir()) implot.plotter(rasterfile=pvname, figname=pvname, colorwedge=True) thumbname = implot.getThumbnail(figno=implot.figno,relative=True) figname = implot.getFigure(figno=implot.figno,relative=True) if False: # debug: # # @todo tmp1 is ok, tmp2 is not displaying the whole thing # use casa_imview, not casa.imview - if this is enabled. # old style: viewer() seems to plot full image, but imview() wants square pixels? casa.viewer(infile=self.dir(pvname), outfile=self.dir('tmp1.pv.png'), gui=False, outformat="png") casa.imview(raster={'file':self.dir(pvname), 'colorwedge' : True, 'scaling':-1}, axes={'y':'Declination'}, out=self.dir('tmp2.pv.png')) # # -> this one works, axes= should be correct # imview(raster={'file':'x.pv', 'colorwedge' : True, 'scaling':-1},axes={'y':'Frequency'}) # # @TODO big fixme, we're going to reuse 'tmp1.pv.png' because implot give a broken view figname = 'tmp1.pv.png' # @todo technically we don't know what map it was overlay'd on.... CubeSum/Moment0 overlaycaption = "Location of position-velocity slice overlaid on a CubeSum map" pvcaption = "Position-velocity diagram through emission centroid" pvimage = Image(images={bt.CASA : pvname, bt.PNG : figname},thumbnail=thumbname,thumbnailtype=bt.PNG, description=pvcaption) b2.setkey("image",pvimage) b2.setkey("mean",float(r_mean)) b2.setkey("sigma",float(r_std)) if Qover: thispvsummary = [sumslicetype,sliceargs,figname,thumbname,pvcaption,overlayname,overlaythumbname,overlaycaption,pvname,fin] else: thispvsummary = [sumslicetype,sliceargs,figname,thumbname,pvcaption,pvname,fin] # Yes, this is a nested list. Against the day when PVSLICE can # compute multiple slices per map. pvslicesummary.append(thispvsummary) self._summary["pvslices"] = SummaryEntry(pvslicesummary,"PVSlice_AT",,taskargs) dt.tag("done") dt.end()
# Big Fat Warning (using the default image in CASA) about images in CASA and numpy/astropy # # ia.maketestimage() # data = ia.getchunk().squeeze() # data.shape -> 113,76 = NX,NY # data[1,0] = -0.0927 data[ix,iy] # # # from import fits # hdu ='tmp.fits') # data = hdu[0].data # data.shape -> 76,113 = NY,NX # data[1,0] = 0.407 data[iy,ix]
[docs]def map_to_slit(fname, clip=0.0, gamma=1.0): """take all values from a map over clip, compute best slit for PV Slice """ ia = taskinit.iatool() imshape = ia.shape() pix = ia.getchunk().squeeze() # this should now be a numpy pix[ix][iy] map pixmax = pix.max() pixrms = pix.std() if False: pix1 = pix.flatten() rpix = stats.robust(pix1) logging.debug("stats: mean: %g %g" % (pix1.mean(), rpix.mean())) logging.debug("stats: rms: %g %g" % (pix1.std(), rpix.std())) logging.debug("stats: max: %g %g" % (pix1.max(), rpix.max())) logging.debug('shape: %s %s %s' % (str(pix.shape),str(pix1.shape),str(imshape))) ia.close() nx = pix.shape[0] ny = pix.shape[1] x=np.arange(pix.shape[0]).reshape( (nx,1) ) y=np.arange(pix.shape[1]).reshape( (1,ny) ) if clip > 0.0: nmax = nx*ny clip = clip * pixrms logging.debug("Using initial clip=%g for rms=%g" % (clip,pixrms)) m=ma.masked_less(pix,clip) while m.count() == 0: clip = 0.5 * clip logging.debug("no masking...trying lower clip=%g" % clip) m=ma.masked_less(pix,clip) else: logging.debug("Clip=%g now found %d/%d points" % (clip,m.count(),nmax)) else: #@ todo sigma-clipping with iterations? see also astropy.stats.sigma_clip() rpix = stats.robust(pix.flatten()) r_mean = rpix.mean() r_std = rpix.std()"ROBUST MAP mean/std: %f %f" % (r_mean,r_std)) m=ma.masked_less(pix,-clip*r_std) logging.debug("Found > clip=%g : %g" % (clip,m.count())) if m.count() == 0: logging.warning("Returning a dummy slit, no points above clip %g" % clip) edge = 3.0 #slit = [edge,0.5*ny,nx-1.0-edge,0.5*ny] # @todo file a bug, this failed # RuntimeError: (/var/rpmbuild/BUILD/casa-test/casa-test-4.5.7/code/imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ : 334) Failed AlwaysAssert abs( (endPixRot[0] - startPixRot[0]) - sqrt(xdiff*xdiff + ydiff*ydiff) ) < 1e-6 slit = [edge,0.5*ny-0.1,nx-1.0-edge,0.5*ny+0.1] else: slit = convert_to_slit(m,x,y,nx,ny,gamma) return (slit,clip)
[docs]def tab_to_slit(xym, clip=0.0, gamma=1.0): """take all values from a map over clip, compute best slit for PV Slice """ x = xym[0] # maxposx y = xym[1] # maxposy m = xym[2] # max logging.debug("CLIP %g" % clip) slit = convert_to_slit(m,x,y,0,0,gamma,expand=2.0) return (slit,clip)
[docs]def convert_to_slit(m,x,y,nx,ny,gamma=1.0,expand=1.0): """compute best slit for PV Slice from set of points or masked array using moments of inertia m=mass (intensity) x,y = positions """ # sanity if len(m) == 0: return [] if type(m) == ma.core.MaskedArray: if m.count() == 0: return [] # apply gamma factor logging.debug("Gamma = %f" % gamma) mw = ma.power(m,gamma) # first find a rough center smx = ma.sum(mw*x) smy = ma.sum(mw*y) sm = ma.sum(mw) xm = smx/sm ym = smy/sm logging.debug('MOI::center: %f %f' % (xm,ym)) (xpeak,ypeak) = np.unravel_index(mw.argmax(),mw.shape) logging.debug('PEAK: %f %f' % (xpeak,ypeak)) if True: # center on peak # @todo but if (xm,ym) and (xpeak,ypeak) differ too much, e.g. # outside of the MOI body, something else is wrong xm = xpeak ym = ypeak # take 2nd moments w.r.t. this center x = x-xm y = y-ym mxx=m*x*x mxy=m*x*y myy=m*y*y # smxx=ma.sum(mxx)/sm smxy=ma.sum(mxy)/sm smyy=ma.sum(myy)/sm # MOI2 moi = np.array([smxx,smxy,smxy,smyy]).reshape(2,2) w,v = la.eig(moi) a = math.sqrt(w[0]) b = math.sqrt(w[1]) phi = -math.atan2(v[0][1],v[0][0]) if a < b: phi = phi + 0.5*np.pi logging.debug('MOI::a,b,phi(deg): %g %g %g' % (a,b,phi*180.0/np.pi)) # ds9.reg format (image coords) sinp = np.sin(phi) cosp = np.cos(phi) # compute the line take both a and b into account, # since we don't even know or care which is the bigger one r = np.sqrt(a*a+b*b) x0 = xm - expand*r*cosp y0 = ym - expand*r*sinp x1 = xm + expand*r*cosp y1 = ym + expand*r*sinp # add 1 for ds9, which used 1 based pixels logging.debug("ds9 short line(%g,%g,%g,%g)" % (x0+1,y0+1,x1+1,y1+1)) if nx > 0: s = expand_line(x0,y0,x1,y1,nx,ny) logging.debug("ds9 full line(%g,%g,%g,%g)" % (s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3])) return [float(s[0]),float(s[1]),float(s[2]),float(s[3])] else: return [float(x0),float(y0),float(x1),float(y1)]
[docs]def expand_line(x0,y0,x1,y1,nx,ny,edge=6): """expand a line, but stay inside the box [0..nx,0..ny] sadly casa.impv cannot think outside the box, this routine takes a line, and makes it fit within the box, minus edge pixels from the edges, since that's what impv wants. CASA bug? edge=2 is advertised should work, but 5 still fails, 6 is ok returns: [x0,y0,x1,y1] """ def d2(x0,y0,x1,y1): """squared distance between two points""" return (x0-x1)*(x0-x1) + (y0-y1)*(y0-y1) def inside(x,e,n): """return if x is within e and n-e-1 """ if x < e: return False if x > n-e-1: return False return True # bypass everything if False: return [x0,y0,x1,y1] # pathetic cases if x0==x1: return [x0, edge, x1, ny-1-edge] if y0==y1: return [edge, y0, nx-1-edge, y1] # slope and center point of line a = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0) xc = (x0+x1)/2.0 yc = (y0+y1)/2.0 # intersections with the box vertices x_e = xc + (edge-yc)/a y_e = yc + a*(edge-xc) x_n = xc + (ny-edge-1-yc)/a y_n = yc + a*(nx-edge-1-xc) print "x,y(0) x,y(1):",x0,y0,x1,y1 print "x,y(e) x,y(n):",x_e,y_e,x_n,y_n e = [] if inside(x_e,edge,nx): e.append(x_e) e.append(edge) if inside(y_e,edge,ny): e.append(edge) e.append(y_e) if inside(x_n,edge,nx): e.append(x_n) e.append(ny-edge-1) if inside(y_n,edge,ny): e.append(nx-edge-1) e.append(y_n) if len(e) != 4: # can happen for small maps? msg = "Math Error in expand_line: ",e raise Exception,msg return e
[docs]def expand_slice(slice, expand=1.2): x0 = slice[0] y0 = slice[1] x1 = slice[2] y1 = slice[3] dx = x1-x0 dy = y1-y0 x0 = x0 - expand*dx y0 = y0 - expand*dy x1 = x1 + expand*dx y1 = y1 + expand*dy return [x0,y0,x1,y1]